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Mirena User Reviews & Ratings

Mirena has an average rating of 6.5 out of 10 from a total of 1,935 reviews on 47% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 32% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Mirena

  • Mirena...
  • April 1, 2009

For Birth Control "I have had my IUD for over a year now, and I think it's the best thing ever. When I first got it put in, I only bled for about a week with a little cramping. After that, nothing at all. I haven't had a period for about 8 months until I finally got one, and it's not bad at all. It's light, no cramping, no headache, nothing. I haven't gained weight, my acne is gone, and my moods are fine. I know all women are different, but I just hear all these horror stories, and I just wanted to tell my story, which is a good one. Hope it calms some of your fears."

10 / 10
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1725 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 12, 2021

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I know I have not had Mirena in long. First day was Dec 15th. This is horrible. I always had the worst cramps along with heavy heavy bleeding. Every month it felt like contractions. Since having the IUD put in I have bled every day. Yes, some days were lighter than others. Most days I had to wear a regular pad. Cramps are just as bad if not worse. I can't wait 3 months or longer to see if this will work. I'm miserable, my husband is miserable. I think I would prefer the 7 days of heavy bleeding than this. At least I knew it was going to stop. This everyday bleeding has to go. I can't deal with it."

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403 Report
  • lisalor
  • December 21, 2020

For Birth Control "I wanted to come back here and write a review because before I got the Mirena I was reading all of these, although aware that people are more inclined to write about their horror stories rather than their happy stories. So here is my happy story! I was using the ring for a couple of years before I tried Mirena. The ring made me miserable, hormonal, moody, and irregular. I was very depressed from the fluctuating hormones. In comes Mirena. The Mirena has been the best choice I have ever made for myself. It is true what all my friends and reviewers say. I do not feel hormonal or moody. In fact, I feel much more balanced! My skin does break out at times but I will happily take that over what I was experiencing before. My periods have stopped and I sometimes PMS about a week before what WOULD be my period, but it is very mild and manageable. Sooo happy with my Mirena!!! I was scared just like you and it was the best choice I made for myself."

9 / 10
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352 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Miser...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 13, 2021

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I had my first Mirena removed in July of 2020 and never had any problems with it. Then I had a new one put in January 29th, 2021. This is March 13th, and I've been on my period since getting the new one. Some days, it's normal bleeding; other days, it's spotting, but the menstrual fluid is dark, almost brown, and thick to the point of almost being sticky. It's ruining my sex life and relationship. My boyfriend thinks I'm pretending to be on my period because I don't want to have sex. I mean, it makes sense. Who has their period for over a month straight? Me. And I'm over it. I feel like I should rate its effectiveness at a 10 because I definitely won't be having sex with the thing in."

4 / 10
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257 Report
  • Nikki
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • February 26, 2020

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "So, this is my second round with the Mirena IUD. June 2020 will be 5 years (this is my second one). Recently, I got spotting on Sat, Sun, Mon, then it stopped on Tuesday and returned on Wednesday. I do not remember this happening with my last Mirena, and I'm a bit thrown off as to why it's spotting, then stops, then comes back. Has anyone else experienced this?"

9 / 10
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284 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Anonymous
  • May 7, 2010

For Birth Control "I have had this for about 5 months now. I had NO IDEA others were going through the same things I am. I am tired, moody, and have gained about 25 lbs. I have been working out more and couldn't figure out what was going on until now. I am dry during sex, not in the mood most of the time. Acne has been pretty bad, didn't know why that was either (don't usually have acne). For a few weeks now, my body feels like it is pregnant. The moods, tired, etc., but all tests say not pregnant. It makes me uncomfortable to have so many things going on."

1 / 10
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565 Report
  • Water...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 23, 2021

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I had Mirena inserted on June 3rd, 2021, and have literally bled every day since. It’s starting to get old. I had it inserted, and my OB never even checked to make sure it was in the right place. They just said to avoid unprotected sex for the first month, then they’d check it to see if it was in the right place at my 2-month checkup. I have no idea if it actually works or if it’s even inserted correctly. All I know is that I haven’t gotten a break from bleeding for almost a month."

2 / 10
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178 Report

More FAQ

  • Lotus
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 24, 2020

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "Mirena was inserted a month back. I got it because apparently it stops bleeding and thus helps with endometriosis symptoms, but it's proving otherwise as I'm experiencing completely the opposite. I have been bleeding continuously for the past month without a break. I never imagined I would be on my period for a whole month and it still hasn't stopped."

2 / 10
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197 Report
  • Anonymous
  • October 1, 2008

For Birth Control "I love my Mirena. I've recommended it to several friends. I'm 43 and have 2 kids and wanted something to simplify my life. Insertion was not at all painful or even uncomfortable. I had some spotting continuously for about 3 weeks, but since then I haven't had my period (2 years). I have no side effects at all, and I love NOT getting my period. No cramping, mood swings, PMS, heavy bleeding, not to mention all the dollars saved on NOT buying outrageously expensive tampons and pads. I have never been so happy with a product of this nature. Much better than the pill and that awful sponge, messy diaphragm and horrid condoms!"

10 / 10
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530 Report
  • Busy...
  • September 3, 2020

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I was recently diagnosed with adenomyosis due to heavy, painful, irregular periods and cysts. My consultant gave me the option to have a Mirena coil, which he said will help my lining of my womb, stop heavy bleeding into my uterus, and having it inserted would feel similar to a smear test. So I booked my appointment based on his recommendation. As the alternative was a hysterectomy. I got it fitted July 2020, which was the most horrendous pain I've ever experienced, felt like a stabbing contraction and I was in tears from the pain. I had a little spotting a few days later with some severe cramps. The cramps stopped and then two weeks later, I started to get brown jelly-like spotting, which wasn't very nice, and I also don't feel very clean because of it. I spotted for two weeks, then came the heavy period, which hasn't stopped and it's constant. I don't like the way it's made me feel, and I've only had it in for five weeks, it's worse than what I had before."

2 / 10
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186 Report
  • OB Nu...
  • October 22, 2009

For Birth Control "I am an OB nurse, married with two children ages six and three. I chose the Mirena after suffering severe migraines on the pill. I interviewed several OB doctors at my job and my pregnant patients about their form of birth control prior to their pregnancy and decided to give the Mirena a try. I had the Mirena inserted in early May. Insertion process was very painful. It reminded me much of mild labor contractions. After the insertion, I had mild cramps for the remainder of the day. For three weeks thereafter, I experienced light spotting and wore a pantyliner. For the next four months, I would spot beginning the same day each month for a week followed by a regular light period two weeks after the spotting subsided. It is now five months after insertion and I did spot for less time but no period came. Rather, I experience symptoms of bloating and increased appetite as if my period is going to start but without the period. I am most happy to report NO migraines and I lost weight! My mood and libido have remained the same. I cannot feel the string I was instructed to check for monthly, and no complaints from my husband. I did experience some hair loss and noticed my complexion is not as clear, but overall, I am satisfied with the Mirena and recommend women to try it, especially if you want a low-maintenance birth control method."

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440 Report
  • Coffe...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 15, 2021

For Birth Control "Hi sisters. This is my review only of the insertion, as I just had the Mirena put in 2 hours ago. Before the appointment, I took the recommended Motrin, Ativan (to calm my nerves) and the medication that softens your cervix, which my gyno was kind enough to prescribe for me to hopefully make the insertion process smoother. The entire process took no more than 5 minutes. It felt like a slightly longer pap exam, with more pressure than usual. I didn’t cramp, I didn’t yelp in pain, and I didn’t pass out or feel sick. What got me through my anxiety was taking deep breaths. It was not excruciating as I expected it to be, since I have never given birth (I’m 40, btw). Here’s hoping this device works for me and agrees with my body. I had been on the pill for over 20 years, and I look forward to not having to take them every day. I’ll report back in a few months with an update. Good luck to all of you ladies. Do what is best for you."

10 / 10
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136 Report
  • Anonymous
  • June 21, 2009

For Birth Control "I'm 22 years old and have two little boys. My husband says he hopes to one day have a girl, so I figured 5 years should be enough time to decide. I got the Mirena last year, and the only side effect I had was hair loss, but I'm not quite sure if it was the Mirena or from just having another baby. But other than that, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! I have been reading all these reviews, and they were almost all negative. I was wondering if something was wrong with me. Since I got the Mirena last year, I lost weight, no more cramps, lightened periods, and a better sex drive (probably because I don't have to worry if I'm going to get pregnant). I feel safe. So would I recommend the Mirena, YES."

10 / 10
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413 Report
  • Sarah
  • January 30, 2021

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I'm 47 and got the Mirena because I have very heavy bleeding during my periods. After insertion, I bled for 44 days. Then none for 11 days, and on my next period, I started bleeding again for (as of writing this) 27 days. Overall, I have been bleeding for 71 days out of the 82 (almost 3 months) that I have had the Mirena. While I appreciate the medium/lighter bleeding, the non-stop bleeding has been miserable. It has also been very brown and jelly-like (like the end or start of a normal period). I tried to wait it out, but it just isn't stopping, so I have an appointment in 2 days to have it removed. On a side note, I had bloating and cramping/pinching feeling for the first 3 weeks. I almost had it taken out after the first month, but my doctor said to give it 3 months. The bloating and pinching did subside. I did feel fine emotionally, no depression, and didn't have any weight gain or skin problems with Mirena. Just removing it because of the non-stop bleeding."

3 / 10
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128 Report
  • Justj...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 3, 2020

For Birth Control "I have issues with hormones any time I have been pregnant or been on birth control. I get every bad side effect possible. I was hopeful for this one. I had it in for a month and had severe headaches, cystic acne (literally all over my face & no wash would make it go away), constantly felt light-headed/dizzy, nauseous, zero sex drive, horrible mood swings, my period lasted 12 days and I was constantly bleeding, horrible stomach pains randomly when I moved certain ways. This medication made my anxiety & depression worse. So bad that I couldn’t be around my 4-year-old son because I’d get so anxious I'd have a panic attack. One day at three weeks of having it in, I had such a bad panic attack over literally nothing. I had to lay down in a dark room with a fan on me. I got so worked up I passed out. Do your research. There are a lot of harmful things that can happen when being on the Mirena IUD that they don’t tell you at the doctor. Do your research!"

1 / 10
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136 Report
  • Sano
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • March 7, 2020

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "At 47, after 2+ years of embarrassing and isolating hemorrhaging blood loss, I got a Mirena. Life has greatly changed - while still anemic, I’ve had no more iron infusions or blood transfusions. I am willing to take overnight trips. I occasionally experience spotting, so I still wear pads, but nothing like the clots of 3 years ago. It has proved an absolute positive for me!"

9 / 10
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142 Report
  • Shell
  • June 6, 2020

For Birth Control "I got the Mirena IUD placed 7 weeks after my second son was born. I heard good things about it from the girls I worked with. They told me they loved it. Placement was pretty painful, even though I just gave birth 7 weeks prior to it. I bled constantly for 2 and a half months. After that, the bleeding only happened when my monthly flow was coming. When it came, it was pretty heavy and would last 7-8 days. My periods were right on schedule monthly. Then I started feeling fatigue, anxiety, massive mood swings, depression, insomnia. I had to push myself to get out of bed and take care of my children. Around month 9, I started getting blurred vision. I had blurred vision when I was on the pill after my first child was born. I knew it was the IUD causing all this. I had it removed 2 days ago. I spotted a little after removal. But now have a full heavy flow. My mood has changed a lot already. I’m calmer like I used to be. Not 100% back to myself yet, but removing it was the best thing I did."

1 / 10
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125 Report
  • Notli...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • February 12, 2020

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I've had mine for 1 year and constantly have spotting or bleeding. My husband jokes that's why it's such a good form of birth control because I'm always bleeding on it. There's only like a week straight that I don't have any spotting or blood. Not very happy. I thought after a year it would've gotten better."

3 / 10
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126 Report
  • Mama
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 25, 2019

For Birth Control "I had the Mirena placed three months ago. The insertion was painful. I won’t fabricate that, but it only lasted at most 12 seconds and it was over. I took both Tylenol and Advil before my appointment, and that seemed to help a bit. The more uncomfortable/painful cramping lasted less than 24 hours after my appointment. I took the day off of work, which I am glad I did. The first 2/3 weeks after I had it placed, I had no bleeding or spotting. I had medium spotting for 2 months on and off after. I usually wore a liner. Bleeding lasted a few days and would be inconsistent. The third month, the spotting was extremely light and would occur 1-2x per week. My hormones seem to be well balanced. I experienced some neck acne for the first 2 months, but that did subside. I haven’t gained or lost any weight. My sex drive is unchanged. I’ve read plenty of horror stories on the internet regarding this method, so I thought I would throw in a positive one."

9 / 10
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115 Report
  • delai...
  • August 9, 2009

For Birth Control "I'm 27 years old and the mother of two boys. I had the Mirena inserted one and a half years ago. The insertion was fine, mild cramping, but for the last year and a half I have experienced depression, bad acne, weight gain of about ten kilos, mood swings. Six months ago once my periods stopped altogether the symptoms got worse. I began having stomach cramps, nausea on most days, painful breasts and diminished libido and when it was supposed to be that time of the month my abdomen would bloat. I had Mirena removed last week and feel like a new person. I'm already losing weight and all the other symptoms have vanished."

2 / 10
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250 Report
  • Tavila
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 15, 2020

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I had the Mirena put in Aug 13, 2019... spotted every day for about a month, finally had a period but very lightly. Ruined my sex life, constantly bleeding and smell of old blood. Days I wasn’t spotting when having sex, made me realize that old blood was sitting in my cervix which cause me to smell during sex. Finally got it removed yesterday and just want my body to get back to the way that it was... I would rather deal with my period than to not know when I’m gonna bleed or having continuous spotting and a horrible sex life. One day after removal I’m bleeding like a normal period so hopefully that will clear everything up. I would never put in another Mirena."

2 / 10
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100 Report
  • Rose
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • October 6, 2020

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I had Mirena inserted Feb 2020 to reduce heavy menstrual bleeding due to fibroids. For the first 2 months, I was bleeding nonstop. 8 months later, I still have heavy bleeding. I don't think it is working for me, but my doctor said to give it a year."

2 / 10
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88 Report
  • proBC
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • August 14, 2019

For Birth Control "Just wanted to share my experience because I think it is really important to add that more often than not people post negative reviews rather than positive because they find it more necessary. Nothing wrong with that, it's just the reason I am posting my review. Please, if you are considering birth control, talk with your healthcare provider about what is best for your individual needs. Anyways, I got the Mirena about 2 and a half years ago, and I have NEVER looked back. I recommend it to all of my girlfriends. Yes, there is some discomfort upon insertion, but I haven't had my period in 2 and a half years! The amount of money and time and, honestly, just stress and emotions that I've saved make up for it tenfold. I also did not gain weight, didn't get acne, and just overall have forgotten I've even had it. No period and no unwanted pregnancy with no side effects, I really couldn't think of a better scenario. I highly recommend if it's something you've been considering."

10 / 10
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104 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 24, 2010

For Birth Control "First off, I was 25 and childless. I had tried the pill, but I am a poor, forgetful soul, and that was unacceptable. The patch left an icky mark that hurt my skin. I am married, so we are beyond condoms. My Mirena insertion, a year and a half ago, was somewhat painful, so I took a nap. I had some cramps for the first two weeks, probably due to getting used to the hormones in the IUS. My first cycle afterward, the blood seemed thin and only lasted a few days. I have not had a period since. I really like Mirena because it's easy and I don't have to think about it. My sex drive is still great, and I don't have to pay every month for birth control. I just wanted to explain all of the side effects I experienced so others could be informed."

10 / 10
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221 Report
  • Dentine
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 23, 2020

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I had the Mirena IUD inserted on Feb 4th. It took 5 mins to insert, and they used an ultrasound machine to ensure it was done correctly. I have an extremely high pain tolerance, but must say the insertion was probably the worst 5 mins of my entire life. The pain was ridiculous! After that, I had mild cramping for 24 hrs and light brown bleeding for 3 days. On the 4th day out of nowhere, I felt sick to my stomach and had horrible cramping pains. Lasted for 30 minutes. I was almost in tears, but it subsided with 800 mg of Advil and a hot water bottle. My period was supposed to start on Feb 14th, but I had brown spotting 3 days prior and am still menstruating! It's been 11 days straight; it's light but enough to need a panty liner or tampon. I'm exhausted, cranky, and frustrated. My next doctor appointment is on Mar 7th to check that the IUD is still in the same position. I'm thinking if I bleed all of March, I'm getting this thing taken out. I had no idea I'd bleed for this many days in a row."

3 / 10
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92 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.