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Stomach Ulcer Questions

Related terms: Ulcer Pain

Displaying 39 questions associated with Stomach Ulcer.

What foods should I avoid when taking omeprazole?

Can you take an antacid with omeprazole?

Does omeprazole cause cancer?

My stool has changed color. What does it mean?

Hi all, Citalopram & Omeprazole question?

I have just been told by a member of the site, that you shouldn't take the 2 together, that the Omeprazole causes the Citalopram to stay in the blood stream longer, & could potentially cause serotonin overdose... Has anyone else heard this? I checked for interactions & nothing came up

Can I start taking 5-HTP again. I stopped because I had a stomach ulcer?

I was taking 5-htp for anxiety just over a year ago but then I had a stomach ulcer and stopped. It's been over a year since having the ulcer. Could I start taking it again?

Can I use Famotidine 20mg for acid reflux every night forever ?!?

Is there any special side effect for a long period time usage ? because when I use it every night I have no any reflux and when I stop it I'll have reflux again , what can I do then ?

How soon can I take sucralfate before I eat?

I'm taking sucralfate (as tablet dissolved in small amt of water) before meals and at bedtime for esophageal ulcer, not stomach ulcer. I have GERD. Do I still need to take it 1hr before meals? Or can I take it immediately before eating?

How do I take both gabapentine and Prilosec?

My new dr. is starting me on gabapentine 100 mg. for severe, chronic headache (24 yrs+), but I also take Prilosec for stomach ulcer/GERD problems. I don't know how to do both of these and she didn't give any advice. Also, I have a full-time job and am worried about side effects and... read more

Over the Counter Medication for Pets

I have had this pain in my upper torso, right below my diaphram?

it runs side to side, by my rib cage and right in the middle between my rib cages. I cannotseem to get rid of thiss pain no matter what I take. Tums, acid reducers, gas x, rainditine, you name it. I have now had it for 3 days. I have had it in the past, never figured it out then either, but this... read more

Is taking one Meloxicam 15mg easier on the stomach than taking 2-3 Ibuprofen?

I have been taking 2-3 Ibuprofen daily for a few months now due to lower back pain and headaches. I want to try as much as possible to reduce the risk of stomach ulcers. My Dr prescribed me Meloxicam. Would this be easier on the stomach than the Ibuprofen? Thanks.

Peptic Ulcer - Stomach Ulcer questions?

I was diagnosed with a stomach ulcer following an endoscopy in hospital last Friday. I'm still in a lot of pain and have not received the results of the biopsy yet, to see whether it was caused by H. pylori. However I have a couple of questions regarding it! (I'm 19, and male and until... read more

Would a stomach ulcer cause bloody stools?

36 hours ago I was informed I had a stomach ulcer. I am to take Carafate 4 times a day. Today with both bowel movements there was bloody stools and obvious blood when wiped. Should I contact doctor or wait it out?

GERD - Timetable for taking Sucralfate (carafate) and omeprazole (Prilosec). Currently I'm taking...

... the meds like this. Take omeprazole, wait one hour, take carafate, wait one hour and then food. I was wondering if there is a better, more compact (time-wise) way to take it and be effective? Lots of conflicting info on how to take those 2 medicines online

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