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6 Sore throat remedies that work

Medically reviewed by Carmen Pope, BPharm. Last updated on May 10, 2023.

Official answer


1. The warm salt water gargle

With a taste reminiscent of being splashed in the mouth while on holiday at a tropical beach, the salt water gargle makes up for in effectiveness what it lacks in flavor.

The pain from a sore throat stems from a build-up of fluid in the tissues that line the throat. This creates a feeling of tightness and pressure. Salt effectively draws out the water from these tissues, relieving this pressure and helping to flush out causative viruses or bacteria.

Dissolve one-half to one teaspoonful of salt into a medium-sized glass of warm (but not hot) water. Add a little honey if the taste is too much to bear, and gently gargle the solution for a few seconds, before spitting it out.

2. Anti-inflammatories soothe and relieve inflammation

Anti-inflammatories, such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), are good for the short-term relief of pain. If anybody in your household has ever sprained an ankle, hurt their back, or had a fever, then chances are there'll be a half-finished packet of these collecting dust somewhere in your cupboard.
Check the expiration date and if it hasn't passed, read the instructions to determine the usual dose. Also, check the warnings on the packet as some people cannot take an anti-inflammatory. Anti-inflammatories help decrease inflammation and redness and reduce pain in your misbehaving throat.

3. Hard candies work wonders for a sore throat

Saving your sweets for a special occasion? Well, feel justified in classifying your sore throat as a special occasion. Hard candy contains sugar, which, although not so great for your teeth, is very soothing for a sore throat.

Sugar is a form of glucose and glucose has a demulcent action. This means it coats the tissues of the throat with a soothing film when present in the mouth, which helps to relieve pain and redness.

Continual sucking of candy is a magnet for tooth decay so limit yourself to just a couple of sweets per day while your throat is sore.

4. Chicken soup is not just good for the soul

Our bodies are 60% water so keeping fluids up during times of illness keeps our bodies hydrated and our infection-fighting cells ready for action.

While water is the easiest, cheapest, and most readily available fluid, you may prefer to mix up your fluid intake with some salty and sweet options.

Chicken soup has been reported to have a mild anti-inflammatory action as well as be a good source of nourishment when eating is too painful or difficult. Other anti-inflammatory foods include herbal teas which contain antioxidants - also beneficial for boosting your immune system - and honey; a teaspoonful is enough to coat the back of your sore throat providing soothing relief.

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5. Go natural: Slippery Elm, Licorice, Marshmallow Root

Nature contains an abundance of sore-throat remedies many of which may not be located in your first aid kit, but are readily purchased from your health food store or drugstore.

The inner bark of the slippery elm tree swells in contact with water and forms a gooey substance that soothes sore throats. Licorice root has anti-inflammatory properties and marshmallow forms a protective film over the tissues of the throat. Other natural remedies that can soothe a sore throat include Chinese herbs, honeysuckle, echinacea, and zinc. Lemon and honey teas, made with the juice of half a lemon mixed with a teaspoonful of honey and a cup of hot water, boost the immune system and reduce inflammation, as well as topping up your vitamin C.

6. Get some sore throat remedies from your drugstore

If you haven't had any success with home remedies for your sore throat then your drugstore has plenty of options.

Lozenges for sore throats come in a range of colors and flavors and help stimulate the flow of saliva, keeping your throat moist. Some lozenges also contain anesthetics that numb your throat, or antiseptics (such as Cepacol sore throat range), which help reduce the chances of a bacterial infection.

Sprays and gargles are also available which target the back of your throat directly.

Know the signs of strep throat

While all this self-medicating and cupboard purging is good for the wallet, sometimes you do need an expert to look at your throat.

A strep (streptococcal) throat is a sore throat that is caused by bacteria. Strep throats tend to cause extremely sore throats, of much brighter redness than more common virus-causing sore throats. If you have had your sore throat for more than a few days, or if it is very sore or doesn't seem to have got any better, get yourself checked out by a doctor.

Strep throat can sometimes lead to scarlet fever and rheumatic fever (a heart condition with irreversible consequences).

Ways to prevent a sore throats

Prevention is always better than cure and there are several simple, but effective ways you can reduce your chances of getting sick in the first place.

Number one is to wash your hands! Always before you eat, after you have cared for somebody who is sick, and after going to the bathroom. Eat plenty of vegetables, drink 6 to 8 glasses of water each day, and limit the amount of sugar you eat and alcohol you drink. Exercise, don't smoke, and don't yell!

If you do feel yourself coming down with something, reach for the salt and whip yourself up a delicious gargle!

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