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Epiduo Forte User Reviews & Ratings

Epiduo Forte has an average rating of 7.2 out of 10 from a total of 117 reviews on 63% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 21% reported a negative experience.

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117 reviews for Acne 516 medications
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Reviews for Epiduo Forte

  • Happy...
  • August 18, 2019

For Acne "After having about 10 weeks of treatment for my cystic adult acne at age 31 with a dermatologist who only prescribed doxy and no topicals with limited results, I found another dermatologist who prescribed me Epiduo Forte in conjunction with my antibiotic. I used this combination for 12 weeks and have since stopped the antibiotic and continued with the Epiduo Forte. This combination SAVED my skin. My skin is completely clear with NO new breakouts in sight. The continued use of the cream is helping lighten PIH areas. I have documented my journey with photos and it REALLY works. Be patient. At first, you will have a purging stage in which your skin will be red, irritated, and inflamed. It is so hard, but just trust the process; it will work! Good luck to all who are fighting acne. It truly makes such an impact on your self-esteem and ability to socialize normally. My heart goes out to everyone suffering from this, and I hope you find that this combination works for your skin too!!"

10 / 10
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152 Report
  • Pool...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • September 9, 2019

For Acne "My 17-year-old daughter started using Epiduo Forte last September. It was very drying at first and did sting a bit after she applied it. She used Aveeno moisturizer and was consistent with the Epiduo Forte use. She almost gave up several times because her acne got worse in the first few months. But she stayed the course. Eventually, there was a small improvement. Fewer pimples that didn’t last as long. After 1 year on Epiduo Forte, my now 18-year-old daughter is in her freshman year of college, rocking her completely clear skin! Not a pimple in months, and her hyperpigmentation has faded as well. I’m so thankful for this product. I’m convinced her next step would have been Accutane, and I’m so glad she kept going even when she was completely discouraged in the beginning. My advice, just keep using it! Don’t give up!"

10 / 10
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52 Report
  • Zoe
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 25, 2020

For Acne "I left a review after 1st week of using Epiduo, and I said I was positive about this product. I think I’m right. First two weeks my acne got worse, my right eye was swollen and my whole face is burning like sunburn, I got huge and painful bumps on my forehead and parts that I don’t usually get acne, but I’m so glad that I didn’t give up. It’s been over a month now and I only have some acne scars left to clear. I still have 1-2 bumps on my chin since I sleep late which I think is normal. I can’t put on any makeup since it still gets super flaky. I didn’t use any moisturizer cuz my skin is already oily, instead, I use niacinamide 12% in the morning and Epiduo at night. Use it once every two days if you think it’s too strong for your skin. Yeah girls it will get worse before it gets better, don’t give up. Don’t use more than 1 pump, my face was almost ruined by using more than “pea size” amount. DON'T DO IT, follow the instructions"

9 / 10
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34 Report
  • May
  • June 27, 2020

For Acne "My dermatologist prescribed me epiduo forte two weeks ago. I’ve been on doxycycline for 5 weeks and around week 3 is when she prescribed me epiduo forte for my acne. I heard, “it gets worse before it gets better” but for me, it just got better.. like.. immediately. Given, I do use strong products on my face like retinoids and chemical peels often. My face has been purging since late March, I feel that I’ve gone through the purge stage already. Then I was left with these horrible dark spots, pin point scars, small acne and red spots from the old acne. Washing my face with a gentle face wash every night then using a small amount of my Epiduo on my troubled areas and then you wake up.. and it’s literally completely different than the night before. It’s what you need if you have cystic acne or scaring or a mixture of both like me. I’m giving it a 9 Because my neck is peeling and burning from it and I’m not sure how since I’ve never placed it down my neck."

9 / 10
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27 Report
  • Aano
  • June 23, 2019

For Acne "My skin was bad so I went to a dermatologist after trying every drug store acne med. She prescribed me to Epiduo forte. I was really excited to try this out but I was also scared because my dermatologist told me my skin would get worse for the first 1-4 weeks of using it. That night I started using it. For the first 3 days my skin seemed to be getting better but then it started to get bad. My skin broke out in placed it had never broken out in before. But I didn’t give up, I was determined to have good skin. My skin took a full 4 weeks of worsening before it got better. On the fifth week I started to see improvements. Now after using it for 6weeks my skin just has a few pimples around my nose and some scars. I love Epiduo forte!!! And please pleaseee do not give up on it in the first 4 weeks!! I promise it will get better !!"

9 / 10
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  • Quinn
  • July 15, 2019

For Acne "When I first began applying Epiduo, I had a lot of breakouts coming through, but nothing I hadn't seen before. I have light acne, generally speaking. Using Epiduo at the beginning turned that light acne into moderate acne, which I understand to be the skin purging bacteria below the surface as the skin gets acclimated to the drug. Fast forward to two weeks in. I have clear skin. Tiny texturized bumps that were there yesterday have vanished. I still have an active scab from a pimple I popped on my jawline, but I have never been more confident in this product. I am going to keep using it consistently so I don't disrupt this progress. I did/am getting a lot of dryness and flaking around the mouth and eyelids but I am using Cera Ve moisturizer to combat. Also, when I first started Epiduo, I was getting a TON of burning and putting on moisturizer only made that feeling worse. That however is no longer the case after two weeks of consistent use. It doesn't burn at all anymore."

9 / 10
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25 Report
  • 64 Co...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 13, 2019

For Acne "My 15 yr old son has had problems with acne for 2 years. Nothing I tried over the counter or Proactiv worked. I took him to the dermatologist, he gave an antibiotic and Retin A cream, it helped but not much after several weeks, went back and Dr started discussing Accutane. I wasn’t comfortable with this, too many side effects. I talked with his pediatrician, she put him on a different antibiotic, kept the Retin A, a little better but not much. After doing research, I found Epi-duo Forte. I called his dr and she prescribed it, I am so grateful, after nearly 2 years, his face is clearing up. Scars are less visible. I The combo of Epi-duo Forte/Doxycycline is working. My son’s face is much clearer and his self-esteem is much better. There are other options besides Accutane, as a mom, I wasn’t comfortable with the it’s side effects. Do research and talk to your doctor! Good luck!"

9 / 10
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19 Report
  • Sarah
  • May 3, 2020

For Acne "The first time using Epiduo was on Monday. It felt tingly but didn’t cause any pain, however when I applied it on the Tuesday, my skin began to burn to the point where I was uncomfortable the whole night. On the Wednesday it was just as bad. My skin felt hot, was stinging and burning and was so painful. Cleansing and moisturising was now giving me the similar burning sensation. On the Thursday, my skin felt extremely tight, itchy and sensitive. The skin around my mouth and on my chin was starting to peel and it only got worse the next day. The peeling spread to around my eyes and eyebrows. I stopped using Epiduo because it was causing a lot of damage when I was seeing very minimal results. My skin is now extremely dry and sore and I have to now see a dermatologist because it has only worsened my skin. My experience may sound insignificant due to the fact I only used Epiduo for two days, however I want people to be aware of how painful and damaging this product can be."

1 / 10
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13 Report
  • Wren...
  • May 3, 2018

For Acne "So I have tried many products and pills having little to no results, I started struggling with acne during college seemingly out of no where. Epiduo Forte is the ONLY thing that works for me. On the other reviews some people reported have a burnt/fiery feeling on their face. I experienced this as well. This is what happens when you try to get your face used to the medication. I talked to my dermatologist and he recommended cutting back from using it every night to every other night which helped a lot! I also experienced an itching and peeling stage which I would GLADLY go through again to get my face in the shape its in now! I wish I could upload photos of before and after this medicine. I don't wear any foundation or cover up anymore because my skin literally glows! Do not be afraid to give Ep. Forte a try!!"

10 / 10
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16 Report
  • Bekah
  • February 27, 2017

For Acne "This med lost one point only bc of it's so pricey epiduo forte has totally changed my life!! I have tried seriously EVERYTHING to get rid of my acne. I'm 20, almost 21, and have been fighting it since I was like 14!! Trying med after med, everything a failure. then I tried epiduo forte!! for the first couple months I was like, "whatever another failure" bc I didn't see any results. But then the 3rd month hit! and I haven't had acne since!! so here's my advice for epiduo forte users: 1) USE LOTION W/ IT! something like cerave or cetaphil. put just a SMALL drop that you spread all over then use lotion on top of that 2) use it at morning AND night (w/ lotion) if you need to! I saw better results this way 3) Don't give up on it. give it 3 month"

9 / 10
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18 Report
  • Angel
  • August 1, 2020

For Acne "Hello. I'm 18 years old. I've used epiduo forte 2 years ago (2018) for my acne. It did cleared my skin after using it for 2 months. But then I stopped using the medication because I was still scared that my skin might depend on it. So I switched to other products. With so much regrets, my acne came back worse. Just last month, I thought of going back to my dermatologist because my acne keeps getting worst. He then prescribed me again the epiduo forte, and now it's been 5 weeks since I used it and my acne keeps getting worse, which I never experienced before. I kept on having big bumps on my forehead and cheeks. I was really in doubt if epiduo forte would work or clear up my skin again. Or was it used to it already. It's really getting worse, but then I'm still on my 5th week of using it. What do you think?"

7 / 10
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  • ally...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • December 28, 2020

For Acne "I have suffered from horrible deep and painful cystic bumps for three years and have tried everything from clindamycin to Proactiv to retinol gel, etc. It would be so bad that I would wake up with blood and pus staining my pillowcase and I wouldn't be able to talk or eat without soreness under my chin from all the cysts. I was then considering Accutane until my doctor prescribed me Epiduo/Epiduo Forte alongside antibiotics as a last resort prior to it. My skin RAPIDLY started turning around. By month three, I had CLEAR skin, and I couldn't believe it. I will say adjusting in month one to the skin dryness was a bit tough, but using Aquaphor and Cerave really helped in conjunction with Epiduo. I have been using the cream now for almost a year and my skin pretty much stays clear unless I eat too bad or I get my period. Nowhere near how bad it was before though! Thanks Epiduo!"

10 / 10
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10 Report
  • Alexis
  • December 22, 2019

For Acne "SIDE NOTE: I also started taking Spironolactone 25 Mg 3x daily when I started using Epiduo Forte). In June of 2019 I started having severe acne all over my face. They were giant, deep zits that almost resembled cysts and they were ALL over my face. After trying to fix it on my own by buying countless scrubs, spot treatments, etc. (DO NOT RECOMMEND). Because of the inflamed zits around my cheekbones and jawline, my Doc told me that it was from high amounts of testosterone, which were causing the redness, swelling, and giant zits. I was placed on Spironolactone and Epiduo Forte. The first 4 weeks of Epiduo my face was not improving really at all, and on top of that my skin burned to wash it, put makeup on, etc. At 8 weeks my skin was starting to improve but it was so dry that it was flaking and my skin still hurt. Now at 3 months my skin is completely clear!!! You have to push yourself through the purging stages but I promise this is the real deal, don’t give up!!!"

10 / 10
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12 Report
  • Love
  • October 19, 2020

For Acne "I have been using Epiduo for close to two months now. I had never had really bad acne until about a year ago and I decided to go to the doctor to get some help. She put me on a month of doxycycline, new products, change of birth control, and Epiduo. I was worried because I read reviews about Epiduo that everyone seemed to experience awful dryness, peeling, burning, and purging of their skin. I started only 3x a week and because I was scared of this but I didn’t have any issues the first few times. Then as I worked up to every night I still didn’t have any burning sensation at all. I have seen a dramatic difference in my acne also. I barely have any pimples and just have fading scars. I use simple cerave products and use Epiduo every night but my doctor recommended that I wash my face, moisturize, then put the medicine on and rub it in with a bit more moisturizer. No idea if that had something to do with preventing the hard part of this cream but I see amazing results"

9 / 10
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10 Report
  • TarAC
  • October 27, 2020

For Acne "I had horrible, painful, large cystic acne on my chin. I would get those hard cystic zits on my chin every week. When one went away, another would pop up in its place. I had 3-5 cystic zits on my chin at a time. After 2 different dermatologists, I finally found one that understood my skin. She prescribed me EpiDuo and Aczone (dapsone) creams. Aczone during the day and EpiDuo at night before bed. Both were to be used with a thick moisturizer. For the first 2 months my skin was red and flaky and burned whenever I put anything on it. After those 2 months, my SKIN GLOWED. No more cystic acne. I could wake up every morning without thinking about where my new pimple would be. EpiDuo and Aczone truly saved my skin. I will forever be grateful to my dermatologist! I had to completely change my skin care routine. I washed my face twice a day with Cetaphil, while also applying my EpiDuo or Aczone, with a moisturizer on top. They all worked together."

10 / 10
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9 Report
  • Lilly...
  • June 6, 2019

For Acne "At 28 I had terrible cystic acne generally around my mouth and chin with occasional ones on my cheeks and forehead. My acne started while I was pregnant with my third child who was my only boy and remained months after he was born. I was getting cysts injected with cortisone on a monthly basis. I started using Differin and it worked but stopped after a month, and had used clindamycin prior to that for a month and it was effective but stopped as well. My dermatologist prescribed Epiduo Forte and it cleared my acne immediately. I had no drying or redness, but my skin was already used to adapalene. Now it's been 7 months and I never get any acne, and if I see something starting it's gone the next day. I use it a few nights a week. I seriously am amazed how well this works. I know all my acne was hormonal as I get a period every few months and I'm not on any birth control. It might not work for everyone but it's the only thing that continuously works for me!"

10 / 10
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11 Report
  • Former...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • November 2, 2016

For Acne "I started Epiduo Forte in February and it wasn't completely effective until May. The first month was pretty rough. My skin first "purged" and I had a lot more breakouts than usual, but my dermatologist warned me this would happen. After that purge, my skin became extremely dry and when I applied Epiduo Forte it would burn extremely bad. I put vaseline around my eyes before applying the cream because that is where it burned the most. Cerave lotion was a lifesaver while using Epiduo Forte! Use it and the dryness almost completely goes away! After 3 months of use, it didn't burn or dry out my skin at all. I now experience almost no pimples and my skin is more firm and healthy than ever. I recommend trying Epiduo Forte for yourself!"

9 / 10
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15 Report
  • Mandy
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • June 18, 2019

For Acne "This medicine was great for my acne, however, I had SEVERE swollen eyes and my skin was so sensitive I couldn’t put anything on it! I continued using for a year because I was willing to endure just about anything for clearer skin until finally I started getting eczema on my eyelids and eventually I would wake up with my eyes nearly swollen shut (even if when only put a dab of it on a single pimple AND washed my pillow sheets!) I’ve now been off the medicine for 6 months and STILL SUFFERING from the eczema! I can’t believe this medicine was capable of such severe long term damage and is still put on the market anyway. I’m terrified to try more acne medicine because of this."

4 / 10
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  • Tano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 14, 2021

For Acne "I started to experience severe acne nearing my 30s for some reason. My dermatologist prescribed this and told me to be consistent for three months. I went through a flare up mid way using this, making me lose hope a bit. It's now been exactly 3 months and WHAT A CHANGE! My cheeks are so smooth, I can finally see my freckles again that used to be hidden under deep red bumps. My skin is so soft, my forehead is incredibly baby smooth and overall it's amazing to feel my face in the shower. I took a photo of my face before treatment and 3 months later and it's so insane of a difference. Definitely works, you just NEED to be patient, give it 3 months a least! Also no side effects and I did not experience dry skin (I have natural oily skin)."

10 / 10
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8 Report
  • nycluv
  • July 23, 2018

For Acne "Epiduo Forte is probably one of the most effective topicals I've used to date (suffered from hormonal cystic acne for 8 years now) and definitely more effective than Epiduo. I've never written a review for an acne medication before so trust me when I say I rely on Epiduo Forte as an effective spot treatment. I find this topical to really help in thwarting those angry cystic pimples and stop em in their tracks. If I get them early and apply the Forte they usually go away or just turn into a regular/smaller pimple with a head. The only thing I hate about it is that it makes the area where you apply the epiduo forte EXTREMELY dried out and flaky, which sucks for a foundation-wearer like myself. The flaking doesn't fully subside til about a week so if you want your makeup to look smooth try not to apply the night before or just apply a very thin layer."

8 / 10
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  • PinkB...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 24, 2019

For Acne "I’m 50 years old and still struggle with acne! My dermatologist prescribed me Epiduo Forte Gel and I’ve been faithfully using it daily for a month now and I have to say I did purge but not as bad as I thought I would, so far it’s working for me! Acne break outs clear up fast and I even use it under my make up, it actually makes my face look very smooth and my pores aren’t as noticeable! Don’t give up on this product! Keep going, you’ll be glad you did!!!!"

9 / 10
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10 Report
  • mom
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • December 13, 2018

For Acne "My daughter's dermatologist prescribed this after she went off of accutane and started getting breakouts again. Accutane cleared her skin up amazingly, but we didn't want to put her back on it if it wasn't necessary. Epiduo Forte really does work. She has been using it for 10 months and her skin looks as clear as it did after 6+ months of accutane. She does still get breakouts, but nothing like before. And she has tried many prescription topical treatments and pills over the years, and none of those worked. She has also managed to make one bottle last 10 months, so she's probably not using enough, but she does say it is very drying. It's very expensive, so be sure and ask your doctor if they know of any rebate programs for it. We get it for $75 after insurance discount and rebate."

8 / 10
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  • Alexis
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 19, 2020

For Acne "I used to have acne when I was younger, maybe around 14, then my skin cleared up. The suddenly I started getting breakouts at 27. I started using epiduo for my hormonal adult acne breakouts 3 months ago. I started with once every day. It will not work faster if you use more! It was just make your skin hurt. Then once my skin got used to it, I started breaking out mildly in the areas I applied the cream. After about a week of that, my skin totally cleared up! I get a zit every once in awhile but it goes away a lot faster and doesn’t get as big. Be patient, this medication works!"

9 / 10
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9 Report
  • Kat
  • August 19, 2018

For Acne "I started using epiduo forte almost 8 weeks ago. I used as prescribed (slowly increasing use over time). For the two weeks or so, my skin purged and got worse (more pimples in the areas that normally broke out), but at about that 3-4 week mark I started to really see a difference in my skin, and got super excited. But now, for the past two weeks, my skin is pretty much right back to how it was before I started. Not terrible, but definitely not good, perhaps maybe even worse than before. I’m not sure what I may have done wrong, but if this is how my skin will continue to look using this, I’m going to stop. Also, this medication is extremely drying (especially around the mouth area) and causes your skin to flake and sometimes itch and slightly burn. I’m disappointed, but hoping to give it two more weeks before throwing it in the trash."

7 / 10
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  • kitty
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 28, 2016

For Acne "I have mild acne with redness and blackheads. I started using Epiduo Forte and it took only 2 weeks for my skin to look 100% better. I used a VERY small amount (even less than a pea size to start). My skin did get dry but I moisturized a lot and then increased the amount to an actual pea size. My skin, which is actually very sensitive, adjusted pretty well to this and I'm very happy with the results. Wait 20 minutes after you wash your face, to apply the Epiduo and then after applying it, wait another 20 minutes to moisturize. This helps eliminate the burning sensation that might did for me."

8 / 10
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13 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.