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Viibryd User Reviews & Ratings

Viibryd has an average rating of 5.9 out of 10 from a total of 816 reviews on 47% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 35% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Viibryd

  • JGano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 9, 2020

For Depression "I had been on Lexapro for ~3 years and it was losing its effectiveness, and I was falling into a deep malaise from it. Doc switched me to Trintellix first - and it worked well - BUT I was unbearably dizzy from it. So, I switched to Viibryd, and it has been great so far. Felt better immediately on the 10mg taper and have been stable at 20mg for about 2 months now and really like it. Knocks my anxiety down to almost zero, but I have way more energy, focus, feelings than I did on Lexapro. It is super expensive, even with my good insurance and their discount card, but it is worth it to me at this point. Hope this review helps someone."

10 / 10
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599 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 7, 2011

For Depression "I have had a lot of additional stress added in the last 4 years... death of a parent, a lot of hurtful things from my other parent, my spouse cheating, then everyday things like the stresses of young children, school, sports, etc. Over these years I have tried every antidepressant out there! It either didn't work, or it made me feel like a zombie. And they ALWAYS made my sex drive go to zero! I had given up on every prescription and had not taken anything for almost a year. I had no energy, it didn't take much for me to get annoyed and aggravated with people (including my kids) and I just didn't feel a lot of joy. My doctor tried me on Viibryd and I feel GREAT! I have great energy, don't lose my temper with my kids or husband, and still have sex drive!"

10 / 10
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970 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 7, 2011

For Depression "I have atypical depression. I have tried Wellbutrin (allergic reaction), Zoloft (diarrhea, anxiety), Prozac (good experience), and Effexor, which made me crave alcohol every day even though I generally dislike alcohol and am not a regular drinker. All of these gave me delayed ejaculation problems except for the Wellbutrin. I pretty much gave up on medicines until I had a major depressive bout and went back to the psychiatrist who suggested I give Viibryd a try. It has made everything so much better! No side effects, high energy and motivation, and has stabilized my usually volatile temper greatly. I've read a lot of negative reviews out there so I was compelled to write this review because in my case, rare as it may be, Viibryd has worked."

9 / 10
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782 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Marie...
  • September 2, 2020

For Depression "I have had issues with MDD and GAD for years. I was originally put on Lexapro, and I quickly noticed a difference. I no longer felt depressed or hopeless, but I was tired all the time with little energy to do anything. After 6+ months, I went on Wellbutrin for a few days and was paranoid and on edge! I was put on Viibryd 10 mg for 1 week and 20 mg after that once per day. Initially, the side effects were nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea, drowsiness, and headaches. I stuck it out for 2 weeks like that. I began taking my meds at night instead of in the morning. The initial side effects went away, and I was able to sleep well, eat normally, and had energy to do things that I enjoyed. My focus and mood improved so much that my husband noticed instantly. This is one of the meds with the least sexual side effects. I was still able to continue with my sex life with few issues. Make sure to take your meds on time; a missed dose will quickly cause withdrawal symptoms like nausea, headaches, and irritability."

8 / 10
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285 Report
  • Manda
  • February 26, 2020

For Depression "I've never written a review on a drug before, but felt compelled to do so with this one. I've struggled with depression my whole life. Was on Wellbutrin for many years before my hysterectomy. After my hysterectomy, I fell into a very deep depression, even when on my Wellbutrin. I couldn't get out of bed, slept all the time, was withdrawn, etc. My doctor started me on 10 mg of Viibryd for 2 weeks, then we moved up to 20 mg. At the 20 mg dose, I was so sleepy so we kept it at 10 mg. I feel like a new person! I'm stable, level, happy, can handle situations calmly... it literally saved my life. My sex drive seems to have gone down dramatically, but I will try to deal with that the best I can. Being happy and not crying all the time is worth me having to put more effort into the sex drive part. I think part of that could be due to the hysterectomy also. I'm truly grateful to have my life back."

10 / 10
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289 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Anxie...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • July 7, 2019

For Depression "Thankful for this medication. I have been on it for a year now, working my way up to 40mg, but I can’t explain how well this medication has worked and how good I feel. Very thankful. I am a RN, and it is okay to take medication; please don’t ever be ashamed. Finding the right med will help you dramatically. Please get genetic testing done to see what med will work with your body. I tried all of the most common SSRIs, and none helped. Turns out none of them were compatible with my body. Viibryd was the first med since my genetic testing results came back that I’ve been on, and it’s a match. Such a blessing of how good I feel. Praying for all. God bless."

10 / 10
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289 Report
  • Anonymous
  • October 24, 2011

For Depression "I have been on Zoloft, Wellbutrin, and Celexa. Struggling with depression for years, but Viibryd really has been the 'panacea'. It manages all of my symptoms and gives me energy like none of the other medications could. It's definitely different from other antidepressants and for some who experience some difficult startup syndrome, PLEASE stick with it for a few weeks. I've heard of a lot of people who had a difficult startup with this medication and the switch was just flipped one day out of the blue. Viibryd really is an improvement from other antidepressants and I encourage all to give it a try."

10 / 10
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544 Report
  • Rbano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 1, 2020

For Depression "My 34-year-old sister was prescribed Viibryd for depression. On week 2, she had a major stroke. She died two days later. She didn’t have any health issues or heart problems besides depression and was not taking any other medications. She was a single mother working full time. We don’t even have a family history of strokes. It’s hard to say for sure that Viibryd caused the stroke, but after reading all the possible side effects, interactions, and reviews, I’m convinced. I just wanted to write a review so that the people prescribed it will be aware and cautious."

1 / 10
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251 Report
  • Chris...
  • September 11, 2011

For Depression "I am finishing my 4th week of Viibryd. I'm afraid to jinx myself by saying this, but I feel I have my old life back again. The reality of being on an antidepressant (Viibryd) and being MORE sexual MORE quickly is heaven to me! I have renewed hopes about a future I never thought I'd see. My last marriage ended because of Zoloft, Effexor, you name it, and hard to date, too, and explain why nothing's working and it isn't going to work. Please keep working, Viibryd!! My only side effect has been two nights of terrifying nightmares. I'll take those any day over not being able to be a complete woman."

9 / 10
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479 Report
  • Harpguy
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 26, 2020

For Depression "I have been on multiple medications for depression my entire life. Some don’t work at all; some cause side effects that are unbearable. Viibryd does neither. For the first time ever, I can honestly say that I am now learning how to live without the horrible effects of depression. I am happier, much more social, and am experiencing better moods than I ever have. This medication has literally been life-changing for me. I have experienced no side effects at all. All in all, I cannot say enough good things to emphasize how much this med has changed my life for the good!"

10 / 10
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209 Report
  • Steve
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 7, 2018

For Depression "I’m a man and I could almost cry based on how well this medication has made me. I tried so many meds with no success. I even tried ketamine infusions. I’ve tried antipsychotics too. Nothing was working until Viibryd. I’ve had 100% improvement within 1 week on only 10 mg. Amazing! I’m thankful, I’m grateful, and I’m blessed."

10 / 10
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249 Report
  • draesq
  • March 25, 2014

For Depression "I am at the end of the 2nd week of the starter pack, last 20 mg pill. I feel so much better on this medicine. My depression started after some horrible things happened in my family and it paralyzed me. I didn't want to do anything anymore. I wanted to be left alone. I finally feel happy again. I have been on Zoloft. That worked but I gained too much weight. Effexor didn't really help and Wellbutrin did nothing. This one made a huge difference and quickly. I had diarrhea the first day of each new dose but it quickly went away. No other side effects. I am also sleeping much better. The bottom line is, everyone is so completely different. It is all trial and error."

10 / 10
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324 Report
  • 45mal...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • March 11, 2014

For Depression "This medication simply saved my life. Addiction took me down a dangerous path - hiding bottles, attempting to obtain more prescription pain killers, doing it all at night to hide from wife/kids...long dark road for sure. 30 days intensive recovery in a facility, away from everyone just for me, AA meeting and my doctor put me on anti-depressants that just made me groggy, disoriented and volatile at times. Changed a few times till we hit Viibryd. Absolutely amazing from the first few days. 40mg and sometimes a tad more when the waves of irrationality come. Mostly even sailing. Life is enjoyable, work is productive and I am totally plugged back into everyone's life at home. No issues with side effects at all."

10 / 10
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306 Report
  • Honest...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 12, 2021

For Depression "I hate to write negative reviews, but I feel that it's important to do so with this medication. Based upon other reviewers and my own experience, I feel that something is inherently 'wrong' with Viibryd. I may have noticed a slight elevation of my mood when I began taking it, but over time, the side effects such as nausea, indigestion, and a general feeling of malaise gradually took center stage. I finally tapered off and discontinued usage, and I feel so much better now! In hindsight, I had been feeling miserable for about 4 or 5 months! For reference, I am 55 yrs old, active, 150 lbs, bipolar II with depression, and take Trazadone, Buspar, and Lamictal. I have a graduate degree, see my doc every three months, and take all meds as prescribed and with food. Viibryd has probably the worst medicine that I've ever been on."

1 / 10
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130 Report
  • ac1
  • January 31, 2012

For Depression "Been on Viibryd for several months, have tried other medications in the past, but sexual side effects were too bad. When I started Viibryd, I had been depressed for several months. I found myself more withdrawn, low energy, unsocial, and unmotivated. Since then, I have felt like a new person; the only side effect was stomach issues during the first week. I now have lots of energy, very social, and motivated. I would recommend this to anyone considering an antidepressant and wants to avoid the sexual side effects. In my opinion, A+."

10 / 10
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320 Report
  • Ambwee
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 2, 2014

For Depression "I've been on so many antidepressants. I can't even tell you how many I've tried, and none of them had any effect or very little. My doctor started me out on a sample pack of Viibryd and gave me a few packs of the 40mg to last me until she gets back from out of the country. I've been on it for a month now, and it's been amazing. I have schizoaffective disorder with major depression, panic disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Viibryd is amazing. I feel so much better already. I never got any of the side effects other people experienced. It's been nothing but pleasant for me. My mood, energy, everything has gotten so much higher than it has been in years. I'm so excited about my future now. I have so many dreams that I feel like I can now accomplish, and I'm very optimistic now."

10 / 10
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266 Report
  • Bazzle
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 31, 2020

For Major Depressive Disorder "Well, Viibryd. What to say, from looking at the general response, it either works amazingly or the side effects can be debilitating. As for my experience? This has been a wonderful drug. I have not had GeneSight testing (I wish I had) but have gone through the general ringer with the old-fashioned trial and error. No other SSRI/SNRI/DNRI/TCA has worked for me, but Viibryd has! I totally disagree that 20mg is the optimal dose; it’s all subjective. 20mg worked for me for 3 weeks, then completely pooped out. Now up to 40mg and two days in, and I feel great. So if it stops working and you feel it had worked prior, do not be afraid to increase after talking to your doctor versus stopping taking it. But yes, there are side effects - diarrhea (which went away) & headaches, increased RLS being the mainstay but tolerable. And my sex life has greatly improved on this drug. I give it a ten out of ten. FYI - I take Gabapentin for the RLS at night, which helped immensely. Good luck. Godspeed."

10 / 10
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134 Report
  • Momzi...
  • October 4, 2011

For Depression "My doctor told me to eat lots of protein in the morning. The protein attaches to the active ingredient in the Viibryd. He said the worst side effects of this medicine would be nausea and diarrhea. He told me to eat the equivalent of an Egg McMuffin in the morning with my medicine. I'm up to 10mg and I eat 30-40g of protein with it. I do have diarrhea, but I'm hopeful that it will go away once my body is accustomed to the new protein requirement. I'm a cereal lover. Eggs, ham, and cheese are too much in the mornings some days, but I'm willing to do this because I feel so much better on this medication. I'm not snappy and I seem to have more energy."

9 / 10
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303 Report
  • Lizsm...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 24, 2014

For Depression "Viibryd has honestly changed my life for the better. I've had depression and anxiety for 5 years. I was going to therapy (and I still do), but it was recommended I try some medication because I was not really feeling any better and I was very hesitant. I did 5mg for 2 weeks, 10mg for a week, 20mg for a week, and now I'm on 40mg. I experience NO side effects. No diarrhea or nausea like most people have at the beginning. Not only did my anxiety come under control when I started the 20mg, but I feel happy now. My sex drive has been normal and I've actually lost weight since I started Viibryd since I don't have the urge to eat everything now. It's definitely worth a try."

10 / 10
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250 Report
  • Anonymous
  • August 8, 2011

For Anxiety "I have been on other anxiety medicines, which only added to my blood pressure spiking, but with Viibryd, my blood pressure has dropped down to normal readings, for example, 110/74, and I have the energy level I had before trying all of the other medicines. I highly recommend this medicine."

10 / 10
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291 Report
  • excel...
  • November 29, 2014

For Depression "You have to give it time to work. At the beginning, I thought it was not going to work, but after 3 months, it was great. I have been on Viibryd for about 6 months. It is excellent, don't gain weight, and my sex drive is very high. Excellent. Hope it works for you."

9 / 10
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227 Report
  • Randy
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • February 19, 2024

For Depression "I had tried several different SSRI antidepressants, and none of them gave me the 'lift' out of depression like Viibryd did. I was put on it when it first came out in 2011. It gave me big time motivation and energy. At 20mg, the side effects that I experienced were anxiety, fast heart beat, a little light-headed at times, and made me very hungry (especially for carbs). My doctor checked me for high blood sugar, and my blood sugar was normal. So I'm assuming that this medicine makes you feel so much better that your appetite comes back more than usual. It works differently and makes you feel different than other antidepressants and does not have the sleepy drowsy effect, at least it didn't with me. I went off of Viibryd for a while, but I'm back on 20 mg, and it is working great again. If you are struggling with fatigue, loss of interest, and bad depression, definitely give Viibryd a try. It works well and worked for me, it pulled me up out of a huge dark hole. I'm glad I'm back on it again."

9 / 10
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22 Report
  • Hankley
  • May 5, 2020

For Depression "Switched to Viibryd about a year ago to treat an anxiety disorder and depression. Was on Lexapro originally, but it was making me too sleepy to function. Starting out, I got nauseated around the time I took a dose (used the pack to scale from 0-20mg over time). That stopped after a few days though. I do still get periods of dizziness right around the time I take my dose though. I've stayed on 20mg for the last year, and haven't felt the need to change anything med wise. I feel a lot more in control of myself on Viibryd, and I generally don't spiral when I'm on the pill. Really helped to manage anxiety/depression, while keeping me at a normal energy level."

8 / 10
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110 Report
  • Anony...
  • April 16, 2021

For Major Depressive Disorder "I’ve been through countless medications - I have anxiety, panic attacks, MDD. They all made me sick, more anxious, panic attacks that felt like heart attacks, have aggressive behavior, bouts of OCD, RLS, feel like I was walking in a fog, etc. Viibryd has been tolerable. I don’t feel as depressed and overwhelmed to the point of feeling paralyzed. Only side effect is vivid nightmares, and really not helping with my anxiety/panic attacks. As long as I am still prescribed my Xanax, my whole life feels so much better. The Xanax helps with the panic and anxiety, but the depression was always lingering and interfering with my day to day life, and Viibryd is taking care of that. Thank goodness I finally found a doctor that listens!!! I would much rather deal with nightmares than the deep dark depression I’ve been in for years."

9 / 10
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85 Report
  • Anonymous
  • November 6, 2011

For Depression "Viibryd is a good medicine... peanut butter toast helps with the nausea... Dr. said peanut butter is the key! Protein mostly, but if you are not a big eater in the morning, try the peanut butter. The nausea and diarrhea go away after a few weeks."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.