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Compound W - Can this be used on skin tags?

4 Answers

SafariHope 6 April 2021

Just get a chemical peel with Salicylic Acid 20 percent. I use all sorts of peels and this particular peel ingredient I used overnight on a cystic pimple AND on a skin tag/mole. Pimple gone by morning. Completely gone. Skin tag is significantly smaller after just two overnight "treatments".

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bethann31 4 May 2017

I am trying it on some skin tags myself. So far it does seem to be shrinking them. What is the proper way to use this for skin tags though? Unfortunately it has gotten on some areas around the skin tag. My skin is pretty raw at this point. I am not sure if I should back off for a while and let the skin heal or keep using it until it is completely gone?

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gaz999 4 May 2017

You should really avoid getting this on surrounding skin. I know it's not easy to do as this happened to me also. If it's really raw then I thin k you should stop using it until your skin has healed and then try again. Good luck ;-)

bethann31 4 May 2017

That is sort of what I am thinking as well... it is pretty raw looking. So I think I may give it time to heal and start over. Is it just one tiny drop on the top? About how long did yours take and did they just fall off or how did that work?

gaz999 20 April 2017

Yes it can. I have successfully used this product and with no adverse effects, to remove skin tags from around my eyes and eyelids. It works. I used the liquid Compound W that comes with a brush so you literally just paint it on about twice a day for two weeks.

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kaismama 5 Sep 2013

Probably not. It will damage any healthy skin it touches too, and with skin tags, its not too possible to keep it from getting on your skin. Unless it says its safe to do that on the label, I certainly wouldn't try it.

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compound w, skin

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