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Liletta User Reviews & Ratings

Liletta has an average rating of 5.5 out of 10 from a total of 640 reviews on 37% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 36% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Liletta

  • Heath
  • September 5, 2020

For Birth Control "I previously had the Mirena and loved it. My Gyn said they switched to Liletta and it would be the same experience. WRONG! I’ve gained 10+ lbs & am constantly bloated. I’m more active & have a better diet than I’ve ever had. My skin looks like I’m going through puberty. I’m emitting a smell that is god-awful. I have no energy, no libido, constant mood swings, reflux, nausea, and I just feel like an alien in my own body. I chalked it up to turning 30 this year coupled with the weirdness that COVID has brought, but in the back of my mind, I’ve known there is something wrong beyond that. I’m so glad I found this forum and know that these changes are caused by the IUD. I would rather manage periods than become a different person like I have been. Everyone is different but for me, there is a HUGE difference between the Mirena & Liletta IUD and I cannot wait to get this thing removed & get back to being myself."

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  • TJano
  • June 3, 2019

For Birth Control "I'm sharing for those of you considering! I'll start by saying EVERYONE'S BODY IS DIFFERENT! Especially with online reviews, I notice that people (as per human nature) tend to share their negative experiences and rarely do so when it's positive. I spent HOURS reading reviews online for all different kinds of IUD's... and it scared the hell out of me! Horror story after horror story and I psyched myself up so much fearing that I would be one of them. My experience was AMAZING! I give massive credit to my doctor - it's all about the expertise and skill of how it's put in. 800 mg of ibuprofen few hours before. 2/10 scale of pain/the mildest cramp during insertion. Drove home. Forgot about it a day later. Only light spotting and no other side effects. 3 weeks post insertion, I'm feeling so great! Trust YOUR body and don't comparing it to anyone else's and 'what could be.' I know I did, and I wish I hadn't.... :) Best of luck!!!!!"

10 / 10
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172 Report
  • Qano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 13, 2018

For Birth Control "Date Placed: 04/18 Today's Date: 9/12. Still experiencing NEVER-ENDING SPOTTING. When it was first placed, everything was normal for a month, but then I got a REALLY HEAVY FLOW for about 3 weeks and had to use Super Plus tampons. Once that finally stopped, I had no bleeding for maybe two weeks. Now, here I am with the BROWNISH REDDISH DISCHARGE. Has anyone else experienced any of these things?"

7 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • MLano
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • January 28, 2021

For Birth Control "I got Liletta about 3 years ago. Very painful insertion but pain went away about 1 hour later. My next two periods were unbearable. Like I thought an ovary was exploding and I couldn't walk or breathe. I have been having pain on and off every week that is similar to endometriosis pains with light bleeding. I have PCOS and I told the doctor and they said it would be fine, but I'm starting to wonder about it. I have no sex drive, feel tired all the time, and have a mental fog that I specifically remembered starting around the time of my insertion. I also gained about 15 pounds. The cramps radiate out from my ovaries to my back and down my thighs. My doctor keeps telling me it's normal... I want to get it removed as soon as possible."

2 / 10
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72 Report
  • Chelley
  • November 14, 2016

For Birth Control "I guess most people only review when they have a bad experience. I personally love it. I had the copper IUD which gave me headaches and hurt like heck. Liletta does not give me headaches, and I don't feel it at all. No acne at all. No weight gain. Actually, I feel a bit slimmer, but I eat right and work out. Sex drive increased. The only possible negative may be mood swings, but I've always had an attitude."

10 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • CJano
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • December 30, 2020

For Birth Control "So grateful to have found this forum and not feel so alone! I had two Mirenas (2009-2018), which were awesome, but then a doctor switched me to Liletta in April 2018, promising me it was 'just the same, but cheaper!' - yeah right. Since going on Liletta, my sex drive has COMPLETELY disappeared. I used to enjoy sex so much, but for the past 2.5 years, I haven't even felt the desire to masturbate. I feel stupid that it took me this long to realize that the culprit is most likely the Liletta. I just had it removed before Christmas. Send me luck for a restored libido in the new year! Sharing my experience in the hopes that it will help other vagina-having folk."

2 / 10
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68 Report
  • alize
  • February 24, 2020

For Birth Control "First, insertion was extremely painful. I am comparing it to a Paragard insertion about 10 years ago, a breeze. I had Paragard for 8 years with no issues, and do not have kids. I opted for Liletta last month. I've noticed such a dramatic shift in my mood and personality for the worse, as well as bloating and weight gain. What makes the side effects even more dramatic is that I have been working out really consistently (running 10 miles/week, yoga, strength), which would normally lift my spirits and mitigate any winter blues, but nope, I'll get off the treadmill and feel on the verge of tears for no reason. It's affecting my work and my relationship, I want it out asap. I've also been crampy and spotting for the entire month since it was inserted. I realize that part is meant to be normal, but it's like insult to injury taking all the other side effects into account. The pros are: I'm not pregnant. Worth it? Not at the cost of my relationship and mental health, and physical well-being."

2 / 10
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More FAQ

  • Nickyb
  • June 10, 2021

For Birth Control "I had Liletta inserted after my last baby. The doctor told me it was the same as Mirena, but it is NOT. I didn’t have any problems with Mirena, but three months after Liletta insertion, I got Telogen Effluvium and lost a lot of hair. (More hair shedding than I have EVER experienced.) I gained weight, and my libido is completely GONE! My hair is continuing to fall out. I had my hormone levels checked twice, and my estrogen level has dropped so low that it barely registers on the charts. My doctor told me that could be from the Liletta suppressing my estrogen (and progesterone) production. Those are two VERY important hormones for a woman, especially for hair growth, skin, nails, etc. Nothing like having a birth control that basically puts you into a menopausal state LONG before you are due for that. After having this awful device in me for fourteen months, I am finally getting it removed tomorrow! I do NOT recommend Liletta to anyone and do NOT let your doctor tell you it is the exact same thing as Mirena."

1 / 10
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60 Report
  • Happy...
  • May 7, 2021

For Birth Control "I had the Liletta inserted shortly after my second child was born. While on Liletta, I did notice an extreme uptick in my sex drive, which has been great. But, like others, my anxiety was out of control, moods were up/down, there was an odd odor all the time. But the constant bleeding was what had me mostly concerned. I literally bled nonstop. It would be consistent for three weeks, wane off for two, back for a few days, away for another few days, etc. It was awful. I complained to my OB, and he chalked it off to "your body is getting used to it," etc. Finally, one and a half years after insertion, I’m two days post-removal (had a Mirena put in on Wednesday after getting the Liletta out), and I feel awesome. No pain, physically lighter. My jeans fit better-no bloating, my mood is incredibly brighter-no odor, and NO BLOOD! My experience with the Liletta was not a favorable one."

1 / 10
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50 Report
  • 20som...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 8, 2020

For Birth Control "I had Liletta inserted at Planned Parenthood about 4 1/2 months ago after being frustrated with my birth control pills. Most reviews here are negative, so I thought I’d share my positive experience. The insertion was uncomfortable, but the pain was bearable for me and was quick. I drove myself home after. I have not had any weight fluctuations that are abnormal (I am 20, 5’9 and 130 lbs). I did have light bleeding for 2 weeks, but my period has now stopped. I hate getting my period, so I am okay with taking a quick test to make sure I’m not pregnant to be safe. Hope this helps!"

9 / 10
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62 Report
  • Bree
  • January 10, 2020

For Birth Control "I’ve had Liletta for what will be 3 years this month. Overall, it has done its job, seeing that I have not gotten pregnant. The pros for this birth control for me would be shorter and lighter periods, less severe cramps, and bigger breasts. However, what made me write a review on this site was seeing that so many women also experienced some of the same cons. I’ve had terrible depression and anxiety since starting it. Granted, I am naturally a very emotional person, so for the longest time, I thought it was just me. But reading these posts and thinking back on the last 3 years, I can see that my emotions have been ten times worse than usual. I’m easily stressed now and overly anxious. I also feel extremely unmotivated and lazy and have had so many random negative thoughts. As if that’s not already enough, I’ve gained so much weight (went from 130 to 170)."

5 / 10
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57 Report
  • Kat
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • February 18, 2020

For Birth Control "Liletta gave me cystic acne, reoccurring infections, pelvic pain, and out-of-control bleeding. After a year and 6 months, I removed it, and I am already feeling relieved, and it’s only been 24 hours. Every woman is different, so I can’t say that my experience will be yours, but I wouldn’t recommend it to my worst enemy."

1 / 10
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54 Report
  • Happy...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • June 18, 2020

For Birth Control "I've been on Liletta for a few weeks now. Insertion wasn't bad at all. My doctor warned me that I may feel a slight pinch and some cramping, but I didn't at all. She also warned me that everyone's different, and so are our periods. I'm typically a very heavy bleeder, but with this, I've spotted. Which, in my book, is a miracle. I've had no cramping, no mood swings, no negative thoughts. My man is well endowed, and neither of us feel the strings at all. My sex drive has gone up, and I couldn't be more happy overall. 6/17/2020 P.S. I would recommend a female doctor who also uses the same birth control so she can relate to you."

10 / 10
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47 Report
  • Katie
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 5, 2019

For Birth Control "I had the Liletta IUD inserted to replace using birth control pills. It is amazing! I am 22 (no kids) and have seen absolutely no change in my weight, mood, acne, or sex drive. Don’t let these negative reviews scare you away, people often write about negative experiences, and everyone having a good experience doesn't think about doing a review. Insertion was painful for 30 seconds and then mild cramping for about 2 hours, but it has been so worth it! I had sex the next day, and my boyfriend and I did not notice the string at all. It is a huge benefit to not use a condom or have to worry about any accidents happening. The only negative would be my one period lasting 2 weeks, but the second week was really light. I haven’t had a period since. Highly recommend Liletta!"

10 / 10
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  • Jay
  • November 2, 2019

For Birth Control "I’ve had Liletta going on to a year and it was the absolute biggest mistake I’ve ever made. As far as it “not getting me pregnant”, sure, it’s done its job but the side effects are the absolute worst. I’ve never had acne in my life and now I do. My periods seem to last forever. I never not have my period. I’m always spotting, it never fully goes away. MOST IMPORTANTLY, my mental health. I have experienced crucial mood swings, depression and anxiety. I do not feel like myself AT ALL. One day I’m good, the next day I’m all over the place. One minute I’m fine, next moment I’m crying or angry or upset over absolutely nothing. It feels like my body has been invaded and I have zero control over how I feel. The mood swings are crucial as well as the random depression and anxiety. I rather use condoms for the rest of my life than to feel how I feel."

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42 Report
  • HFano
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • December 16, 2019

For Birth Control "This IUD had caused so many health issues for me. I had this IUD and had RAPID weight gain of 50 pounds. I have always been curvy but never overweight or unhealthy. I am now considered obese. My breast size that were DD are now an H. My breast weigh a good 35-40 pounds. I now have shortness of breath because of my weight gain( especially in my chest area) and now have a belly (never had that before my IUD). I got awful headaches and now have reflux and possibly sleep apnea due to my rapid weight gain. I had two different doctors check EVERYTHING that could cause weight gain and the only thing they determined was my IUD (I had great lab work and no diabetes or thyroid issues).I have back fat now and fat around my neck and upper shoulders that I never had before. I went from being an hourglass figure to looking like the mucinex guy. This IUD has completely changed me for the worse. I think it’s extremely unhealthy."

1 / 10
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39 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 21, 2020

For Birth Control "I got the Liletta IUD 3 months ago and at first it was AWFUL. Cramps were awful upon insertion and almost unbearable for about a month afterwards. I never bled at all, but the cramps were constant. Since then I couldn't have been happier. I have lost weight (not necessarily related, but didn't gain any weight). I have seen a dramatic increase in sex drive. I have been on different birth control pills in the past that made me very depressed, so I was worried the IUD might have this effect. My mood has been great! The only negative thing is that I do have more acne now, but nothing that is too extreme and needs more than over the counter medicine. My period has also almost completely stopped and it's only been 3 months which is great!!"

9 / 10
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34 Report
  • Pay...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 13, 2020

For Birth Control "I would never recommend the Liletta to anyone. I gained 20 -30 pounds in the first couple months after insertion and have had the worst time getting rid of the weight even after removal. While on Liletta my moods were drastically changed. I experienced sad, dark and depressing thoughts. Normally being rather optimistic I knew something was very different about my mood. I experienced an unpleasant strong vaginal odor all of the time which was embarrassing. Just every terrible side effect imaginable. Just a week or two after removal most side effects are gone... except this pesky extra weight. DON’T DO IT LADIES! Love you lady parts and don’t feed it poison!"

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33 Report
  • Ari
  • September 5, 2020

For Birth Control "The insertioin process of Liletta was great, mild cramping. Spotting at first for about 4-5 days after. I am now 7 months in and I spot for 3 weeks at a time. I’m good for 2 weeks then spot for 3 more weeks. My sex drive is incredibly high and it’s putting a strain on my sex life. This is my first time getting on birth control. I was never a heavy bleeder just a fertile Mertile. Got pregnant easy. Don’t get me wrong I’m grateful I am not pregnant but I love sex and I am bummed with all this spotting."

3 / 10
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29 Report
  • Mom
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 16, 2020

For Birth Control "My obgyn convinced me to get this instead of getting my tubes tied after I had my 3rd baby. She also has this IUD and highly recommended it to me. I have had it now for 5 weeks. I had the insertion done at 10 weeks after delivering. I honestly felt nothing, I spot for 2-3 days every week. I got my period x 1 week so far. My periods use to be very heavy, no I just wear a pantyliner. As far as weight gain, I can’t comment because I just had a baby in July. Also I am not breaking out, only on my chin from wearing a mask. Sex drive is good too! I really hope this helps!"

8 / 10
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25 Report
  • Nat
  • September 24, 2018

For Birth Control "I got liletta put in almost a week ago and so far have had a great experience! I am 20 years old and have never had kids. My period cramps are usually not too bad, I'll take a few Ibuprofen and they usually settle down, and my pain tolerance is pretty high. I knew going in that the insertion was going to hurt, however it definitely was tolerable. In the days following, I haven't experienced any heavy cramping (thankfully). The rest of the day after getting it inserted just felt like how I would normally cramp the day before I get my period. I took it easy the 2-3 days after getting it inserted however I feel completely normal now. I have a brownish/yellowish clear discharge but so far no heavy bleeding either. I wanted to leave a review just because the day before I got mine inserted I read the reviews and psyched myself out because they are almost all bad! Every body is different so I'm glad I didn't chicken out because so far so good!"

8 / 10
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33 Report
  • Meg
  • November 23, 2019

For Birth Control "I didn't want a birth control with hormones as I’ve had issues with anxiety and depression my whole life and didn’t want that to worsen. I decided to get the liletta though because I'd heard that the copper iud (without hormones) tends to make periods worse. I will say that prior to liletta I was lucky with my periods because they only happened every few months and they were usually light and I never had issues with cramping. So I decided on the liletta. I did bleed lightly for the first 90 days or so after but it stopped entirely after that and very rarely spot here and there. It has not affected my anxiety or depression or acne. I do still mildly break out here and there but I don’t blame my IUD for that. I never experience any side affects from it but I do occasionally experience “shadow” period affects like cravings and mood swings when it’s around that time of month for me but that’s about it. I’ve had no pregnancy scares and no issues so far"

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27 Report
  • Sam
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • July 22, 2024

For Heavy Menstrual Bleeding "I have had this for a year. Before the IUD, I was diagnosed with menorrhagia and had one (small) fibroid. I used to plan my life around my period; wore a large menstrual cup, extra-long pad, and period panties (and still leak). I modified my diet and took iron supplements that did not work. I experienced extreme fatigue, irritability, depression, anxiety, migraines, and severe PMS. Insertion was painful. I bled for 10 days with painful cramps. My first cycle was awful, and for 3 months had strangely painful random cramps and spotting. After that, my periods got lighter and now I just wear pantiliners. In 5 months, PMS symptoms were gone. No more depression, night sweats, or raging mood swings. In 8 months, I no longer experienced debilitating fatigue, so I started exercising on a daily basis. I am now in the best shape of my life at the age of 37, no longer anemic, and have lost 25 lbs. My body fat has gone from 32% to 24%. Even my thin hair is growing back! I am SO GLAD I got this IUD!"

9 / 10
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1 Report
  • BLS
  • January 19, 2020

For Birth Control "on this for Irregular Periods/Ovarian Cysts/Birth Control. I have not stopped bleeding since insertion and feel like I'm in a constant state of PMS. I have regular cramping and noticeable pressure in my lower abdomen. I am almost constantly bloated. I eat 90% paleo, limit alcohol, and workout regularly. The rest of my body is in great shape, but since the IUD insertion, my mid-section is ever-expanding! I am unable to fit into anything unless it has spandex. I have been experiencing headaches, which I am not normally prone to and I feel more anxious than normal. My skin has also taken a downward turn. I have never been acne prone and my face looks like I am going through puberty. And most importantly, my mood sucks! I find myself to be uncontrollably irritable. It's almost like watching another person b/c I can see myself being angry or down in the dumps and I can't pinpoint WHY and struggle to shake myself out of it. I have never had depression, but I think the medication is taking it's toll on my normally upbeat nature. I am done"

2 / 10
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25 Report
  • Mom...
  • April 2, 2021

For Birth Control "Had this Liletta IUD put in January 2020 because of irregular and heavy periods. The insertion was not bad. I experienced cramps for a day or two. But the spotting that followed was unreal. It lasted about 5 months accompanied with my regular, irregular periods. Additionally, I have gained 15 pounds which is frustrating considering that I have maintained a consistent weight my whole adult life (except pregnancy) due to following a strict exercise and diet regimen. My sex drive is also completely gone, and been replaced with headaches, mood swings, anxiety, and depression. I am grateful to have found this website to learn this is not all in my head and others have experienced the same side effects. It’s not worth it anymore, and will be having the IUD removed shortly."

4 / 10
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19 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.