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Can Zantac 150 assist in a gallstone attack?

4 Answers

OwlGirl44 14 Nov 2019

Yes, I had horrible gallbladder attacks almost weekly and I couldn't have surgery to remove my gallbladder... After 2 years an ER doctor prescribed me ranitidine 150mg bid and I haven't had an attack in over a year now. I know there are correlations between the med and cancer now... I'm hoping a doctor can find a good alternative, but until then I'm going to continue taking the medication. The pain is unbearable and was getting worse to the point where I couldn't eat for weeks at a time without immediately becoming nauseous and losing the food I had just eaten. Fingers crossed my doctor finds an alternative, I'm sure cancer is also incredibly painful as well.

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Concernedbita 8 March 2019

This is a very confusing situation. I have gallstones and sludge as shown in my ultrasound. I have done further tests that have shown the gall bladder is not working properly. However, zantac has helped me in my attacks! When I did not know what the pain was, I would take 2 zantacs 150mg and the pain would be gone in about an hour. Sometimes, I would also take a prilosec on top of this. It would still take an hour, but I was able to become symptom free. Now, no GI nor surgeon I have consulted with has had an explanation. Should I still get my gall bladder removed?

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g oneal 27 Jan 2018

Zantac 150 absolutely can help with gallstones. I started, unknowingly, having light gallstone attacks. At the very beginning I had what I thought was acid reflux. I went to CVS and got Zantac 150 which did wonders. The heartburn manifested into what started as a pain in my back and eventually went into my upper right abdomen just under my ribs. It hurt so bad I went to the ER. This all happens in a 5 day period. I was diagnosed with a blockage due to gallstones and sent to a surgeon. He wanted to do surgery in 3 days. The pain was so bad I was willing to try anything so during my next attack I took 2 Zantac 150’s and the pain went away. Since it was 3 weeks until ChristmasI called the surgeon and put it off for a week, hoping to make it past Christmas to have surgery.Every time I had a attack I would take 2 Zantac. I would take about a hour for the pain to stop.


Instead of waiting on the next attack and going through the pain I started taking 2 Zantac 150’s every 10-12 hours and the attacks stoped. After about 2 months of doing that I decided to stop the Zantac to see what would happen. It’s been 3 weeks without Zantac now and I haven’t had any attacks. I have no clue how or why Zantac helped or if the attacks will eventually come back. I don’t know what happened to the blockage. I suppose I might have passed the stone. This may not work for everyone but it did wonders for me and saved a surgery, so far. (Knocking on wood)

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kaismama 10 April 2013

I don't see that it would haveany effect on the gall bladder

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zantac, zantac 150, gallstones

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