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Methotrexate User Reviews & Ratings

Brand names: Methotrexate LPF Sodium, Trexall, Rasuvo, Otrexup, Xatmep Jylamvo

Methotrexate has an average rating of 6.7 out of 10 from a total of 313 reviews on 54% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 23% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Methotrexate

  • Ducky
  • January 24, 2021

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I'm on methotrexate 2.5 mg four pills 1x a week for around 5-6 years for RA. I feel good when taking this medicine correctly and on time. I had gotten sick from taking too many antibiotics for urinary tract infection and was told to stop taking methotrexate because I had to take a powerful medicine to get my health back to normal, and methotrexate may interact with that medicine. I went off for almost 1 1/2 months and RA kicked in bad. I was finished with the other medicine so I went back on methotrexate and the RA subsided. My point is, this medication really does help, and never just go off it because you don't feel any pain anymore, and you think you are cured; believe me, it's the medication that's working, you are not cured, you'll always have RA. I take mine once a week every Saturday and I feel great. If you skip a dose or doses, believe me, you will know you skipped it. Take it every week, same day, same time, and you'll feel as though you are cured, and I have had no side effects whatsoever."

10 / 10
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228 Report
  • rhirhi
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 6, 2018

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I have been on methotrexate for a couple of months now. I'm not certain whether we just caught my disease at a good time, but this medication has been 110% effective for me. I have had no symptoms since it kicked in (took a while). The most that will happen because of the medication is the day after I take it, I will feel a little tired (was worse in the beginning). Anyways, please make sure you don't read reviews and judge the medication from that. I nearly scared myself silly doing that. Trust in your rheumatologist and follow the process. The medicine reacts with different people in different ways. I am definitely one of the lucky ones. I am 25, and methotrexate has given me back the lifestyle of a 25-year-old!"

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274 Report
  • LagWag
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 10, 2019

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "This is a horrible drug. I took it once a week for 5 months, 12.5 mg of awfulness. My hair started falling out in clumps, even with taking folic acid. The headaches and nausea are debilitating, along with the fatigue and general malaise that I experienced for 2-3 days after taking it. It did not touch the flare-ups or the pain I experienced from the RA. I have now completely changed my diet and my way of thinking to combat this disease. No gluten, no dairy, stress-free as much as possible, and supplements like Nordic Fish Oils, Glucosamine, and Chondroitin Sulfates, and Turmeric help better than the Methotrexate did any day. I called this drug 'Poison' the whole time I was taking it. Now I feel way better not taking it, and I know why, because it is a POISON. Stay far away from this drug and try lifestyle changes before even considering this harmful drug."

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245 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • kille...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • August 11, 2019

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "My mom took methotrexate for over 15 years for R.A. She ended up with methotrexate-induced pulmonary fibrosis. The local hospital was treating her for pneumonia, but that was not the case. Mom passed away at one of the nation's top 10 hospitals from Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome or Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome. The death certificate says she died from ARDS and RA. If you love yourself or your loved ones, do not let them take this medication. It is DANGEROUS. She was 52 years old. I can't believe she's gone, and it's all from a little yellow pill she took once a week. Low dose or not, it doesn't matter. IT CAN KILL YOU. AVOID. Read the manufacturer's black box warnings and find alternatives. The medicine didn't help much anyway, if at all."

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201 Report
  • Badger
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 2, 2020

For Psoriatic Arthritis "Didn't want to take this drug methotrexate, was anxious after reading various reviews and stuff on the internet, but Dr. advised I needed it for my arthritis (psoriatic). He also said that when I felt the results, I'd wish I'd taken it before now. He also mentioned I like a drink, so he said I could have one, just don't go daft. So far, bloods are okay, and he was right - wish I'd tried methotrexate ages ago. Before taking it, I couldn't fasten laces, walk down stairs, hands were painful, found it hard to do my job, and had ankle pain. What a difference this drug has made, virtually pain-free. Now I am using stairs, etc., as normal. It took me a little while to get used to it, and it does make me tired for a day or so after I take it, but after that, I feel great. I hope this helps someone."

10 / 10
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159 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Bexsy
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • April 23, 2019

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "My mum has DIED, she had RA in hands & knees. She was given THIS DRUG 13yrs ago. NO ONE told her/us it's ALSO ANTI-CANCER drug, it destroys immune system, blood cells etc. YES, it relieves RA, but in 6 months mum went from 6ft tall 10 stone lady to a wheezing, weak, 6 stone shadow of her former self. Mum died April 7, 2019, she was home & arrested. At hospital 10pm, 1am they said she wouldn't survive? They did EVERY test, blood/fluids/scans, NOTHING showed. She had lines in neck, drips everywhere, they treated for lots & hoped it worked. But at 5am advised us TURN OFF her life support. Doctors were baffled. When they got GP info, & we mentioned methotrexate their faces dropped, they didn't blame meds solely, but they DID explain meds have knock-on effects, & with prolonged use they can cause breakdowns in parts of the body. More info should be available, to look out for signs & symptoms about this drug. Please keep getting checked out. Mum had blood tests monthly & nothing showed, she NEVER missed appointments. I'd stay clear of these meds."

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180 Report
  • Charis
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • September 22, 2019

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I took this medication for about 5 years. Dr. increased the dose to 8 pills a week. While I was on this, I experienced bad headaches. I would bruise easily and badly if I bumped myself somewhere. I also developed lactose intolerance which I was not until I took this. Overall, this medicine was making me worse and in addition to this, Dr. would give me cortisone shots for my joint pain that never went away. Shots were bad too. After 5 years, I stopped taking this medication without the Dr.'s knowledge. I am now taking pure supplements and still fighting RA but I am methotrexate free for 6 years."

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138 Report

More FAQ

  • Yay
  • December 28, 2018

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I am a 32-year-old and a mother of two boys working full-time. I was on methotrexate for 2.5 years (10 mg per week, oral). It did work, and I had little side effects in the beginning. However, about 1-1.5 years in, I became extremely fatigued and even depressed. I did not feel like myself. I read in other blogs that people had the same feelings as I did, so I was glad I wasn’t alone. I was at a point in my journey where I could try and get off the medication. After only two weeks off the medication, I felt amazing! Back to my old self! Both my husband and I were amazed. Fatigue gone. No longer going to bed at 7:30 pm. No more feelings of depression. And thank goodness my RA symptoms have not reappeared. I do follow a strict dairy-free, gluten-free, almost pescatarian diet that I believe has a huge impact on RA. So if anyone is feeling this way, please talk to your doctor and try a different approach to tackling your RA if you cannot live with the frustration of the fatigue and depression."

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151 Report
  • jFr
  • December 22, 2015

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "Methotrexate has been a miracle for me. For the past 3 years, experiencing extreme tiredness, no energy to do anything, thankful to get through a day's work. Tried every combination of vitamins the world has ever made without any results. Then, over the last one year, severe inflammation of hands, could barely make a fist, difficulty using hands. Under rheumatologist advice, used 2 other medications till placed on methotrexate with a dose of 5 pills per week. Have been on this dose for the past 8 months with great results. Have been walking, biking around from 2 to 4 miles frequently, mowing grass, doing property maintenance 6 to 8 hrs per day and still having energy to continue working on other things! Crossing fingers, THANKS METHOTREXATE!"

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194 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 5, 2015

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I have been on this medication for about 2 months now. I was taking prednisone before, but that wouldn't help much. After the second week of taking methotrexate, I can honestly say I am pain-free. I can actually enjoy doing all the stuff I used to do before being diagnosed with RA. Before starting this medication, I would experience horrible pain in my shoulders, hands, fingers, hips, and ankles. I would have a rough time getting through the day. This medication works wonderfully."

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200 Report
  • Anonymous
  • March 29, 2009

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "At first I was really apprehensive about taking Methotrexate (7.5mg a week), but it seems to be working well. I've been taking it since November 2008. My side effects are minimal. Once a week I get nausea, which usually occurs the day after I take my weekly dose. My test results have come back normal too. I'm not a medicine taker and the idea of taking such a strong medication still scares me, but I will continue with my weekly dosage because it helps with my rheumatoid arthritis a lot. One thing I'm consistent with is taking my Folic Acid since it helps prevent my side effects. I don't even get the very common mouth sores."

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292 Report
  • momsrh
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 29, 2018

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "My family doctor and rheumatoid specialists both suggested Methotrexate for my RA. I read several sites and decided I would find my own way without this terrible drug. I went to India for Ayurvedic treatment, and as of today, not quite 2 years later, I have no pain, I have not suffered any side effects from this drug, and I can function normally. It pains me to see the accounts of people whose lives have been ruined by Methotrexate. There is a safer, easier (and less expensive in the long run) way to handle arthritis. Medical doctors will cringe to read this, but I'm living proof!!"

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142 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 23, 2012

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I am female, 41, have been taking methotrexate for 2 months now. I was crippled, my hands, fingers, wrists, ankles, balls of my feet, knees, shoulders, arms, even my jaw. I could barely walk, I couldn't unscrew lids, peel potatoes, do everyday chores people take for granted. My rheumatoid factor was 1380. After 1 month, no change, hopefully my 2nd reading will come down. Anyway, after 1 month on the medication, my joint pains have disappeared, thanks to Methotrexate. I take 10mg once weekly with folic acid the next day. It worked for me. YAY!"

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231 Report
  • Brad...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 13, 2018

For Psoriasis "I am a 40-year-old male, and I have been battling psoriasis for about 5 years. It started at the top of my scalp, moved behind my ears, and had patches around my scalp and hairline. It then moved down to my waistline, my penis, and to my butt crack. For years now, I have had numerous different diagnoses, and a multitude of medications and theories. I finally met one doctor and he said simply, 'You have inverse psoriasis, we will put you on methotrexate, no more guesswork.' This is literally the third day I have been on methotrexate, and all remnants below the belt are almost 100% gone. Behind my ear is going away, and my scalp plaques are literally disappearing already. I am so excited."

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140 Report
  • 211106
  • September 17, 2015

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "When I was first diagnosed, my hands hurt so badly I wondered how I could convince my doctor to amputate them and give me prosthetics. Methotrexate was among the first things tried to get my RA under control. After steroids, a variety of IV therapies, and anti-inflammatories, Methotrexate has been my mainstay and keeps my RA under control as well as the biologics. I take it orally with no side effects. Yeah for Methotrexate in my life."

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168 Report
  • Happy...
  • November 2, 2019

For Psoriasis "Our son developed psoriasis at 14 whole body out of nowhere. He hid it for a long time but when he finally showed me, I was heartbroken. Immediately, we were referred to a skin specialist who put him on weekly methotrexate, and within a week the results were staggering. He has now been on this drug for 6 years with regular blood testing; all good results, and it has changed his life. He will continue to take it as long as it works. Changed our lives and his life and mental well-being to know he can show his body with no shame. He now takes 1 or 1.5 tablets once weekly and only ever has maybe one stubborn patch maybe on his elbows here and there. No side effects have ever happened "

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100 Report
  • CCEA
  • August 13, 2015

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I took Methotrexate for 17 years. Started with tablets but progressed to injections for less chance of side effects (and cheaper!). Always felt tired and nauseous for a day after, which got worse and lasted longer over the years, so that instead of just folic acid, my rheum had me take leucovorin the day after (a stronger folic acid). But 6 months ago I developed fatigue, malaise and chronic low-grade fever despite normal blood tests; my rheum said he had seen that before in other patients taking Methotrexate and considered it a toxic reaction! There is no literature on this reaction, but I got better once I stopped, so just be aware."

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155 Report
  • willie
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • September 25, 2019

For Psoriasis "I'm 71 years old and have been taking Methotrexate (mtx) since I was 13. In all these years of using between 10-15 mg/week, I have never had a problem... and yes, blood work every three months and precautionary (cya) liver biopsies over the years (all 11 of them scored a 4+ on a scale of 5 - tahdah). The results have always been positive - when I was younger and had severe psoriasis, the methotrexate (mtx) would slow it down, sometimes totally suppress it, the sun would help eliminate whatever was present and now that I'm (much) older, the mtx keeps me totally clear except during the winter months when things occasionally flare. My dermatologist has tried to get me on newer drugs but I've had such a lifelong success with the mtx, I won't change. I totally endorse trying it and I simply don't buy into it being more toxic than the newer items out there. (P.S. since it's now generic, the price is way down...) Good luck!"

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96 Report
  • Bunio...
  • May 25, 2009

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I have been taking methotrexate for about 2 years for moderate rheumatoid arthritis (22.5mg weekly) and it does control inflammation. I recently stopped taking it for 3 months because I really don't like taking drugs and symptoms returned (inflammation in ankles, hip pain, stiffness) so I started taking it again and have no pain so obviously it was working."

9 / 10
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215 Report
  • tigger
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • September 10, 2019

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "Methotrexate was totally useless and side effects far outweigh benefits. I'm unable to eat, my hair is falling out, and I have chronic stomach pains. My RA doctor completely ignores me when I told them about the adverse effects and swapped to a milder dose injection, but it was to no avail."

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92 Report
  • Nicky
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 29, 2019

For Psoriasis "For the past 40 years, I have been affected by psoriasis, with 20-30% of areas on my body including the scalp and face. Mainly no itching. After heavy activity in the sun, there may be slight itching in some places. I have tried many medications, but only temporary relief was achieved. Methotrexate, in the form of Dermatrex 10mg tablet once per week, along with folic acid tablets initially for the first two weeks 6 days a week, and from the third week onwards three days following the methotrexate. Within a month's time, all the skin eruptions were gone. In the 2nd month, Methotrexate 7.5 mg tablet once per week followed by folic acid tablet was prescribed. From the third month on, I have not been taking any medicine. Two months have passed without any problems. I will provide feedback in the future."

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97 Report
  • Kimmy
  • January 6, 2014

For Psoriasis "Tried all other methods for relief of psoriasis, 80% of body. Have been on methotrexate for 5.5 weeks, belly, back, chest, and forearms are all clear. Very mild psoriasis that isn't red or irritated on upper arms and lower legs. My confidence and self-esteem have increased heaps. Excited to go for a swim 2nd time since I've had psoriasis (7 years). Only had bad fatigue for the first few weeks, haven't drunk any alcohol, healthy diet with minimal junk food, and nausea if I eat something really fatty, e.g., pizza. Skin color isn't yellowing nor getting black under the eyes, or anything else relating to bad liver. Would definitely recommend this medication."

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157 Report
  • Ccd
  • August 29, 2018

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "Please don't take this medicine. My mother had taken this once a week for 12 years. It did help her RA, but not greatly. Then she died suddenly. An autopsy confirmed this medicine destroyed all her blood cells."

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98 Report
  • Mel
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 14, 2021

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I started methotrexate in April for RA, pain in my hands, knees, hips, fingers, and toes. I started on 7.5 mg injections but didn't see any difference. Slowly progressed to 15 mg, and I'm now just having odd pains here and there, mainly if I've overdone things. I started on folic acid 5 mg every day, but it made me feel so ill, now I only take it once a week, which my rheumatologist is fine with, and I feel absolutely fine. No adverse side effects from methotrexate either. Yes, my hair is thinner, but not so anyone notices, and my eyelashes are a bit sparse now, but still there. I was so apprehensive to try this drug, but at 45, I didn't want it to progress to the stage where I couldn't live a normal life. I know it's not for everyone, but for me, it's really helped."

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66 Report
  • Cocac...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 22, 2014

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I have only been taking the Methotrexate since the end of September and I am on 25mg per week. I was also prescribed the Folic Acid but can't take that as it causes such an upset stomach that I stopped it altogether. So far, the only symptoms I have had were in the beginning, and that was feeling nausea and very tired the day after taking it. It has helped with the swelling and pain, and I have no pain in my knees anymore, just a bit in the hands, wrists, and my one foot."

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138 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.