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Sertraline User Reviews & Ratings

Brand names: Zoloft

Sertraline has an average rating of 7.3 out of 10 from a total of 4,403 reviews on 65% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 18% reported a negative experience.

Condition Avg. Rating Reviews Compare
1264 reviews for Depression 76 medications
Anxiety and Stress  Off-label
907 reviews for Anxiety and Stress 6 medications
Panic Disorder  
580 reviews for Panic Disorder 18 medications
Social Anxiety Disorder  
412 reviews for Social Anxiety Disorder 6 medications
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder  
292 reviews for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 9 medications
Generalized Anxiety Disorder  Off-label
269 reviews for Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 medications
Major Depressive Disorder  
227 reviews for Major Depressive Disorder 50 medications
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder  
178 reviews for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder 2 medications
Postpartum Depression  
80 reviews for Postpartum Depression 9 medications
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder  
77 reviews for Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder 49 medications
Bipolar Disorder  Off-label
53 reviews for Bipolar Disorder 36 medications
Borderline Personality Disorder  Off-label
39 reviews for Borderline Personality Disorder 28 medications
Dissociative Identity Disorder  Off-label
8 reviews for Dissociative Identity Disorder 4 medications
Persistent Depressive Disorder  Off-label
7 reviews for Persistent Depressive Disorder 9 medications
Body Dysmorphic Disorder  Off-label
4 reviews for Body Dysmorphic Disorder 9 medications
Trichotillomania  Off-label
4 reviews for Trichotillomania 3 medications
Vulvodynia  Off-label
2 reviews for Vulvodynia 1 medications
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Reviews for Sertraline

  • Saved...
  • September 9, 2019

Zoloft (sertraline) for Depression "I’m 36 and I’ve dealt with depression my entire life. I was also irritable. It would come, hit me hard, and then go away. I thought diets, sleep, etc., could help me. They would only at first. I gave Lexapro a try, my first medication ever. It helped some and I wanted to “settle” with Lexapro because at least my depression was at bay. Two years ago I started Zoloft and it literally saved my life, marriage, memories with my kids, saved me from me. I truly didn’t know what normal life was like until I started Zoloft. It hasn’t changed me, it helped me be the true, happy me that would show up periodically. All those “organic” ways might help some people. Just don’t think “big pharma” can’t help you, like I did before I tried meds. I never, ever, ever thought I would be saying that. For two years now I’ve been alive, I’ve run my business like never before, I’m patient with my kids, my wife, my family. I hope so badly this review helps someone out there who is just like I was."

10 / 10
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3813 Report
  • FearC...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 26, 2020

For Anxiety and Stress "I would literally reread the high-rated reviews of sertraline every day. I had them saved on my phone. Reading them while I cried, thoughts racing, heart hammering, I was depending on people's experiences for my life. Sertraline is not easy initially. It has literally saved my life. My brain is quiet. I haven't had any panic attacks. I am so so so happy and positive and amazed at what this tablet can do. For you who is going through the tough bits, please have hope that it is worth it. STICK WITH IT. Because I was in the same position as you. I was SO worried the tablets were not working, but actually they were. You are so brave and strong. I know it doesn't feel like it, but you are. Don't give up because believe me, while I write this, I can remember myself thinking that I was going to. You are going to be OK. It is all normal to feel worse before you feel better, so unbelievably better. I can now be a friend, work colleague, daughter, wife, and dog mum. Sertraline is incredible. A true life-saver."

10 / 10
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3278 Report
  • lil
  • July 2, 2021

Zoloft (sertraline) for Depression "I promised I would come back and leave a review after trying Zoloft. I am female (21) and I have been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder from a car crash. I read SO many reviews talking about their horrible crazy experiences so I was super scared to try this. I’m on 25mg of Zoloft daily which I believe is the lowest dose. It has worked wonders for me. PLEASE GIVE IT A TRY. The first night I took it without food and I was up all night, extremely nauseous with a crazy amount of energy. Definitely take it in the morning. The only annoying side effects I've experienced are mild nausea if I take it without food and lower libido. This pill has changed my life and honestly saved my life. I am so much more productive and energetic, I no longer have racing thoughts and cry for hours every night. I feel like myself again, and I feel like my best self. I wish you all the best luck on your journey. You are so loved!"

9 / 10
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1211 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Patri...
  • April 10, 2021

For Anxiety and Stress "Read this! I have had anxiety my whole life. But then I had my first baby, and it all escalated. I couldn’t sleep. I could take a big dose of oxazepam and still be awake. After 14 days of constant fear and panic attacks, I said: I am not okay. I needed to go away from the baby. So I went to my mom. I started sertraline, and the first 5 weeks were terrible. I could only lay in bed with a heart rate of 100bpm, feeling anxious and didn't eat for 2 weeks. After 5 weeks, I wanted to stop because I had never felt so horrible in my life. 2 days later, it happened. I woke up, and I didn’t feel that bad anymore. And the next day again. And so on. January was the worst month of my life, by far, but now everything is different. I can enjoy my daughter, and sertraline did that. So again, for whatever reason you are here, sometimes we cannot do this on our own. You are not weak to start medication. And please, continue the first few weeks. They are horrible. But come back and read this story again. Trust the process."

10 / 10
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1253 Report
  • JMM
  • February 7, 2020

Zoloft (sertraline) for Depression "2 months ago, I was desperately going through these pages to find something positive about sertraline. My mother had died, and my daughter, 3 weeks after, went into treatment for 6 weeks for anorexia. Long story short, I had an acute panic/anxiety/depression event in early December. I started on Zoloft 25mg on December 11. I had most hours of feeling 'ok' but I was frustrated that I was still feeling that adrenaline and anxiety. By week 5, I was still frustrated by feelings of anxiety. Then everything lifted. I promise you will feel better. I absolutely promise. Stick with it. But do the work too! Go out! Exercise! Eat well! (I had no appetite!) Don't watch the news. Look for the small things. And read or listen to Claire Weekes on YouTube (it's like your grandma giving you a talking to). You will be better."

9 / 10
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1315 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Krist...
  • June 6, 2020

For Anxiety and Stress "SERTRALINE WORKS! I have been on Zoloft for about 2 weeks now like the doctor said. At the beginning, it was horrible. Really bad anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts got worse. I felt so hopeless. I didn't want to get out of bed. My stomach hurt, and I stopped eating. I lost around 15 pounds and had issues sleeping. I get really tired and drowsy and take a nap in the morning. Now all the side effects are gone. The next week I felt really calm. Felt like I had no emotion. It was hard. It was more depression than anxiety. But now it's been 2 weeks, and I'm doing fun things and laughing and smiling again. It's like my anxiety is gone. It's great. I still get a moment of it, but it's not all day like before. This really works, and it's rough at the beginning, but it will pay off in the end! You got this!"

10 / 10
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1024 Report
  • 2020
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 14, 2020

Zoloft (sertraline) for Depression "I have been taking Sertraline for almost two months and I give it 10 out of 10. I feel amazing! In addition to taking the medication, I created my own healing plan: drink water, 8 hours of sleep, cognitive behavior therapy, cut off alcohol, caffeine, and sugar, eat vegetables, fish, fruits, and nuts, exercise 3 times a week, take vitamin D, B12, magnesium, spend time with friends and family, enjoy the sun, do something fun, meditate, and do yoga (try these apps: Calm and Headspace). There is also a free app called Flow which helps you to treat depression, have a Reiki session, and let go of what is not making you happy (job, relationships, addiction), etc. Medication is great, but you need to look at other aspects of your life as well to heal :-)"

10 / 10
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1083 Report

More FAQ

  • Dom
  • June 8, 2020

Zoloft (sertraline) for Panic Disorder "I suffered from panic attacks back in 2017. I was terrified of going on medication. But I was sad all the time, I felt empty. After my panic attacks, depression came. No one understood what I was going through. So after months of anxiety and depression, my doctor suggested Zoloft. I was scared to take it. The thought of being on Zoloft scared me. I sat in my car holding the Zoloft and cried, 'I’m gonna be on medication my whole life.' But I took the Zoloft! I felt really panicky the first two weeks, but after the two weeks, I noticed my anxiety calm down and panic attacks went away. I was on it for about a year and decided to wean myself off of it. I’m seriously so happy I decided to take Zoloft; it helped me when I needed it. I’ve been off of Zoloft since and I’m happy and healthy. My advice is to take it if you have no other choice. Yes, it’s scary, but don’t take advice from people who don’t suffer from anxiety and depression!! It helped me so much."

10 / 10
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865 Report
  • Evaly
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • December 23, 2020

For Generalized Anxiety Disorder "First off, if you’re reading this and you are in a dark place and just started taking this, I want you to know that you are so strong. I was once where you were, and I was afraid the medicine wasn’t going to work or make a big difference, and that I’d be stuck like this forever. The side effects were bad, and it took a couple of months for it to fully kick in. About 4 months went by, and it worked to its full potential one day out of the blue. It really saved my life because I couldn't function and didn't want to live. Life seemed so hopeless, but with this medicine, I actually enjoy getting up on certain days now. You are so strong, and you have to hang in there because the light at the end of the tunnel will be so rewarding. You may not see it right now, but I promise you it works, and you gotta hang in there for a while. You got this"

9 / 10
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774 Report
  • A-Swede
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 1, 2024

Zoloft (sertraline) for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder "I have been suffering from OCD/intrusive thoughts and severe anxiety attacks since I was 7, but always managed. But at 41 with three kids (almost no sleep), house, work, etc., it just snapped. Total panic. Zoloft 50mg for 8 days, then straight to 100mg. (Male, 6'5'' and 230 lbs). My world was spinning. Suffered every single side effect. The thought of my kids and my wife kept me going. 4 weeks of pure hell. THEN gradually things improved. Now, on week 6, I'm helping out at home and being a father again. I lack words to describe the relief. HOLD ON. I used sleeping pills and even benzos for 4 days. Cried A LOT. But it was a spiritual journey. Closer than ever with my wife. Work out if possible, no coffee or sugar, meditate. And DON'T fear the panic, listen to your mind. Rest. Accept your current state. IT WILL PASS. Hope this helps someone. Warm, humble, loving hug from Sweden."

10 / 10
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134 Report
  • Thist...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 5, 2017

Zoloft (sertraline) for Depression "MOTIVATION MONDAY: To the lovely folks, just like me, who spend hours searching online forums looking for something to give you hope. I understand. I want to share what I've learned. When I was in my darkest place, I would read reviews about meds not working or awful side effects. I was convinced no medication would work for me because of this. BUT this one did! Please know, there is a light at the end of the tunnel! ALWAYS. You are not alone. You are not crazy. Don't give up. You'll be feeling normal again before you know it. This too shall pass!"

10 / 10
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1197 Report
  • Frank
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 6, 2021

For Anxiety and Stress "I started Sertraline at 25mg 3 weeks ago. I've had every side effect. I was on the verge of quitting every day. Nausea, tremors, uncontrolled anxiety, sweats, no sleep. This website kept me going. If you have nausea and related symptoms, you must eat if you want to survive this period. I ate my first full meal in weeks yesterday. I slept a full night. My mind is not racing today. Maybe I am over the nightmare stage. So God help me and help you all. Fight."

8 / 10
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610 Report
  • Young...
  • May 11, 2021

For Anxiety and Stress "I have been taking sertraline now for around 9 weeks to treat anxiety I've struggled with for a few years. I started on 50mg, and the first week was very tough - you really do get worse before you get better. But do stick with it as it will get better. At around week 2, I noticed some benefit, but into week 3, I felt back to how I was feeling before, this continued on a good week, bad week rotation until about week 8. At 8 weeks, I made the decision to go up to 100mg, the best decision I have made in a long time. No noticeable side effects for increasing the dose, and within a couple of days, I was feeling considerably better. If you are struggling still on the 50mg dose, definitely try going up as it made a huge difference to me. I haven't felt this good in a long time - if you are reading this unsure whether to go on the medication, I would say go for it, the only regret I have is that I didn't make this decision sooner. Good luck all, you will get yourself feeling better!"

10 / 10
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629 Report
  • NP93
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 12, 2017

Zoloft (sertraline) for Social Anxiety Disorder "Half the reviews on here are a load of garbage. They range from 'the side effects are too awful' to 'It gives me more anxiety.' Do yourself a favor and do not read to any review from anyone who has taken this drug for less than 8 weeks. If you are serious about reducing your anxiety, then grow some balls and give Zoloft time to work. Yes, you're going to have a number of side effects in the beginning, ranging from drowsiness, nausea, sexual dysfunction, loss of appetite, and even increased anxiety. Guess what, nearly all of these are going to disappear after the first two weeks. In fact, all of the side effects disappeared for me, and it wasn't until around week 8 that I felt the glorious power of this drug. GIVE IT TIME."

10 / 10
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1184 Report
  • Anony...
  • March 1, 2020

For Anxiety and Stress "I have had anxiety issues my whole life, but I was able to keep it at bay most times. Before quitting my job, I had a particularly debilitating episode of intense anxiety and panic attacks. I was not able to eat or sleep. After about a month, I decided to seek help and was put on 50mg sertraline and beta blockers. I didn't have any side effects apart from difficulty falling asleep. The beta blockers kept the panic attacks away, but my anxiety got only slightly better after 2 months. The effect was minor, and I was disappointed. I decided to stick to it anyway and finally saw an effect after 3 months. After 3 and a half months, not only is my anxiety gone, but I am able to deal beautifully with tough situations. For example, I have never thought one could be as relaxed as I was during an interview. I was reading reviews on this website when I was desperate, so I hope this helps someone. Probably good to mention that my appetite has increased a lot and I suddenly developed a sweet tooth."

9 / 10
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720 Report
  • harry
  • February 14, 2020

For Anxiety and Stress "I have been struggling with anxiety for over 3 months now. The doctor put me on sertraline for the first two weeks. Oh, it makes you really ill and I had every side effect that the medicine gives to you. I went back to the doctor, and he said that with anxiety they will take 6 weeks to kick in. After two weeks, things started to get a little better but still very anxious up to the 6th week. After 6 weeks, I am very good. Please stick with it, guys. It will help you 100%. For some people, it may take a little longer if they have very bad anxiety or stress, but in the end, I think that it will definitely help you. Be strong because you are stronger than you think. I feel for everyone that has this issue but stick with the sertraline as it will help you 100%. God bless you all."

10 / 10
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705 Report
  • Abby
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 23, 2020

Zoloft (sertraline) for Panic Disorder "I’m 24. I’ve always been a worrier, and have been in and out of therapy since college, and consistently for the past year now. While I am a huge fan of therapy, no matter how hard I worked I still struggled with intense anxiety and moderate depression. I went to the doctor once last November and was prescribed Zoloft, but didn’t take it because I was scared to start a medication. After another rough patch this summer, I went back and took Zoloft. It’s a game changer. I still am me - but a much more stable, level-headed version. I am more present and can sort out my anxious thoughts much more easily. For the first time in forever, I’m feeling happy and hopeful about the future. All I want to say is, if you’ve been struggling, please seek out professional medical help and do not be afraid to take the medication you are prescribed. It’s absolutely possible to feel like you again. All my love "

10 / 10
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625 Report
  • ozzy
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • December 23, 2020

Zoloft (sertraline) for Depression "A few years ago, I smoked a high strain of cannabis, and a few days later, I started to have severe anxiety. Something triggered, and I went into a deep depression. I was living the life, an amazing career, and a beautiful girlfriend, everything I could ask for. Then this hit, and I was so deep in depression that I didn't want to continue anymore. Antidepressants were my last choice, and THANKFUL I did. I didn't want to get on them because I thought I was weak and couldn't get over it on my own. Symptoms were high depersonalization, feeling detached, hopelessness, isolation, etc. I thought it was over at age 24... but listen... It's not. I am living the best life now and have my dream job. Antidepressants do not make you weak. They make you brave and proud of yourself at the end of it. I have become a better person from all of this, and you will too. Do not give up because you will be back to normal. It took a good 6-8 months before they did their job. It takes a while to kick in."

10 / 10
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581 Report
  • wbb
  • July 31, 2008

Zoloft (sertraline) for Depression "I remember reading people's opinions online of the drug before I took it and it scared me away from it. Then I finally decided to give it a try and it has been the best choice I have made. I have been on it for over 4 months and I feel great. I'm on 100mg and I don't have any side effects. When I first started, I did notice that my hands would tremble, but then it subsided. So honestly, don't listen to all the negativity because what doesn't work for some works amazingly for others. So go based on yourself and not everyone else. It may be a blessing in disguise. The pill is not meant to make you all happy-go-lucky and see 'butterflies and roses'; it's meant to help put the chemicals in your mind in balance so you can just be who you are and not overly depressed. I still get sad sometimes, but that is normal, that is life, and it's up to people to take control to make a change. I did so by getting on this pill."

10 / 10
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1609 Report
  • AKano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 13, 2020

For Anxiety and Stress "32-year-old female - I was prescribed sertraline 50mg for anxiety and depression. Before taking it, I was crying constantly. The day after taking it, I already felt better and on day four now, I feel like a new person. I recommend taking it at night. Don't let all the bad reviews scare you, just take it."

10 / 10
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532 Report
  • xxmor...
  • August 6, 2021

Zoloft (sertraline) for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder "I read these reviews over and over again to calm myself with what I was going through. Although thinking back, it might have been obsessive. I have been taking this since December of 2020 when I had a bad mental breakdown where I was crying for a month straight, couldn’t work, and was having panic attacks all day every day! This medication has saved my life! I could not stop thinking these obsessive thoughts every day all day. That absolutely drove me up the wall crazy. It took about a month or two to finally start getting back to myself again. I am able to work again and take care of my family! I have happy moments now. Instead of always being in an obsessive thought and trying to get rid of it, I can now accept the thought as a thought or yeah, maybe that could happen and go about my day. Please don’t give up on this medication. The side effects do subside, and you’ll feel like yourself again, I promise!"

10 / 10
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419 Report
  • Was...
  • September 3, 2020

Zoloft (sertraline) for Depression "About 6 weeks ago, I started Zoloft at 25 mg for GAD, mild depression, and some PTSD and OCD symptoms. Before you continue reading, please understand that my experience likely will not be yours, as is the case with every single review you'll read. Do not be scared to start. It absolutely helped. My overall mood didn't change much, but it helped the physical symptoms of my anxiety and helped me cope with my life stresses. I began to enjoy doing things I love again. I still had bad days, but I was overall functioning well and productive, although I still had not the best outlook on life. Side effects I experienced: insomnia, daily headaches similar to hangovers, shakiness, increased depression the first week, decreased appetite, menstrual changes, and decreased libido. Again, this is just my experience. Do not be afraid to give it a try, people are much more likely to leave negative reviews, I just wanted to leave a review to help others. Best of luck, you've got this!"

6 / 10
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487 Report
  • Derick
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 9, 2020

For Anxiety and Stress "Sertraline has literally changed my life. I took months to start over fear of side effects but once I took a stand and made that jump, it has changed my life. The first few weeks are hard (headaches, fatigue, bad stomach, increased anxiety) but honestly push through it and when it kicks in, it's worth it. I've found myself controlling my thoughts better, sleeping better, and just overall better mood. I haven't felt this good in over 10 years after struggling with anxiety and panic attacks. I also recommend downloading the DARE app. Good luck, warriors."

9 / 10
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464 Report
  • Grate...
  • October 2, 2019

Zoloft (sertraline) for Depression "Just like all of you, I scrolled these reviews for hours both before and during my Zoloft treatment. I’ve been on Zoloft for 5 weeks now (7 weeks if you include the first two weeks on 25mg, which is below the therapeutic dose). I tried two SSRI’s before Zoloft, and each made me violently ill or suicidal. The side effects of Zoloft have been minimal - just a mild headache as I up my dosage. I have currently moved up to 100mg, week 6!! My experience has been incredibly positive. I let go of things easier, such as fights with my partner, and I don’t have horrible recurring thoughts. I have still had a total of about 8 bad days over the course of Zoloft, but that is life!! This is not a magic pill. In fact, my anxiety has subsided so much that I’ve become incredibly bored! What do I do with all this free time?! It has made me reach my life’s purpose, and it has given me hope. Please don’t give up. I wish I tried Zoloft sooner. Sending love and hope to you all x"

8 / 10
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547 Report
  • Sunsh...
  • October 26, 2020

Zoloft (sertraline) for Panic Disorder "I’ve been having panic attacks/anxiety since I can remember. (I’m 27). About 3 years ago I couldn’t take it anymore. I quit drinking, quit drinking caffeine, and stopped smoking cigarettes. Nothing helped. In January of 2020, after trying about 7 different medications (at this point, I was terrified after so many failed attempts), I didn’t want to try anything else. Nothing seemed to help. So let me start by saying ZOLOFT SAVED MY LIFE. Let me say it again so the people in the back can hear: ZOLOFT SAVED MY LIFE. I feel like everything is so much brighter. I gained some weight, but that is minor compared to not having panic attacks for days on end. I’m on 50mg. I started very slowly which helped with the side effects. I started at 12.5mg, and after 3 days, bumped up to 25mg, and after a week, to 50mg. I couldn’t be happier and feel like for the first time, I have my life ahead of me. I would recommend this drug to anyone. It changed my life for the better."

10 / 10
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440 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.