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What does the AC stand for in Pepcid AC?

3 Answers

Shoukryhakim 27 Aug 2023

Ac indicates that it is Acid Control tablets

Votes: +1
taxcatkim 24 Oct 2012

The AC in Pepcid stands for "Acid Controller"

Votes: +1
Marvell 24 Aug 2009

From my knowledge the "AC" in Pepcid AC means that formulation or strength of famotidine is available over the counter.

Pepcid (famotidine) is a prescription medicine (because of strength, etc.).

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smallblockz28 29 Jan 2010

I'm taking Pharmacology now. It specifically mentions Pepcid AC. The AC does NOT mean over the counter. The books says it's the Latin phrase ante cibum wich means before meals. I found this thread while trying to find the answer before I read the next page .

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pepcid, pepcid ac

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