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Misoprostol User Reviews & Ratings

Brand names: Cytotec

Misoprostol has an average rating of 7.9 out of 10 from a total of 701 reviews on 73% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 14% reported a negative experience.

Condition Avg. Rating Reviews Compare
Abortion  Off-label
643 reviews for Abortion 5 medications
Cervical Ripening  Off-label
30 reviews for Cervical Ripening 1 medications
Labor Induction  Off-label
17 reviews for Labor Induction 5 medications
Gynecological Conditions  Off-label
10 reviews for Gynecological Conditions 1 medications
Stomach Ulcer  
1 reviews for Stomach Ulcer 100 medications
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Reviews for Misoprostol

  • Anony...
  • July 8, 2021

For Abortion "I took the 2 pills orally and the other 2 vaginally at about 19:00 hours on Tuesday. After some time, I had cramps. 3 hours later, I went to the bathroom. I wasn't bleeding; there was just very, very tiny blood on the tissue I used to wipe myself. The next day, there was still no bleeding, just spotting. Today, as I am writing, it's Thursday 16:57 and I am still not bleeding, just experiencing cramps (period-like pain) and spotting when I wipe. So, I don't know if it worked or not... Maybe this will help someone."

1 / 10
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1744 Report
  • furmama
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 10, 2021

For Abortion "I just wanted to hop on here and say DO NOT READ THE AWFUL REVIEWS. They’re very unlikely to happen. I was bawling before taking my pills because I was so scared. Did I have bad cramps? Yes, of course. Did I make it through? Yes, it only lasts for a short period of time! You CAN do it, babe! Good luck!"

10 / 10
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1409 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 19, 2021

For Abortion "I’m 22 years old and it’s my first time getting pregnant. I was so scared about taking the pills. I was 6 weeks pregnant when I took the first pill at 9:00 am. A few hours later, I started bleeding. I was nauseous, passing gas, and had palpitations. Still, I waited for 36 hours and then inserted the second pill vaginally. I was given a pain relief injection (diclofenac). Four hours after inserting the misoprostol, I had cramps, not even half as intense as my normal period cramps. I went to the toilet, saw the first blood clot, and a few minutes later, I passed something like a sac, then another blood clot the size of a walnut, and then the cramping stopped. I had moderate bleeding. It’s been 2 days now, and I'm just having very light bleeding. My experience was smooth, but everyone is different. Do not think about it too much. You can do it, girl."

5 / 10
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777 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Meano
  • July 17, 2021

For Abortion "I'm 39 with 3 kids. Got pregnant. By 6 weeks, I was miserable with fatigue and feeling so sick. At 6 wks 5 days, I decided I can't do it anymore. I went to a clinic while on vacation in Florida. Got the first pill on Thurs at noon. On Fri, I felt very nauseous, had a few cramps. By Friday at 3:30pm, I had light bleeding and bloody watery fluids. Soon after, I had two ping pong ball-sized clots. About 8pm, another one passed out. No pain, just slid out. The morning sickness calmed down a lot. I was certain I passed it. Took misoprostol at midnight in cheeks. Right before, I took a piece of Phenergan for nausea and half of a 7.5mg Vicodin. Went to sleep. Passed a small clot with bloody fluid at 2am. No pain. On Saturday morning, I was bleeding like a heavy period. Being in a toxic relationship and feeling so terribly sick, and being very content with the children I have, helped me come to my decision. I don't feel any regret at this time. Hugs to all reading this. Hope it helps."

10 / 10
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600 Report
  • Reese...
  • March 3, 2020

For Abortion "I found out I was 7 weeks and 3 days when I made this personal decision to end this pregnancy. I read the reviews and was petrified of taking this medicine. I literally almost opted out, but I did finish the process. Took the first pill at the office, felt fine. Took the other 4 pills orally in my cheeks 32-36 hours later. I expected a really weird taste, but it was super bland. After keeping them in for 30 minutes, I washed them down. Oh yeah, I did take the pain meds they prescribed 30 minutes before taking the 4 pills. I started to feel light stings, but other than that, I was just super tired. I fell asleep about 4, woke up around 9, and I was concerned because it felt like nothing. I couldn’t feel the blood until I stood up. Big rush, but other than that, it was fine. I was fine; it all worked out. I’m super glad I chose this as my abortion rather than having the whole vacuum thing. Don’t worry, just do it! You got this and know that whatever happens, you're gonna be OKAY "

10 / 10
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702 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Lucy
  • July 8, 2021

For Abortion "I'm 5 weeks pregnant. Day 1: took 2 misoprostol under the tongue and 2 vaginally. A little cramping and no bleeding at all. Day 2: took 4 misoprostol under the tongue, had cold chills, diarrhea, but still no bleeding. I don't know what to do."

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527 Report
  • Ambie
  • July 11, 2021

"I have used Cytotec for abortion. I just felt cramps, no bleeding. It's almost 2 days and still tested positive. What's wrong or going on?"

2 / 10
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682 Report
  • Rossy
  • July 21, 2021

For Abortion "I was 3 weeks pregnant when I took misoprostol, 2 orally, then I inserted 2 vaginally. After 3 hours, I had mild to severe cramps, but it was just like menstrual cramps. Then came the bleeding, and a thick black blood was expelled. All this happened within 2-4 hours. Since then, it has been small drops and mild cramps that come and go."

9 / 10
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427 Report
  • nruss...
  • March 7, 2021

For Abortion "I hope this helps other women looking into this route for medical abortion. I was 2-3 weeks pregnant when I was given the prescription. I took the first pill in the clinic on a Friday afternoon at 2 pm. I had no reaction at all. On Saturday, I took four pills in my mouth and let them dissolve. I also took Gravol/Advil beforehand. I experienced mild cramps and mild nausea. I had no bleeding. I was worried the meds weren’t working because I wasn’t bleeding and had no clots. My abdomen was distended, but the bleeding and cramping did not begin for 48 hours. Very little bleeding, some small clots, and little tissues passed. My belly was rock hard, and I had a lot of bloating. I kept googling why I wasn’t having a lot of bleeding and felt scared I would need to repeat this. A week later, I went to get my blood work, and the clinic confirmed the meds worked. I’m still fatigued with very little bleeding. Stay calm, treat yourself well, have comforts with you and all will be ok. Xox"

10 / 10
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444 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 5, 2021

For Abortion "I want to correct some ladies here. If you are 1 to 3 weeks pregnant and you use any abortion pills, don't expect to have heavy bleeding. It will just give you your normal monthly menstruation, which means it has worked. But from 4 weeks upward, you can feel and see the difference from your normal menstruation. All the pills do work. Try to take hot tea or warm water, and a warm water bottle will help."

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350 Report
  • Sissy
  • February 5, 2021

For Abortion "Took the pills at 1 am, put them under my tongue. Experienced mild diarrhea. Went to sleep and woke up at 4 am to push the clots and pregnancy out. It was so painless; I was shocked because I was so scared from the reviews. Heavy bleeding, but that’s just it. Take pain relievers before taking the pills, and you’ll be fine. Trust me "

10 / 10
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337 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 4, 2022

For Abortion "A lot of these comments don't include how many weeks pregnant they are, which is a very important factor in terms of what to expect pain-wise. Someone who is only 2 weeks pregnant is more likely to experience less pain and bleeding than someone who is 8 weeks pregnant. These comments would be more useful if you stated your gestation."

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239 Report
  • Anonymous
  • April 18, 2020

For Abortion "First off, I’d like to say everyone is different and has a different tolerance for pain. I did this at 6 weeks. Before I took the pills, I read these reviews and some had me scared to death. I thought about just not doing anything, but I finally had the courage to go through with it. I took the 2 orally, then the other 4 inserted vaginally around 9:10 pm, and maybe 2 hours later I started having mild cramps, like my normal period cramps. I went to bed and woke up with still mild cramps, but surprisingly no bleeding. I didn’t pass any clots till about 10 hours later; I passed my first clot the size of a lollipop, lol. Then it was just like a normal period afterwards. It was better than I expected. So relax, guys!! All the best."

9 / 10
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331 Report
  • Heyth...
  • June 25, 2021

For Abortion "! As always, you will come across some bad ones that put fear in you. So I’m going to tell you my experience. I took the first pill yesterday at the clinic at 2:10. I then took four today in my cheeks and let them dissolve. Before I took them, I took an anti-nausea tablet and ibuprofen 800. About an hour or so into it, the cramps got pretty bad, out of 10 I’d say 8. About three hours later, I started bleeding, and I kept telling myself 'It’s almost over.' Cramps intensified, and I ended up throwing up (only once). About an hour and a half after I started bleeding, I went to the bathroom and pushed, and that’s when the blob came out. I advise you not to look like I did. After that, I have clotting and tissue coming out, but the pain is manageable. I didn’t think I could do this, and I’m here to tell you that you can. I know it’s hard going through pain, but I promise you it gets better!"

9 / 10
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250 Report
  • proch...
  • January 19, 2021

For Abortion "I honestly spent about 4-5 hours reading horror stories upon horror stories about the MA pill, there were some lovely reassuring ones too, but not as many as I would have liked, so I’m here to tell you my experience because I wish I saw this comment. I took the 1st pill on the Monday at 2 pm, no problem, slight cramping but literally nothing. I then took the second medication orally at 6 pm the next day. Period type cramps started about 1 hour later, & gradually got worse until bleeding started. It’s just bad period cramps, they are strong but you get used to the pain if that makes sense & it’s bearable. I took codeine too which helped. Within 2 hours I had passed the majority & then the pain subsided. I’m glad I was in my own home & was able to deal with the cramps how I wanted. Please do not be scared by these horror stories, they are 1 in 100. You know your body & your pain tolerance so choose what is best for you. X"

10 / 10
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262 Report
  • ho1692
  • May 25, 2021

For Abortion "Hello! I wanted to share my experience with Mifepristone and Misoprostol. When I had my abortion, I was just under 6 weeks pregnant. First, I took the Mifepristone at about 11 pm on a Saturday night, and I bled a tiny bit about 23 hours after taking the pill. About 25 hours after I took the first pill, I took the 4 Misoprostol pills by mouth and 800 mg of Ibuprofen. About an hour after I swallowed the pills, I started cramping. It started out as light cramps, but then slowly turned into more intense cramps, but they were very manageable. My bleeding was heavy but not as heavy as I thought it was going to be. About 12 hours after I took the 4 pills, I passed a decent-sized clot, which was me passing the pregnancy. I honestly think that I may have passed it earlier on, but I was laying down all night, so it was hard to tell until I got up and felt it come out of me. Once I passed the pregnancy, my bleeding and cramps became lighter. You've got this!"

10 / 10
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221 Report
  • Revie...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 25, 2021

For Abortion "I promised myself I will add a review once I'm done, because reading them really calmed me down. I used prescribed combination as recommended on Monday. I had no bleeding within 24h so contacted doc for scan which was scheduled for Thursday. Surprisingly, bleeding started on Thursday morning with zero pain. Just regular period. I was told it's working. I felt none of the side effects. I really wish you all that this will work as easy as it did for me."

8 / 10
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216 Report
  • Allev...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 16, 2021

For Abortion "I am 2 weeks and 4 days pregnant. I used Cytotec, I inserted 2 and swallowed 2 around 1am. I bled from 5am to 4pm, heavy bleeding for just one day, and it stopped flowing. The next two days, I did another pregnancy test and it is still positive. What should I do?"

5 / 10
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199 Report
  • Jayy
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 25, 2021

For Abortion "I went to have my abortion. By pill. I was 6 weeks. The process was simple, I took one pill at the clinic and then 4 pills at home to dissolve under my tongue. I was prepared to cramp badly and be in awful pain after, but unlike the horror stories I read, it was nothing like that. I barely cramped, just had bleeding. I was prepared for the worst, the process was very simple & I experienced no physical pain. Other than the people that protest outside the building made me uncomfortable, I had my mind made up and knew what I wanted to do."

10 / 10
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188 Report
  • Cat
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 27, 2021

For Abortion "I was so scared to take this from the bad reviews. I cried so much, but I want to let others know of my experience because I wish I had read this. I took my first pill orally at 5:30 pm on a Fri, and I didn’t feel any pain or bleeding, just some bloating and dizziness but that only lasted a couple of minutes. I took my second pills all orally at 5:50 am on a Sunday with pain relief 20 minutes beforehand. I then slept until 9 am. When I woke up, I felt cramps, went to the toilet, passed 2 clots, and felt a bit nauseous. My cramps worsened for the next 30 minutes but were still bearable, then I went to the toilet, passed 2 more clots, and felt almost instant relief. I think that’s when I passed the pregnancy. I still bled quite heavily after that and passed clots throughout the day, but the cramps lessened, and I just chilled and watched some movies. I was so happy with how smoothly and bearable it all went. You are so strong, girl, you can do this! Please don’t be scared, sending you my love x"

10 / 10
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160 Report
  • Anony...
  • August 19, 2020

For Abortion "2:40 p.m.: Took 1 Mifiprex in MD's office. 2:00 p.m. next day: Ate a light meal, took ibuprofen 800mg & Percocet 5/325mg. 4:00 p.m.: Inserted 4 misoprostols vaginally, applied a sanitary napkin. Laid in bed with an electronic heating pad on my abdomen/stomach. 6:00 p.m.: Felt something happening in my uterus. Wasn't quite cramps. Whatever it was, it wasn't pain. I continued to lay there. Took another Percocet with a snack just in case of pain. 8:00 p.m.: Pain never intensified. Never felt anything more than very minor, weird uterine sensations (Uterus was contracting. Nothing major at all). Got up to urinate. 8:05 p.m.: Clots & blood came out while urinating. Nothing major again. 8:10 p.m.: Cleaned myself up. Changed sanitary napkin. Back in bed with abdominal heating pad. Fell asleep for the night. That was it. Some of these reviews are there to scare you. Prepare ahead of time and you'll do quite well. TRUST!"

10 / 10
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176 Report
  • Devika
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 23, 2021

For Abortion "I was 6 weeks pregnant. I read a lot, I researched a lot and on top of that my friend shared her horrifying experience of the same and so I was so scared. I took 1st pill and next after 36 hrs. I felt pain after 1 hour but really big clots started flushing out. 3-4 hrs heavy bleeding and mild cramps and felt comfortable after that. As per my experience, be mentally prepared for all conditions, have someone by your side and a hot water bag. You'll be fine. Always remember God is with you."

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160 Report
  • Mandy
  • March 14, 2021

For Abortion "I was 2 weeks and 5 days when I found out I was pregnant. These reviews freaked me out, it was insane. I was so scared to even take the pills, but I had to. I went to see a doctor and was told to take the drugs. I got to the pharmacy with a prescription from the doctor, took the first pill at 2:24 pm, and the four pills under my tongue 24 hrs later. I took a pain reliever 30 mins before the misoprostol, 35 mins later, there was cramping and discomfort, but it wasn’t bad at all because my period cramps were similar. Then I started bleeding almost immediately after the drugs had dissolved completely. Few blood clots were passed - not the size of a lemon or the size of a golf ball, just small blood clots. An hour later, it felt like something wanted to just gush out of me, that was when I saw the sac and more blood clots. After that, everything was okay, cramps have reduced but still bleeding. Don’t worry, ladies, just prepare your minds, and you’ll be fine "

9 / 10
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155 Report
  • Anonymous
  • August 27, 2020

For Abortion "I thought I would share my experience! I took my first 4 tablets vaginally yesterday at 12pm, had some light cramping and a little nausea but nothing else. Took another 2 at 4pm vaginally.. again, apart from cramping, nothing major! Started getting chills and fever that lasted about 3 hours but was bearable. Today I have woken up, still no bleeding! Ended up in A&E as I felt it was not working and am now being sent for an emergency scan tomorrow morning with potential of an operation :( I was only 5 weeks I’m so scared and confused. I feel a little dizzy today and lethargic but more anxious over the fact it’s been 29 hours and I still have not bled! Hope you guys have a better experience xo"

1 / 10
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173 Report
  • Mhiz...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 27, 2020

For Abortion "I am 5 weeks pregnant. I took the first drug, mifepristone, as directed and took the second one 38 hours inserting it into my vagina. I had a light cramp the night, and the next morning I had very light bleeding. But as the days pass, the blood becomes thick and flows normally like I am menstruating, but no clots and minor cramps. Hope it's working."

10 / 10
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169 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.