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Norco User Reviews & Ratings

Norco has an average rating of 6.3 out of 10 from a total of 360 reviews on 55% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 31% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Norco

  • Bootsie
  • June 9, 2020

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "This Mallinckrodt acetaminophen/hydrocodone generic Norco is absolute rubbish! I've complained to my doctor, to the pharmacy, to the FDA too many times to count, and to the company itself. I'm at my wit's end in pain! What is going on, and how are they getting away with this? For 5 years, I've been on this medication, and when it was Watson brand, it worked fine. It didn't take away all the pain, but it was better than what I am experiencing now! I'm seriously thinking about asking my doctor to switch me from 10 mg to 5 mg because someone said they worked great. Maybe it's just the 10's that are junk. Tonight I am ordering some drug tests just to see if anything shows up because, honest to God, I am almost 100% positive there are not any active ingredients in the Mallinckrodt 10 mg. Why should I be crying in pain after taking 2???? Enough. I am in the process of getting a chemical analysis of my medication."

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1098 Report
  • Bwayne
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • July 12, 2021

For Back Pain "I had 2 back surgeries in 2017 due to an injury. My personal physician prescribed me Norco 10/325, which was working fantastic. However, I always had a problem getting a refill, and he always gave me the DEA story of how he didn't want to write the script. I finally went to a Pain Management clinic. Worst mistake I ever made! The pain management doctor treated me like an addict. I have never misused my pain medication. I got so frustrated that I stopped taking them. I have not had a good day since. And of course, the pain management clinic won't return my calls. It's very sad that because some people have misused this medication and the government has stuck their hands in the doctor's office, that people with legitimate pain have to suffer."

9 / 10
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736 Report
  • Frenc...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • July 7, 2021

For Pain "I understand about the opioids crisis, BUT what about the elderly that go to the doctor monthly and even get random drug tested? I have been on Norco for years for RA and also hardware that my body is rejected. All of a sudden, these different manufacturers' brands of meds are given to us, and the pharmacies do not tell us that they changed it. I’ve lost 10 pounds in 30 days because of being sick to my stomach. I can only take yellow Norco, but haven’t gotten it in over a year. Even when my doctor requests it, I don’t get it. No one is carrying the yellow Norco. This is not right. We are really hurting. We can’t get any relief!!!"

10 / 10
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672 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Buffy
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • March 24, 2021

For Back Pain "What is going on with the Norco pills these days? I've been getting the name brand Norco made by Allergan in the 7.5. When I filled my script this month, I swear they have no opiate in them and it's straight Tylenol. I've been miserable this entire month, no relief at all, and I don't sleep at night due to RLS. Something isn't right. I used to take generic Watson, never had an issue, but when most pharmacies switched to that Mallinckrodt manufacturer, I had to quit taking due to severe allergic reactions. So, after reading these comments, I see I'm not the only one. Now I don't know where to get meds refilled. Pharmacies are doing something different for sure. These pills look the same, but something is off, and they thought people would not notice. Well, I did, right off the bat. Ridiculous."

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692 Report
  • Gandy...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • January 24, 2021

For Pain "Train track worker 30+ years and am in pain - non-cancer, non-hospice palliative care pain. Stenosis. Multiple lumbar and thoracic disc nerve intrusions (herniated). Cervical Schmorl's nodes from the daily many hours of tool vibrations. Severe heart disease. High blood pressure from daily pain. What would happen if people on depression medication were cut off? Why are state health departments sending letters to doctors treating people with legitimate pain that can be seen and proven from medical testing while they are responsible to guard the medication they take because it is life-saving to warn doctors about their prescribing? Doctors will not tell you about those letters. My guess is because pain medications give legitimate people with proven pain quality of life and keep them out of revolving doors in the medical community where salaries are very high. People in pain need a good law firm to bring a class-action suit against profits before compassion."

3 / 10
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702 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • February 9, 2020

For Pain "I can't understand why there aren't any more complaints, is everyone taking a generic Norco (acetaminophen and hydrocodone) that actually works? If so, please tell me what brand it is because the Tris brand has done something to their pills and they don't work at all anymore. I am no longer able to clean my home and barely can work part-time. One of these sissy lawyers needs to step up and file a lawsuit for intentional pain and suffering because what these drug makers are doing is illegal and the FDA won't do their jobs. I have been filing complaints since last year. The FDA needs to be sued also. Tons of suicides already happened and more to come; someone can only live in severe pain for so long. It feels like they just want to get rid of all the pain patients. I know they changed it because I saved a few old ones and half of one gives me relief. Please file complaints daily with the FDA and these vile drug companies who have no consciences."

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786 Report
  • LAM
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • April 2, 2021

For Back Pain "CVS had generic Norco by Sun Pharma. No vomiting, migraines, upset stomach. CVS had Aurobindo generic, pain was 8, after 2 tablets a 7, nausea was bad. I wrote to the CVS CEO, and he told the pharmacist to order a brand that worked for me. The pharmacy manager got angry and refused to fill my pain medication, then she told my doctor. I had to go to a pain management doctor. On the first visit, the doctor came in and said, 'I read your chart, you’ve had everything done to try and help your pain, so why are you here?' I explained, 'I’m here because of a pharmacist.' I explained, and he was shocked that a pharmacist could do this with all my surgeries. A pharmacist would complain about four pain pills a day. The doctor wrote my prescription and added 'do not fill with Mallinckrodt, Aurobindo, or Amneal.' For 2 years, no problems, but in the last few months, CVS said no Sun, really!! Every pharmacy refuses to order other brands, and every pharmacy I call says we only carry Mallinckrodt. The FDA said if no one calls to complain, then things won’t change."

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507 Report
  • Peggy...
  • May 10, 2020

For Back Pain "2 years ago, I went to Walgreens instead of CVS and got my prescription filled that month for Norco 10/325. It was a pill that looked like my yellow ones, a little football, but it was white. Absolutely did not work. I'm 67 years old, and I had a horrible car accident 23 years ago. With the help of Norco, I live with the pain. The last few years, they're messing with the medicine - everybody - not just Walgreens. Walgreens is the worst, by the way. I believe that they are no longer putting opiate in their pills. I mean, if you get a 10/325, you shouldn't be able to break it so easily. It used to be so hard to break that little yellow pill in half. I mean, a lot of us are in pain. If you're in pain, why should we have to live in pain? I don't get it. Somebody needs to do something. I mean, if anyone wants to go in together, we find out how much it costs to test them. I'll go in one way to find out."

3 / 10
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597 Report
  • Magee
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • July 21, 2021

For Pain "Omg, I didn't know so many people were going through this dilemma. I live in pain daily at a level 4. I don't take the Norco until the pain is a 7 or above. My Norco did fine, and some days I could go for 2-3 days without taking any more depending on my activity level. I have been screaming about these generics that don't work for years. First, they took the real Flexeril away, which worked really well. Now they have taken the Norco away and given us some serious garbage. The sad part is this: us folks that suffer from chronic pain know the truth about these generics. They put us on them and tell us they are fine. People who use the drug to get high are not our problem. There are those of us who truly suffer from chronic pain. And it's sad that our government does not give two hoots about our conditions. I can't take those Percocet I'm allergic to. They really don't care. The Norco worked. This rubbish they have now is a joke."

2 / 10
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411 Report
  • Imready
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • July 2, 2020

For Pain "I was diagnosed with Connective Tissue Disease about 9 years ago. Up until a couple of years ago, I got excellent relief from a yellow generic Norco 5/325. It didn't always relieve all the pain, but that's okay. I changed pharmacies twice now in the hope of getting a product that made my life livable. All I've gotten has been this ineffective M365. I took one over 2 hours ago and now do I finally feel like moving around, a big difference from getting relief in 20-30 minutes. The FDA is clearly negligent. They don't test generics for effectiveness at all. This witch hunt on Hydrocodone is a joke, with responsible hard-working Americans paying the price in pain because of those who obtain these drugs illegally. The FDA just recently decided that cigars needed to be tested at $100k per test, but they refuse to test prescription medications prescribed by responsible caregivers to tax-paying Americans."

3 / 10
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452 Report
  • Rosel...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • July 2, 2021

For Back Pain "I’m 72 years old with severe arthritis and sciatic nerve pain. I’ve been taking hydrocodone for over 20 years with excellent pain relief and able to live somewhat of a normal life. I cannot sleep on a regular mattress and for many years sleep in a recliner. Lately, I’ve been helping my son and daughter-in-law babysitting my 3 grandsons which is not easy. As most, the manufacturer is Mallinckrodt. The script I just had filled is way different! The pain doesn’t subside and I literally feel very sick! While I normally feel pain relief and also more alert, I now feel I can’t stay awake and honestly feel horrible! I’ve called all pharmacies and they all use nothing but Mallinckrodt! Also, none of them have the name brand Norco anymore! When I was getting Norco, when colored yellow that worked the best. Since the change to white, it’s never been the same."

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366 Report
  • BB97
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • June 13, 2021

For Pain "I agree with EVERY comment in regards to Mallinckrodt!!! They're horrible!!!! I've used Par/Qualitest forever with my double scoliosis and severe debilitating arthritis. Now Par can't be found and... Mallinckrodt??? They do nothing!!!! What are we supposed to do besides suffer??"

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335 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • June 22, 2019

For Back Pain "I think I can help the government understand how patients feel about Norco Watson brand and the 'others'. It's like getting a pack of smokes and the store is out, so they hand you some snuff and say 'it's the same thing.' Or a doctor doing surgery and he asked for the knife and they hand him a steak knife and say 'it's the same thing.' Or you go to buy a diamond and they pull out a selection from 'Clairs' and say 'it's the same thing.' Do you get it now?"

9 / 10
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459 Report
  • Meano
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • January 19, 2020

For Pain "This is an update. The last 3 months of Tris brand of acetaminophen with hydrocodone (generic Norco) has felt like taking nothing. My new refill Friday of January 17 now feels like I'm taking a completely different medication. This is not hydrocodone in these pills!!! I am tired, dizzy, have a headache, and a little upset stomach. These manufacturers are doing some sort of testing on consumers, using us as lab rats, and it's sickening. PLEASE, PEOPLE, FILE COMPLAINTS WITH THE COMPANIES AND FILE COMPLAINTS WITH THE FDA ONLINE FORMS EVERY DAY UNTIL THEY GET INVESTIGATED."

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403 Report
  • Johnny
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • September 26, 2020

For Back Pain "I screwed up my back pretty bad in 1993. The older I get, the worse the pain gets. Surgery is not an option. Used to get Watson and Qualitest brand acetaminophen/hydrocodone for the pain. It worked great. Then the pharmacies switched to Mallinckrodt. It either didn't work, made me itch, or gave me severe breathing problems depending on the lot number. My doctor switched me to Percocet. It didn't work at all! Then I checked the manufacturer, Mallinckrodt. If you can find a pharmacy that doesn't use Mallinckrodt, run, do not walk, to that pharmacy. I've had it with Mallinckrodt."

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331 Report
  • yogir...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 10, 2021

For Pain "I was baffled last weekend when I filled a new Norco 7.5/325 mg prescription after a Friday afternoon doctor visit and received zero effect from the pain I was experiencing passing a kidney stone. I tried taking the pills for over 2 days. The pharmaceutical company is Amneal. I have taken this drug over the years after having oral work done or post operatively, or from the last kidney stone episode 2 years ago and have always had a very effective response to it. The second day I tried taking 2 pills at a time, nothing. I would not take any more as I did not want to put something in my body that I had no idea what the content of it was. But it definitely wasn't any kind or level of opiate. I went online last weekend to seek information and found many similar complaints over the past several months. What a sad situation for people to find themselves in, being allowed to suffer in pain and being duped. Shame on these companies."

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284 Report
  • Jose
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • June 19, 2019

For Pain "I have been taking Norco, the generic brand, for 18 years due to back issues. But my doctor retired and a new doctor tells me that I have an addiction and that I need to stop taking it. So, I asked him if he even read my file. I refuse to be in pain and was wondering if I have any legal rights. I am 61 years old, worked hard in my younger age, got hurt on my job, and now they tell me that I have an addiction. I take 3 to 4 a day and I don't want to wither away due to pain for the rest of my life."

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367 Report
  • Gman
  • February 11, 2020

For Back Pain "Been on hydrocodone 20 years now. Life was great when six 10/325 yellow tabs worked 10-hour days. I was able to work and make great money (self-employed contractor in home improvements). Bills paid, child support paid, life was great. Then the proclaimed opioid crisis came. Pain management cut me down to four 10/325. Work went OK (only 7-hour days), then pain management cut me down again (against my will) to four 7.5/325, then down to three 7.5/325 a day. Now I can only work 3 days a week for 3 hours. I am now behind on support orders, house payments, bills, taxes, and mind you, never abused them, don't drink, never did drugs (street illicit). Always passed the urine tests for meds, always passed pill counts, perfect pain management role model. My pain is all due to 3 motorcycle crashes, fell off roof (24 feet), tree fell on me, ran over by truck in 9th grade, so yeah a long history of injuries. Now about to lose everything I worked for last 20 years. The newest generics prescribed to me is PAR Pharmaceutical 7.5/325 and I don't even think there is any active ingredient in them, god bless."

7 / 10
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322 Report
  • Pain...
  • August 25, 2020

For Pain "Fibro, CF, deg. arthritis, bilateral TJR of jaw. Have side effects to most meds. Norco works best. Generic Norco quality declined substantially since 2017. Used to take Qualitest generic 10/325, worked great, then Watson. Mallinckrodt, awful, did I mention AWFUL? Felt as if I took nothing, nausea, and dizziness. Tried Par brand, bad as Mallinckrodt. Dr. documents chart about lack of effectiveness of generic brands. Called a small pharmacy, asked to order brand name Norco. Did this without any hassle or judgment. Costs $500 for 100, Rx is 180 per month. I pay $10 or less for generics. Good news, brand name Norco works great, no side effects, pain 8 goes down to 3-4. Bad news, can't afford. Require insurance coverage, have documented generics give no pain relief. Think generic fillers are poor quality, and this is why they don't work for a lot of us in pain. Assume brand name has better quality fillers. It's unfair we have sub-par meds. Not all generics work as well as brand names, as they claim. Brand: Allergan, white, oblong, NORCO 539."

9 / 10
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285 Report
  • Harve
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • June 4, 2020

For Back Pain "The generic Norco today will be ineffective due to the abuse deterrence altering the effectiveness of the pain pill. Most of the pharmaceutical companies have been instructed to do this to avoid abuse, all the while not receiving any relief for those in pain."

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255 Report
  • Me111
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • April 12, 2022

For Pain "This is no longer like it contains hydrocodone. For the last 2 and 1/2 years, these drug makers have been messing with the formula, and it's like they're poisoning us, using us as lab rats, and it's absolutely disgusting. My newest refill from the same manufacturer I've been on for 5 years caused severe dizziness. I couldn't even walk; I was walking into walls, it was so bad. Yep, my doctor says I'm the only one with this complaint. LOL. Are you people not reporting this to your doctor, the drug maker, and to the FDA? Wake up and start reporting this crap. This is unbelievable that this is allowed to continue this long. Some of us still are forced to go to work, and there's no way I can work like this. I'm scared to death what I'm going to do now. And for you pharmacists who claim that dizziness is a side effect, sorry, when you're taking the same drug for 7 years, it doesn't all of a sudden start causing these severe side effects including sleeplessness, sleepiness, dizziness, headaches, rapid heart rate, and nausea."

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150 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • April 21, 2023

For Back Pain "I have several medical issues and have been living with pain for 30 years. I take my medication as prescribed, and I try to take less when possible. However, the medication that is currently available is not working for me. I am 68 years old and trying to stay active, but this medication is causing me to be bedridden. The yellow generic for Norco used to work for me, but it is no longer available, and the current white pills are not providing any relief. I am tired of hearing people say that 'it's the same medicine' because it is not. I just want to be able to be up and active again. If anyone knows of a lawsuit, I would be interested in joining."

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96 Report
  • Inthe...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 23, 2020

For Pain "The generic hydrocodone/acetaminophen combo has turned into absolute garbage in the US. In my experience, pharmacies are just purchasing the cheapest product they can find, which increases all the bad effects of an opioid while providing very little pain relief. Opioids are the only drug class you can't even pay extra for the namebrand for, all thanks to pharmacy/insurance company policy. It is absurd. Honestly, it should be illegal. Luckily, my doctor is willing to switch me to Percocet or Oxy (which is almost impossible in today's age), so I'm glad. On the other hand, I seem to have a weirdly high tolerance to Oxy. Either way, reporting this to the drug manufacturers (Mallinckrodt, Tris, etc.) is the only way. The FDA is filled with people who don't answer the phone, so reporting to the manufacturers as well is best."

2 / 10
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218 Report
  • Bring...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • November 20, 2019

For Pain "When the Watson brand of acetaminophen/hydrocodone was available, this medication was wonderful. The last 2 months, I noticed a difference in my prescription not working effectively. I honestly could feel little to no relief and excessive drowsiness throughout the day. I called the pharmacy and found out the manufacturer was Mallinckrodt. After reading reviews about others taking this brand, I have decided to talk to my pain specialist and switch medications rather than try to search for a pharmacy with a different brand. Good luck to you all, and I pray that we all get some relief from ongoing pain. #Peaceandlove"

3 / 10
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244 Report
  • olddog
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • May 29, 2023

"Latest news is that there are shortages for this medication. After chronic pain patients are noticing this medication is no longer effective for their condition and leaving reviews. Now, our superior US healthcare system is using the shortage trick to derail patients. The last resort to this is to complain to elected officials and make sure you get an official written response, otherwise, it most likely will not be recorded and then swept under the rug. Hang in there, maybe there is someone compassionate enough to bring back the old formula when these meds worked so chronic pain patients can live a full life."

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85 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.