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Cymbalta User Reviews & Ratings

Cymbalta has an average rating of 6.3 out of 10 from a total of 1,769 reviews on 53% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 30% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Cymbalta

  • Boomer
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • January 6, 2019

For Anxiety "Don’t let the negative comments on here scare you. The truth is, Cymbalta works beautifully for some people and some people hate it. But that’s true with ANY antidepressant! Cymbalta saved me from extreme, constant anxiety and panic attacks. But I have tried other drugs - Zoloft, Lexapro, Paxil, Prozac, etc. Figured out I cannot take ANY SSRI. They cause my anxiety to go through the roof! Cymbalta is a SNRI. Works differently. I could not only tolerate it - it saved me. So, no - the medication shouldn’t be banned. It works wonders for some of us. If it didn’t work for you, accept it and try something else. But don’t scare other people away from trying something that could change their life in a positive way. They affect everyone differently, they all have side effects that differ for everyone and they are all difficult to quit taking."

10 / 10
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2361 Report
  • Anna
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 17, 2021

For Chronic Pain "I've been on Cymbalta for about a month now for lack of energy, depression, and chronic back pain. I started with 30mg/D and one week later to 60mg/D. I had some mild nausea a few days after starting the 30mg and nothing at all with 60. This medication is changing my life and is doing everything it's supposed to do. The back pain is gone almost completely, I'm energized, focused, and calm. I can now put in a full productive day just like everyone else and not be dragging myself around by noon. I was very scared to start because I read all the scary reviews but I love, love, love this stuff!"

10 / 10
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861 Report
  • Jess
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 4, 2020

For Anxiety "Cymbalta changed my life. I felt the change almost instantly. Freed me from lifelong depression. I feel as if I am reborn. Yes, I do feel a lack of appetite, but honestly that’s a plus for me. The other side effects I felt have all subsided now, and it’s only been a week. I felt like a zombie for the first four days, but now my energy is back, and I am happy. Haven’t been happy for a very long time."

10 / 10
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895 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Singer
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 16, 2020

For Depression "Don't be afraid to try this medication. I have been taking it for about four months now for depression and anxiety, and it seemed to turn a light on in my brain. There were some mild side effects at first, but they passed off—the only thing I notice now are some weird dreams. I have taken SSRIs off and on for over twenty years. This was the first time I had taken an SNRI, and I feel better—I'm calmer, I think more clearly, and things that bothered me a lot seem much more manageable now. If your provider prescribes this medication, at least give it a try."

10 / 10
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728 Report
  • MAano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 1, 2021

For Anxiety "I understand some of you may be searching for reviews on Cymbalta right now and have come across some negative experiences. For that reason, I felt compelled to share my experience. Cymbalta quite literally saved my life. I was extremely suicidal and my anxiety was taking my ability to even function normally. I was not eating, sleeping, or working at worst of it. Cymbalta has taken away 99% of my depression/suicidal thoughts and I would say about 85% of anxiety is gone, and what is left feels very normal and tolerable. I had a horrible experience with Lexapro previously and was scared of meds, and I was going untreated for a long time. If you are considering it, please speak with your doctor and do not let the negative reviews make your mind up for you. Please be aware there are also us patients who have been saved by this medication. If I listened to the negative reviews/experiences from others regarding Cymbalta and continued to go untreated, I would not be here today."

10 / 10
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558 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 14, 2019

For Anxiety "I'm finally free from the grips of anxiety and depression. I just feel normal. First week of Cymbalta was rough. Didn't know if I could do it. Nausea. Couldn't stay awake. Diarrhea. I stuck with it. Week 2, symptoms started to fade. I'm on month 4, this is the best I've felt in so long! I'm not numb, I still get nervous, I'm still awkward, I'm still myself! But it doesn't control me! I'm in the moment now! I'm not faking it! The only side effect now that I currently have is occasional night sweats, which I will take any day of the week over how I felt before! I've lost weight. I no longer have low blood sugar. I feel like my entire body makeup has been changed for the better! It's hard to explain. And I know some people may be skeptical. I'm 40 years old, and this is the best I've felt in over 20 years."

9 / 10
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700 Report
  • Funny...
  • February 8, 2020

For Depression "I just want to share my positive experience with Cymbalta, since there are so many negative reviews out here. Before this drug, I was on Celexa, then Lexapro... for depression, anxiety disorder, and panic attacks. The SSRIs left me feeling flat inside, and there were days I couldn't even get out of bed. Cymbalta has changed my life. I have no depression at the moment and have much more energy. I'm more social and have started working out again. In the first few weeks, I had minor side effects - fatigue, brain fog, headaches, and nausea. They went away after a few weeks. Glad I stuck it out."

8 / 10
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620 Report

More FAQ

  • Pstar
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • June 3, 2020

For Anxiety "Ok, I gave a review at 5-6 months being on Duloxetine. Now it's been a year. I started out on 30mg for a week, then moved up to 60mg. Felt great for a while. After about 5 months, I noticed I started to feel anxious and just didn't feel right. When up, so we moved it up to 80mg. Pushed through; 80mg helped, but still didn't feel right for a few months. Now I'm on 100mg. I take 60mg at 9 am and 40mg at 5 pm. And man, do I feel great! I finally am back. Life has been amazing. I know this medication isn't for everybody or people have had bad experiences on it, but it has truly helped me, and I'm so thankful for that! Only rated it a 9 because nothing is perfect."

9 / 10
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471 Report
  • June 10, 2019

For Anxiety "Remember this, everyone is different. Find the right medicine for you. I went on Cymbalta 7 years ago after I had an autoimmune disease and suffered from depression & anxiety. It was great. I went off of it for 3.5 years. Now, married with two kids, my life was what I wanted, yet I was miserable—so much anxiety, mood swings, snapping at my husband and kids, no interest in fun activities. I couldn't stand myself. I decided to give Cymbalta a try again (generic version). Initial side effects lasted a week. SO tired, brain fog, no appetite, headache. By day 7, all gone. I can't believe how fast it's working for me. My anxiety is gone. I am calm and easy going. I feel like the best version of myself. I'm laughing with my kids and husband and don't overreact. I actually am looking forward to doing activities and I have been enjoying them. I have been more productive at work and oddly more organized. I've tried other medicine and it's shut me down like a zombie."

10 / 10
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533 Report
  • jode
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • October 24, 2020

For Depression "I have been on Cymbalta for years at a dose of 120mg daily. This medication has helped my depression heaps. It has also helped manage my chronic pain and anxiety. Before starting on Cymbalta, I was hospitalized several times with depression. I have been on Cymbalta for about 8 years and have had zero hospital admissions since. I do still get times I have bad depression and anxiety, but Cymbalta has made it more manageable. I do get a few side effects such as sweating, but I would prefer that over feeling suicidal."

9 / 10
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399 Report
  • GleeA...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • December 20, 2019

For Chronic Pain "This is the only med that has helped my nerve pain/neuropathy. Lyrica & Neurontin didn’t work. One made me dizzy, the other made my nerve pain worse. I was scared to try Cymbalta after hearing some people say they hated it. Honestly, it’s been a godsend for me. I still have other kinds of pain, but the pins & needles, tingling, and burning are no longer there. I take a narcotic a few times a day, but 1/2 what I did before Cymbalta. I may have had some weight gain from it, but I don’t know if it’s this or just my age & diet mostly. I can’t get off the Cymbalta for now as it helps too much. I also used to have some anxiety/panic attacks & I don’t have them on this. I’m able to stop myself thank god. I have a happy sex life with my husband & no negative side effects (except possibly a few pounds). I also have low back pain less frequently. You don’t know til you try it how it might work for you. I take 60mg/night for about 4-5 years. I’m 45 years old."

8 / 10
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452 Report
  • kitkat
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 22, 2020

For Depression "I turned to this drug at my very lowest. Suicidal thoughts and constant lethargy became daily reminders of how depressed I really was. I realized I’d either find a solution or my life would be at risk. The solution was Cymbalta. After 6ish weeks, I began to enjoy activities again and felt very motivated to carry out tasks. My social anxiety now is nearly nonexistent. I’m not happy every day, but the darkness that used to envelop me has subsided and I can say that I see the light at the end of the tunnel (before the drug I couldn’t imagine my life a year in advance because I didn’t know if I’d make it there). My sex drive did suffer a little, but not very much. I will continue to take this drug as long as it continues to help me. Overall, although the withdrawal symptoms may be terrible in the future, Cymbalta truly saved my life and has been worth every penny. Give it time to work and don’t let the negative reviews scare you away if you really need the help."

9 / 10
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414 Report
  • Joyful
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 18, 2019

For Depression "I am at the end of week one on 30mg Cymbalta, and it is like a brand new me. Although today, I have hit a little bit of a low, I am so much better. Cymbalta literally has saved my life and my marriage. PRAISE GOD! I am looking forward to each day and know with time all will level out. No more extreme lows with suicidal thoughts, sleeping all day long, just wanting life to end. I wish I would have let my pride go a long time ago and told my doctor I needed help. Wednesday is my birthday, and I am looking forward to spending it with my husband. Yay! 44 and hopeful for the future."

10 / 10
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440 Report
  • Maggs...
  • October 18, 2019

For Chronic Pain "I am taking the time to write a positive review for Cymbalta to hopefully help another person considering this medication. Dose and side effects: My experience has been good with the brand version of Cymbalta for 1 month - 30 mg. Day 1, a bit nauseous and diarrhea. Nothing else except constipation. Relief: I suffer from nerve/chronic pain. I felt relief from back pain in week 1 and by week 3, my nerve pain is calming down. I have not gained weight. Cymbalta: For those considering this medication, take time to read the good reviews and consider the brand version if you can afford it. Generics aren’t the exact replicas of the original brand. There are umpteen different versions of generics and they vary from pharmacy to pharmacy. So you never know what kind you're going to get. Take time to do your research. I work in medical education. The information is out there on the net to educate us on side effects, generics, withdrawal, etc."

9 / 10
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378 Report
  • Pstar
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 21, 2019

For Anxiety "I've seen a lot of horror stories about Cymbalta, but it's been great for me. I started at 30mg for a week, then went up to 60mg. I've been on it for 5 months now and feel great. I had no side effects at all. Everybody reacts differently to meds."

9 / 10
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347 Report
  • jules
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 5, 2020

For Depression "I took a 30mg Cymbalta capsule at 9 am. At 9:30 am, it was like someone threw a brick at my head. Then I started to get brain zaps. I thought it would wear off, but I started to get cramps, became very thirsty, vomited, became uncoordinated, and then called an ambulance. My sodium level dropped to 118, and I got hyponatremia. They took me straight to the emergency department and gave me a brain scan and a salty drink. I stayed in the emergency ward for 4 days, and they said never to have Cymbalta again or I could have a stroke or worse. I am a 58-year-old healthy female. I would be very cautious taking this drug and definitely have someone with you who can take you to the hospital if things go wrong as they did with me. I was lucky I still was thinking straight enough to call an ambulance. That saved my life."

1 / 10
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311 Report
  • Galen
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • September 18, 2019

For Chronic Pain "I have been on Cymbalta for over a year (60mg per day) and this has been life-changing. No side effects at all, and my chronic nerve pain (from a herniated disc) is down about 98%. I recommend anyone with nerve pain to at least try this one. I take the generic version."

10 / 10
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347 Report
  • Sydney
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 9, 2020

For Fibromyalgia "My primary doc put me on this cause I have Fibromyalgia, depression, and anxiety. I have been on 30mg for three weeks now and the side effects... well, I have none. In the beginning, for the first two weeks, I had minimal. I’m going to stay on this dose instead of going up to 60mg since it’s working. I went to dinner last night, sleeping better, pain is much better, and I actually want to leave the house. Remember, go slow whether you're going on this med or coming off. Stay on each dose at least a month before moving up or down to the next, and your side effects stabilize."

10 / 10
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321 Report
  • JBano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 23, 2020

For Depression "Wonderful/best antidepressant on the market considering I’ve tried...Paxil, Prozac, Celexa horrible!! None worked and serious adverse starting effects! I’m on Cymbalta for depression and hydroxyzine for anxiety...Do not ever let a doctor put you on Klonopin. WARNING I’ve learned from that the hard what I have now is so much better. I wake up enjoying life and I feel there is hope beyond the dark."

10 / 10
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315 Report
  • Anonymous
  • August 12, 2008

For Depression "The Cymbalta took about three weeks to kick in. The side effects started out really strong: dizziness, sweating, no appetite, sleepiness, dry mouth. Now I've been on it for one month and all of my side effects are gone. I don't have any sexual side effects. As far as treating my depression, it's amazing. It's like the light has been turned on again and I can see the good in life. Advice: if you're prescribed this medication, give it a good try - the side effects do diminish. From what I see here, it seems like this works for a lot of people."

10 / 10
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769 Report
  • Happy...
  • February 3, 2017

For Depression "I will make it real simple. IT CHANGED MY LIFE FOR THE BETTER. I am outgoing, I love talking to people again! I have always been an introvert. Not any longer. I've tried every med for depression with really no success. I enjoy laughing again, and my coworkers are now involving me with them. I always felt like a loner. All those sad emotions are gone. It has been a miracle drug for me. I never thought I could feel so good."

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407 Report
  • DrSim
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • December 9, 2018

For Depression "Let's be honest here, everybody is different. Some people do not need a helping hand medically-wise in life, and others (like myself) do. I came off citalopram after years of being on it. I felt it had simply stopped working, and with added paranoia that it was actually doing me more harm, I decided to switch to something else. Duloxetine was recommended by a friend. All I can say is life is sweeter now. Always underweight and trying to put some weight on, this drug helped a lot. If weight gain would be an issue, I probably would not recommend. But if, like me, you feel happier with an extra 20 lbs on your frame, then this is the medication. To anyone reading this, hang in there and please don't ever feel alone. There is a world of people suffering the same as you, and the vast majority of us care a lot about you and will always try to help because we too know your pain."

10 / 10
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323 Report
  • Penny...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • March 11, 2020

For Anxiety "Taking Cymbalta is like having someone turn off the switch that controls my anxiety. It’s hard for me to comprehend how I lived with constant anxiety for most of my life now that it is controlled. I will say this is a medicine that you must commit to taking as prescribed. Missing doses will bring the anxiety back full force."

10 / 10
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265 Report
  • Bon
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • April 4, 2023

For Anxiety "I had been suffering since I was a kid with severe panic disorder, anxiety, and depression. I was put on Prozac after my 3rd child for extreme postpartum depression. It helped but wouldn’t totally get rid of it. Years of on and off depression, trying new meds... (you name it, I tried it!!)... At 50 years old, I was put on Cymbalta. It was life-changing. Almost 17 years later, thank God, it’s still working!! I’m on 40 mg daily. I’ve done things I would never have thought I’d be capable of doing. I always said that if I were offered a million dollars to go off of it, I wouldn’t!! I still feel the same way! It saved my life."

10 / 10
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104 Report
  • Glass...
  • October 15, 2019

For Fibromyalgia "Age: 54 Hypothyroidism (2008), Fibromyalgia (2009), mild to moderate arthritis (left knee). 2 terrible fibro flares this year that left me barely able to walk, even with a cane. Fed up, I started reading up on current treatments for fibro and found info on Cymbalta and Savella, so I made an appointment with my internist the next day. Took my first dose of Cymbalta (60 mg/day) that evening at 10 p.m. By 4 a.m. the next morning, I was standing up without assistance and my pain and muscle weakness was about 80% better. I was stunned, to say the least. I'm not saying that this will be a 'wonder drug' for everyone because we all have a different genetic makeup, but all I can say is that it has been nothing short of miraculous for me. I could just kick myself in the butt for dropping the ball on continuing to keep up with advances in the treatment of fibro. I could have saved myself from years of needless suffering."

10 / 10
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268 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.