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Does Tykerb have a good response?

Medically reviewed by Carmen Pope, BPharm. Last updated on March 17, 2023.

Official answer


The combination of Tykerb plus capecitabine (T+C) has a better response than capecitabine alone. Trials that investigated the endpoint “Time to Progression” (TTP) – defined as the time to tumor progression or death from breast cancer from enrollment in the trial, reported a significant difference for those women assigned T+C compared with those assigned capecitabine alone. The number of TTP events was 82 to 121 for women assigned T+C compared to 102 to 126 for those assigned capecitabine alone. Response rates ranged from 23.7% to 31.8% in those given T + C compared to 13.9 to 17.4% given capecitabine alone.

This result was significant enough to stop further enrolment in the trial after 4 months, unblind the trial, and transfer those women receiving capecitabine alone to treatment with Tykerb plus capecitabine. These women were then followed for another 2 years and with the median overall survival reported as 75 weeks in the Tykerb plus capecitabine group compared with 65.9 weeks in those women who originally only received capecitabine. After 2 years, 76% had died in the Tykerb plus capecitabine group compared with 82% in the capecitabine group alone.

Tykerb is recommended to be used in combination with:

  • capecitabine for advanced or metastatic HER2 positive breast cancer who have already received prior therapy including an anthracycline, a taxane, and trastuzumab, but whose cancer has still progressed,
  • letrozole for postmenopausal women with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer for whom hormonal therapy is indicated.
  • Tykerb (lapatinib) Updated 03/2023 Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation

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