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Isoniazid User Reviews & Ratings

Isoniazid has an average rating of 5.5 out of 10 from a total of 28 reviews on 27% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 23% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Isoniazid

  • Alex...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • September 2, 2020

For Tuberculosis, Latent "I was TERRIFIED about taking isoniazid due to all of the problems these other people were having while on this medication. I need to take this medication for Latent Tuberculosis since I’m starting a medical program and need to have the TB cleared from my body before I can start clinicals for school. I’ve been taking this medication for two whole months now. 300 MG of Isoniazid daily with a 25 MG tablet of Vitamin B6. I have had NO symptoms whatsoever. I’ve never had an issue with antibiotics ever though. I feel normal. Not experiencing symptoms of liver failure either, but I’m going to get my liver enzyme levels checked just in case. I’m just posting this to show people who are afraid that you may be fine like I am. I have 4 more months of this medication."

9 / 10
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42 Report
  • Anonymous
  • December 26, 2016

For Tuberculosis, Latent "I hate that I started this medication. I was told by the doctor that having Latent TB there was a 10% chance of developing active one day on life (most likely at older age). But taking it damages my body now (100% chance). I'm not sure how the pharmaceutical industry is behind this to sell drugs, I truly doubt the necessity. Besides if you miss doses or stop the treatment you will be creating a super TB bacteria. I've being taking for 2 months, felt depressed and sleepy, most of all angry to be trapped on this when I was a healthy strong person. I feel like I trusted the doctor and now I regret. I'm not sure if my view is correct, but I strongly advise someone educating themselves a lot before starting starting. No way back."

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  • Anonymous
  • October 25, 2011

For Tuberculosis, Latent "I'm currently on this medication plus vitamin B6 for positive TB skin test. I've been taking it for about 4 months now. I'm scared to death. I wonder if I will be able to go through these 9 months without serious side effects like liver damage. Haven't experienced any side effects so far. I seem okay. 5 months to go. Hopefully nothing serious happens. I'm so moody lately. My coworkers say I now have an attitude."

7 / 10
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44 Report
  • allsm...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • July 1, 2014

For Tuberculosis, Latent "For those who just found out they have LATENT TB, the treatment is tedius but I have remained very healthy and have no serious complications. I have taken this medication 300 mg once daily for almost 9 months. Only main issue is it totally messes up a woman's cycle. My doc put be on 50mg of Vit B6 to prevent nerve damage. I take the Vit. B every day. My doc checks my liver and other blood levels every month to make sure I do not damage my liver. I take 50 mg of trazodone for sleep and it doesn't seem to interact weird with the isoniazid. It's just a pain to have to remember everyday but you get use to it."

10 / 10
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34 Report
  • Still...
  • June 24, 2010

For Tuberculosis, Prophylaxis "I'm still here, so I guess it worked - but it was a rough, horribly rough 9 months - it helped that I was already on medical leave (and that the hospital took responsibility for the exposure) - Isoniazid is literally a sort of (failed) anti-depressant that works against TB, but is also pretty harsh on the liver, so I had to take Vitamin B6 for 9 months too. I was pretty moody, crazy, aggressive - not my normal self... it was a long 9 months. I can't understate how mood altering this medicine was - not in a good way. I was embarrassed to talk about it, which made my behavior all the more odd to my friends and co-workers, but once I explained it, I got some support - anyhow, I wish I had done that from the start. On the plus side, I'm still here!"

7 / 10
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43 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • SPAZ
  • October 11, 2013

For Tuberculosis, Latent "I had to take Isoniazid 300 mg per day for positive skin test upon starting treatment with Humira for Psoriatic Arthritis. I had no side effects accept I seemed a little more edgy; I too was a little concerned at first about it being rough on your liver but they monitored it every two months, the results always came back fine (of course I did give up alcohol for the 9 month treatment) so my experience was not bad and I would say not to be overly concerned about liver failure because I put my liver through some real punishment in my younger party years and everything worked out. I am glad it's over, a 9 month treatment was long but you get used to it after a while."

9 / 10
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32 Report
  • October 22, 2019

For Tuberculosis, Latent "I was on this medication for 5 weeks of hell. At my first monthly check (5 weeks) my liver functions were over a thousand. Rushed to the ER where I was admitted for possible liver failure. Hospital stay, tests, 3 sets of Drs. $$$. I got lucky, no permanent damage. What I never was told was that this medication is an MAO. By taking me off the medication I went into sudden withdrawal systems, very difficult. On day 4 I have up to 2 weeks to experience it all. The reason I went on this was to start biologics, I am no longer allowed to start any type of biological or demard. There's not a lot of information out there sadly and the doctors don't give us enough information on what we're doing to our own bodies. This has been a nightmare one I will never repeat. Please do yourself a favor and be your own advocate. Thumbs down for me."

1 / 10
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17 Report
  • James...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 13, 2018

For Tuberculosis, Latent "Started talking isoniazid (INH), and about a week later felt horrible, nausea, stomach pains diarrhea, extremely dizzy hard to even sit up in a chair, no appetite, this lasted 4 days after I stopped the medication. Started feeling better on the 5 the day I started back on INH, all was good until the 5th day, sick all over again, Lost 6 lbs, I'm a skinny guy as it is. I think I'm gonna take my chances of 5-10% of getting sick later with TB, Never felt so bad could hardly stand up , felt like I was going to pass out. My liver is more important than a 5-10% chance of getting TB.."

4 / 10
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20 Report
  • onyx...
  • May 28, 2017

For Tuberculosis, Latent "It's my third month treatment for latent TB. My ALT (liver enzyme) increased already three times than normal at 100. I experience chills, fever, joint pain, tingling on my hands and feet, nausea. I'm very worried about my liver damage too. My doctor told me to get blood work every week and if I start vomiting to stop medication and call her right away. I'm so upset if I stop medication I might get active TB at one moment in life and I would need more medication, if I continue, I don't feel well and I don't know what effect would have, in time on my body and especially on my liver. Maybe I should have refused the treatment in first place. Life sucks. :( ps. I take every day one tablet of Isoniazid 300mg with vitamin B6 25mg"

2 / 10
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21 Report
  • 2More...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • November 4, 2016

For Tuberculosis, Latent "Almost completed with month 7 of 9 of the INH. Overall the experience has been good. I get my liver enzymes checked every three months through a blood test with no issues. I do drink alcohol but pay much more attention to moderation than I felt like I needed to before. I am careful about taking it daily. I have stuck to the routine of taking it on an empty stomach (recommended) and then eating 30-40 minutes. No change in emotions. One complaint which applies to women is I did experience what I thought was spotting between my periods however it appeared to only happen when I used the washroom and it was more orange than red. After several tests with the gynecologist it was determined it was the INH. If this occurs see an GYN in case!"

8 / 10
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19 Report
  • Nervo
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 28, 2016

For Tuberculosis, Latent "Been on Isoniazid and Pyridoxine for 5 months now for Latent TB and have noticed that I've become much more nervous especially when I'm presenting to a crowd. I've never had issues like this and been a good orator. Lately I get choked up and have performance anxiety!!! Can't wait to stop this medication!"

5 / 10
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18 Report
  • moleen
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 6, 2017

For Tuberculosis, Latent "I was given Isoniazid 300mg and Pyridoxine 25mg to be taken daily. My liver enzymes rose as predicted by my doctor, but was assured they would return to normal after treatment stopped. I took the medication for four months. Never touched any alcohol and stayed clear of any foods listed that might cause side effects. I had a few instances of severe stomach cramps (similar to the pain experienced with gastro enteritis) and was so weak I almost collapsed. I felt unwell most of the time and decided to stop taking the meds after four months. Six months has now passed , my liver has returned to normal but my doctor has advised me to begin the treatment again for five more months. I am undecided as to if I should or not."

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16 Report
  • Jenzy
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 4, 2019

For Tuberculosis, Latent "I'm on latent TB (Tuberculosis) meds isoniazid for 3months. The first month was worst. However has settled now. Just to warn you all do not take RENNIE LIQUID FORM. As contains alcohol. Made me sick. Luckily I read ingredients and realised what the cause was. Good luck everyone keep on going."

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11 Report
  • Some...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 2, 2013

For Tuberculosis, Active "I am on my 5-th month of Tuberculosis treatment. Taking Isoniazid with combination of Rimfampin and Vit. B6. It is very difficult time for me, because since the beginning of taking this medication I'm experiencing very strong mood changes, I'm very nervous and anxious. Can't sleep at night. I never read about the anxiety side effects of Isoniazid, but I have one since the start of the treatment. No gastrointestinal side effects though."

7 / 10
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19 Report
  • Not...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 9, 2022

For Tuberculosis, Latent "My infectious disease Dr. presented me with the INH approach and I was happy to drop one of the drugs from the 3HR protocol my family Dr. proposed. Still nervous, I started reading about tyrosine and dietary restrictions and then I read these reviews. Thank you, everyone who stated their honest opinion and concerns with this drug. I have decided to take a chance and forego taking it. The problems that concern me the most are the emotional struggles and liver enzymes. God bless you all."

6 / 10
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4 Report
  • Anonymous
  • March 15, 2012

For Tuberculosis, Active "I have just started the medicines for TB and already I'm not well. The rifampin gave me a major allergic reaction and had to be stopped. Now on Isoniazid; pyrazinamide and ethambutol and vitamin B6 --- major stomach problems and diarrhea. "

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17 Report
  • Nurse
  • April 10, 2015

For Tuberculosis, Latent "I've been on the isoniazid for almost one month and I'm not sure I will be able to continue. I'm experiencing bad headaches nearly every day. Before going on the drug, I took Tylenol every 6 hours for arthritis pain. Now I have had to stop the tylenol. I have Crohn's disease so I can't take any NSAIDS. That leaves me no options for my headaches. Not sure I can deal with this for 9months. After one week my liver enzymes have already increased by 7. Pretty stressed out about this whole thing. I tested positive for latent TB when waiting to start Humira for my Rheumatoid Arthritis. Now I can't take anything for my pain until I'm treated for the TB for 9months. Life sucks."

5 / 10
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13 Report
  • Lee
  • October 9, 2019

For Tuberculosis, Latent "My experience on isoniazid over the last two months has been bad. I was wanting to be positive but it has been a struggle to say the least. I was prescribed 300mg a day (30 yo female 60kg weight) and after the first few days I had extremely bad diarrhoea, fatigue, body aches all over and felt nauseous. I pushed through 14 days of this and then had to stop due to being so ill & off work. My doctor then told me to rest a week & then try again this time doing 1 week on 100mg, then week 2 200mg and finally getting back up to 300mg. This really helped my body adjust a bit better, still had days off in bed, sleeping, chills, cramps in my legs, not eating, feeling bad... but it helped. Personally it’s a huge whack to the system and takes an emotional toll being so sick & tired all the time. I have lost a lot of my hair too which is not fun & I was told it’s quite normal! Hopefully it’s all worth it!"

2 / 10
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8 Report
  • nana
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • October 17, 2019

For Tuberculosis, Latent "I've been taking Isoniazid 300 MG with vitamin B-6 50 MG for almost 4 months now and I have 5 more months now- it is for Tuberculosis (TB). I have been depressed and moody all day until today. I keep crying and I am not feeling good at all."

4 / 10
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7 Report
  • 2018 ...
  • July 20, 2018

For Tuberculosis, Latent "I been on meds for latent Tuberculosis (TB) for four months I’m starting to experience certain symptoms it is very depressing at times and also I’m working on my diet change I been having bad aches, stomach pains numbness and tingling feelings in feet’s and body sensation I’m trying to remain positive but it is a lot."

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7 Report
  • Elizzy...
  • September 22, 2015

For Tuberculosis, Latent "Overall I'm sure this medication is very effective but after taking it a week I started getting nausea and stomach pain, especially after I ate. I'm sure some of this has to do with the fact I ate cheese sometime. As you have to be careful not to have foods high in Tyrasine. But I started to have general stomach pain, cramping and tenderness. So my doctor said today that I have to stop taking the meds. Now I'm going to the infectious disease specialist."

4 / 10
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9 Report
  • Sarah...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 3, 2022

For Tuberculosis, Latent "I was prescribed Isoniazid (300mg), I was anxious to start because of the side effects surrounding eye pain and vision loss, and was warned about severe stomach pain by a friend. The first week was fine. The second week I got really bad heart burn, and started to experience problems with my vision. I visually was having problems focusing on things, especially while reading things kind of blurred together. I also had a hard time focusing in general, and experienced strong confusion. I found myself walking around in a complete daze a few times. Things got really bad during the third week. I slowly started to experience eye pain that quickly became unbearable. It was kind of like pins and needles that were on fire, combined with a severe pressure pain. A sand man attack x10. It was both eyes, but much worse in my left eye. After about a week of dealing with the pain, I stopped taking the meds completely. I went to bed every night afraid that I wouldn't be able to see when I woke up. Nope!"

1 / 10
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3 Report
  • Anonymous
  • June 9, 2016

For Tuberculosis, Latent "4 1/2 Months into taking INH. Just got back from the doctor and my liver enzyme levels are over twice the normal! I Have only starting feeling the side effects in the last couple of weeks. slight liver pain, yellow urine, vomiting etc. I think for the most part though I did it to myself as I did drink heavily 3 times over the last few months (I'm a 21 year old male). Going for check ups regularly to finish out the 6 months. If liver enzymes go above 3 times the norm, advise is to stop medication."

5 / 10
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7 Report
  • Steph...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 27, 2022

For Tuberculosis, Latent "I’m taking 900mg of isoniazid and 900mg of priftin once a week. Just took week 3 and it’s kicking my butt. Bad, bad, bad headache, upset stomach, diarrhea, throwing up, light headed/dizzy. Even passed out in my bathroom. I am not looking forward to the next 9 weeks. Not sure the risks of the drugs are worth it. Latent TB can sit dormant your whole life. I sure hope these symptoms ease up."

8 / 10
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2 Report
  • David
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 14, 2021

For Tuberculosis, Latent "After 4 days of Isoniazid for latent TB, I experienced bad diarrhoea. Disturbed rest at night when it happened mostly (3-4 times) after midnight till early 7am After 3 months, rashes, fever and nausea happened. Finally it was so bad I required A&E admission in hospital. Liver ALT &Asp all shot up to very dangerous levels around 900. Stop isoniazid now when doc confirm is e cause of this"

3 / 10
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2 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.