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Estradiol Patch - how long after I started estradiol hormone replacement will I feel some results?

3 Answers

sistercole 27 July 2011

My doctor told me 3 weeks.

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dmlady 4 Oct 2010

when I looked it up it said it may not work for everyone and also it does not treat your heart, and taking with other hormone replacement may cause a serious heart attack funny hoe I just asked this question and found my own ansere lol hope all is well no one deservres to go through what I went through I wanted to try them but I kept hearing what my late mother said in my head ever since. i really hope this helps

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Marvell 19 Aug 2010

It's really difficult to say as everyone is different.

Please see links below for reviews on some of that patches. You may find these useful.

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Related topics

estradiol patch, estradiol, hormone replacement therapy

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