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Erlotinib User Reviews & Ratings

Erlotinib has an average rating of 8.3 out of 10 from a total of 43 reviews on 81% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 11% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Erlotinib

  • Parham...
  • April 30, 2014

Tarceva (erlotinib) for Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "I have cancer after years of smoking. Chemotherapy did not work for me. Then when almost no hope I got erlotinib (Tarceva). Immediately after my scans, it shows that cancer is going into remission. My doctors were very encouraging, and slowly I started feeling better. I would feel like I have more energy. I go on walks every day, and after 1 year and six months, there are no traces of cancer. This made me feel so lucky to live. I started living a very healthy life after my diagnosis. I eat and drink healthy, and after 1 year of Tarceva, I begin jogging and living a normal life. I am very grateful that God has given me another chance. It is 8 years now that I am now cancer-free."

10 / 10
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227 Report
  • Anonymous
  • February 2, 2012

Tarceva (erlotinib) for Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "I have taken Tarceva for over 6 years! Yes, I have a few side effects but nothing major or that I can't deal with. I am stage 4 with a small tumor and other cancer throughout my two lungs. I am most fortunate and blessed to be alive and leading a very normal life at the age of 74. My friends call me a miracle!"

10 / 10
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240 Report
  • Anonymous
  • February 6, 2009

Tarceva (erlotinib) for Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "Mom was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2003 and went through treatment. In 2004, she developed metastatic bone cancer in her back, which was non-treatable by chemo or radiation. Her doctor put her on Tarceva in 2005 and did a PET scan as a baseline. We repeated the PET scan in January 2009, and her cancer has not progressed AT ALL! There are even a couple of spots in her back that showed cancer in 2005 but did not appear in her 2009 PET scan. Mom has had no side effects from this medication. The doctors in 2005 thought Mom would only live 6 months; I am extremely pleased to have her for 4 years and still counting."

10 / 10
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222 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • hnawaz
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • June 7, 2013

Tarceva (erlotinib) for Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "My mother was diagnosed with lung cancer in May 2012. Due to her cancer, she got a disability in her left leg. She had one dose of radiation, and since November, she has been on the Tarceva tablet. Since then, she has been doing really well. Her reports have shown that the cancer has reduced, and apart from a rash, she doesn't get any other side effects. Hope all you cancer sufferers get well, and God gives you the power to fight it."

10 / 10
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147 Report
  • Anonymous
  • June 23, 2010

Tarceva (erlotinib) for Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "In September of 2009, I was diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma that originated in the lung and had spread to my spine and had 9 lesions in my brain. The mass in my lung was 4.8 cm by 3.1 cm. My initial outlook was quite grim; however, after one round of radiation and 30 days of Tarceva, the cancer in the lung had shrunk by 30%. In April of 2010, the cancer had shrunk by 99%, and the lesions in my brain were down to 1. I have been able to return to work full-time with my only limitations being to avoid sun contact with my skin as much as possible. Since I am a police officer, I have a fitness test I take yearly, which includes a 1 1/2-mile run, which I was able to complete with 29 seconds to spare. The medication is GREAT, even with the rash!"

9 / 10
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169 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Shanky
  • January 18, 2012

Tarceva (erlotinib) for Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "My mother was diagnosed with stage IV non-small cell lung cancer in Mar 2011. Although she tested negative for the EGFR gene mutation, her oncologist started her on the Tarceva this past November. Two months later (yesterday, 1/17/12), we received her latest CT scan results. My mom's primary lung tumor has shrunk 80-90% and her lymph nodes have also markedly decreased in size! It is truly a miracle! The oncologist thinks my mom had a false negative on the EGFR to get these fantastic results. My mother never got the rash, but did have some diarrhea at first. The hardest part is avoiding dairy while trying to maintain her weight (Tarceva can cause some weight loss). The pharmacy that sends my mom the Tarceva has been so helpful to her also."

10 / 10
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152 Report
  • FDC
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 16, 2017

Tarceva (erlotinib) for Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "My wife was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in July 2016. She has the EGFR gene. She had two tumors in her right lung, tumors in her liver, one adrenal gland, brain, and bones. She was in severe pain. Since her brain was affected, it was decided she should have 10 days of brain radiation. The radiation did nothing for the pain. In mid-August 2016, she started taking 150 mg of Tarceva once daily. Within a few days, the pain subsided. After about a week, it was gone. By November, the tumors had shrunk in all affected areas by at least 80%. By February 2017, the tumors in her liver, brain, bones, and adrenal gland were gone. She now has two tiny tumors in her lung. Still taking it. No big side effects. We are very thankful!"

10 / 10
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98 Report
  • BrenMT
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 14, 2014

Tarceva (erlotinib) for Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "My boyfriend has Stage IV Adenocarcinoma mets to lymph nodes and chest bones. Within 2 months of starting Tarceva (started with 150 mg, reduced to 100 mg), his scans showed 90% improvement! It is incredible. The only reason I do not give it a 10 rating is that one of the common side effects is a very bad rash. After 3 months, the rash has not subsided. It looks like a cross between measles, poison ivy, and bad acne. It itches and burns too. We have tried all kinds of treatments, OTC and prescription, and nothing seems to touch it."

9 / 10
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103 Report
  • Anonymous
  • November 1, 2015

Tarceva (erlotinib) for Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "My mom, non-smoker, age 54. Stage 4 NSCLC. Diagnosed Nov 2014. This week's (Oct 20, 2015) CT scan showed NO active cancer in her lungs. Face rash was really bad, took meds for that. Changed diet to no sugar, no meat - mostly raw, tons of juicing, veggie smoothies, vitamins. Going back to work. 150mg dose taken every day."

10 / 10
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88 Report
  • Anonymous
  • October 13, 2011

Tarceva (erlotinib) for Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "My 63-year-old mom was diagnosed with the EGFR gene mutation, stage IV lung cancer 4 months ago. The cancer was also in her brain, lung, and bone. Since Tarceva started, she has done extremely well. Her recent scan showed a 70% decrease of tumor size on the lung, the spot on the liver is gone, and the ones on her brain are slowly getting smaller, even with a direct hit of full brain radiation. She has had some side effects such as rash, which she was very annoyed with but went away, diarrhea which she still has, and recently stomach pain. Hoping it subsides."

9 / 10
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112 Report
  • Anonymous
  • August 23, 2011

Tarceva (erlotinib) for Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "This is a follow-up after my diagnosis of stage 4 NSCLC last March. My X-ray after one month of taking Tarceva was good. I went back and had a CT scan in June, and my tumor shrunk. I was responding well to Tarceva pill."

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105 Report
  • ldoman
  • April 18, 2011

Tarceva (erlotinib) for Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "In March 11, 2011, I was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. My oncologist prescribed Tarceva once a day, 150 mg. I had the normal side effects: diarrhea and rash. Both were controlled, the rash was treated with antibiotics, and the diarrhea just went away by itself. I understand this pill is a maintenance therapy pill. It seems to work well on me. Tomorrow, April 18, is my appointment, I had an X-ray yesterday. I still have to know the outcome, but I am already feeling well. I had thoracentesis before my diagnosis due to pleural effusion. Reading the posts here on this site gives me positive hope that Tarceva works well for patients with NSCLC."

9 / 10
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102 Report
  • Anonymous
  • January 17, 2013

Tarceva (erlotinib) for Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "My mother was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer that spread to her kidney. She was put on Carboplatin/Taxol. That didn't help at all. They took her off that and put her on Tarceva, and that worked wonders. The kidney disappeared and also shrunk the lung mass. Three months later, it started to grow in her lung. So she was put on Alimta for three rounds, and that didn't work at all, and her cough got worse. They still kept her on Tarceva since that seems to be the only thing that has worked. Now she's on Gemzar that has helped her cough a little and breathing. There are plans, the doctor said, for a clinical trial that is for Tarceva patients that the drug has helped. It's supposed to be a step up from Tarceva. So we are waiting and praying that gets approved soon."

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92 Report
  • Daugh...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 2, 2014

Tarceva (erlotinib) for Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "My 83-year-old mother has been on Tarceva since early December 2013. She had a chest CT scan in late February, and it revealed only decreases in the size of her tumor and affected lymph nodes. There were no new developments and still no metastasis to her left lung. Prior to Tarceva, she had two rounds of chemo and had less positive effects. She has a lot of itchy, dry skin with some burning/pain. We have managed to get a foothold on the dry skin, but the itching/burning is becoming a concern. We will try a dermatologist to see if they can recommend something more effective than topical creams and lotions since she says that the burning/pain is more subcutaneous. Don't want her to have to stop taking Tarceva; it seems to be working!"

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83 Report
  • still...
  • July 8, 2016

Tarceva (erlotinib) for Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "Stage 4 lung cancer that had gone into my bones from my shoulders to my hips, spine, and liver was found on 5/6/2015. After 6 rounds of radiation on my spine to defer some of the pain and 2 months in the hospital, I started taking Tarceva as the only option besides chemo or dying within 5-6 months. Here I am, 14 months later, getting ready to start a new pill because the Tarceva has shown signs of not working as well. The cancer has shown signs of regenerating in the lung and liver again. The bones are staying about the same. Side effects in the beginning were a very bad rash on my face and not quite as bad on my torso, and diarrhea. All treated with antibiotics and other meds as per doctor's orders. After a month, my face and body began to clear."

7 / 10
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65 Report
  • Mon...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • March 17, 2015

Tarceva (erlotinib) for Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "My mom was diagnosed with stage IV NSCLC in June 2014. He couldn't move her left side very well and like a stroke because her cancer was spread to the brain, she got radiation treatment (10 sessions), then she could walk herself. Her oncologist prescribed Tarceva 150 mg. She is still taking Tarceva until today, almost 9 months. She has the common side effects, rashes, loss of appetite, so that she lost weight a lot. But her tumor size has decreased a lot. I'm very worried about her because she is coughing these days when she drinks water or in the middle of a conversation. But she has improved a lot her condition. I hope she gets well soon and has a normal healthy life. Thanks for Tarceva."

9 / 10
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71 Report
  • Daddy...
  • October 1, 2015

Tarceva (erlotinib) for Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "I was diagnosed with stage 4 NSCLC in Oct. 2014. It had metastasized into my right humerus. After radiation and chemo, the cancer went into remission. So, I was put on Tarceva 150. It's been typical side effects like face rash, diarrhea, and feeling tired all the time. However, I have had 3 PET scans at 3 months apart, all negative. I am a 52-year-old man, non-smoker."

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67 Report
  • Anonymous
  • March 9, 2009

Tarceva (erlotinib) for Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "My mother started taking Tarceva after being diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. So far she is doing okay - very chilled and developed a rash on her face which they say is not uncommon. Took her off of it for a few days to clear up the rash and hopefully she can continue. Her cancer travelled to her brain so we had a few more setbacks but they tell us Tarceva has been known to help the brain in some cases just praying for the best."

9 / 10
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101 Report
  • CyndyH
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • February 5, 2016

Tarceva (erlotinib) for Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "My husband (75), a non-smoker, was diagnosed with Stage IV NSCLC in December 2014, with metastases to the bones. Fluid around the lungs had to be drained every 3 days. Chemotherapy did not help, as the cancer continued to spread rapidly. Radiation was done on his spine in early May 2015 to help with the pain from the cancer in his spine. This was a disaster due to burns on his esophagus. New mutation testing in May showed that Tarceva may help. On June 5th, my husband began Tarceva. It has been such a gift. We asked for time for him to finish his life well. (He had not retired from banking yet.) His last scan (September 2015) showed that the cancer in the lungs had slowed with no new lesions, while bone lesions increased at a slow rate."

9 / 10
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62 Report
  • Bassa...
  • January 4, 2010

Tarceva (erlotinib) for Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "As I said in my previous writing, I'll write about the status of my mother-in-law after the first visit to the doctor after starting using Tarceva. Now it's 1 month since my mother-in-law started using Tarceva, she improved a lot. Now she can walk with no help from others while she was using a wheelchair all the time before. The doctor, when he saw her, was very happy to see her walking. The side effect is mostly blisters on the skin; the doctor said it's a good sign. He said when you have blisters on the skin, this means the drug is performing well. Thank you, and I'll write more after she does the scan in 2 weeks from now."

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91 Report
  • Catker
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • June 10, 2017

Tarceva (erlotinib) for Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "My husband, never a smoker, diagnosed in May 2014 with Stage IV cancer in both lungs, was found to have a mutation and started Tarceva immediately. Still going strong after 3 years! Able to do all activities he did before. We feel extremely fortunate."

10 / 10
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52 Report
  • Gsy
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 13, 2017

Tarceva (erlotinib) for Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "My dad was given Tarceva in 2008 after having radiation treatment, and I guess he was part of a clinical trial. It shrank his lung cancer mass, and his current x-rays show that his lungs are clear (he's 93)."

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50 Report
  • Scots...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • September 14, 2015

Tarceva (erlotinib) for Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "Our 88-year-old mother, a non-smoker, was diagnosed in November 2014 after having been breathless for 3 months. Tests showed Tarceva should be prescribed. She had a chest drain in place for 4 months while her 'magic pill' started working. Her side effects were a nasty, red, itchy rash on her face, broken skin on her fingertips, hair, and ongoing weight loss. Numerous body scans, MRIs, and bone scans have shown no cancer anywhere else, just a vast reduction in size of the original tumor within the lining of her left lung."

10 / 10
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56 Report
  • mura
  • January 29, 2016

Tarceva (erlotinib) for Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "My mother was diagnosed in 2007 and started Tarceva treatment in 2008. At 150 mg dose, she had a lot of side affects. At 100 mg she is doing excellent with no sign of growth. She was a never smoker and had 4 months of Chemo and radiation before her surgery. It seems as if that course of treatment in women responds well to Tarceva."

9 / 10
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49 Report
  • Scott...
  • December 18, 2016

Tarceva (erlotinib) for Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "My Mom was diagnosed with Stage IV Non-Small Cell, Adenocarcinoma with EGFR Mutation, on December 26, 2013. She had a 8x5cm RUL mass and a 6x7cm L Adrenal mass. At the time of staging, her life expectancy was estimated to be around 2-4 months. She began Tarceva monotherapy within 2 weeks. Her next CT showed 25% tumor shrinkage. Her 6 month CT showed no new growth and 75% tumor shrinkage and necrosis of the RUL mass. The next two CT's were stable. Unfortunately, as the oncologist had warned us, the cancer no longer responded to Tarceva. She was started on Gilotrif and, over the next 4 months, it had further mets to her ribs and liver. She died April 30, 2015. Tarceva gave me 14 precious months with my Mother. Tarceva was a miracle."

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40 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.