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BuSpar Questions

Displaying 162 questions associated with BuSpar.

How many years have you been on Klonopin? Who is the oldest person you know taking Klonopin?

I am 61 and just started clonazapam for GAD. I cannot take SSRIs, can't tolerate side effects. I managed to not need a benzo for 21 years by taking Buspar, but it is not strong enough for my recent problems. I have to be on something lifelong now to keep from relapsing. I am hoping to find... read more

Does BuSpar work for anyone?

I've had undiagnosed anxiety since i was 6. I didn't like playing with other kids, being around kids i didn't know made me a nervous reck. It was a tug of war to get me to go to school. I could never sleep at night knowing i had to go to school the next day & I was physically... read more

Has anyone had to deal with insomnia from taking Buspar?

My husband was taking Bus-par for his anxiety and it seemed to be helping but he stopped taking it because it was giving him terrible insomnia. He was only taking it for about a week when it started to help and I think if not for him stopping it because of the insomnia it might have really helped... read more

Does Elavil really help with panic attacks?

I have been having anxiety and panic attacks for almost a year now and Im ready to just give up on help. I have been on 7 different antidepressants. Prozac, Effexor, Effexor XR, Celexa, Buspar, etc. NONE of those have helped me. One made me suicidal, one made me so physically sick I was... read more

Buspirone - Is Buspar the same as Xanax and colanazapam? Is it a narcotic?

Will Buspar do the same thing as my Xanax do?

BuSpar - someone told me that this is same as a Xanax, but stronger than one is that true?

my friend got tis script from her doctor and said they were like a zanax ,,but stronger,,is that true,,because shes takeing them very often ,,and im worried,,ive never herd of them till yesterday,,, im worried about that , she got them ,,she said they gave them to her because they were stronger... read more

How long does it take for Buspar to alleviate anxiety?

I've been on 15 mg of Buspar for 8 days now. Some days I feel more calm. Some days I feel very irritable/aggressive. Mostly I feel I am in a fog, and absolutely exhausted. I do think I am a bit less anxious overall, but more irritable, some depression bouts and very low appetite/unhappy... read more

Celexa to Zoloft, better or worse?

I was recently removed from taking Amitriptiline and Mirtazapine completely. My psych felt those, along with Celexa and Buspar, was a toxic antidepressant combination for me. Now she has switched me to Zoloft 50mg along with Abilify 2.5mg. Ive been having really strange feelings like being high,... read more

I started taking Lexapro and I’m having burning sensations. Is this normal?

Hi, I was put on 10 mg of Lexapro and 5 mg of Buspar Thursday. Made me feel off so I took 5 mg of Lexapro and 2.5 of Buspar Friday and Saturday... It was/is causing burning sensations throughout my body. Legs cramp. I feel lightheaded and very anxious. Chest feels heavy at times. Has anyone... read more

Can Buspar cause Brain Zaps?

I ve been taking Buspar (10mg 3x a day) for about 3 months now for anxiety. It took the medication a few weeks before it started working and it gave me headaches for a few weeks but after that I thought everything was fine. Now, in the last week I ve been experiencing these "brain zaps"... read more

Im running out of my meds and Im scared?

I take 60mg of Buspar a day. With money being so tight, I had to cut my Buspar to 30mg per day. I will still run out a week before I can get them. I can feel a big difference in my reactions to stressors. My anxiety is going off the chart. My headaches have come back with a vengeance. Ive also had... read more

BuSpar increasing anxiety???

I've been on BuSpar for 4 weeks. I started at 7.5mg then move up to 15mg, then to 22.5mg and am now at 30mg per day. I feel worse now than I did before I started taking it. I went in to see my dr because I was having recurring panic attacks. Now I wake up anxious all the time, I have insomnia,... read more

Depression - Can anyone help explain the combo of Buspar and Wellbutrin?

I've been taking 150 mg of Wellbutrin for the past 7 months, and it isn't enough, and I'm still constantly depressed. Additionally, I wasn't taking anything for anxiety, and recently learned about buspar in combination with wellbutrin. I asked my doctor if I could increase my... read more

Does buspar make panic attacks worse!?

I just started buspar a few days ago, since then my anxiety/panics attacks feel worse. I am not sure if this is because of stress at home or the medication. Has this happen to any ody else. I hav also noticed that my chest feels like it is racing/pounding and have gotten very nervous just thinking... read more

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