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amLODIPine (Monograph)

Brand name: Norvasc
Drug class: Dihydropyridines
- Calcium-Channel Blocking Agents, Dihydropyridine
- Dihydropyridine Calcium-Channel Blocking Agents
- Calcium Antagonists
VA class: CV200
CAS number: 111470-99-6

Medically reviewed by on Oct 11, 2023. Written by ASHP.


Amlodipine is a calcium-channel blocking agent; a dihydropyridine derivative with an intrinsically long duration of action.

Uses for amLODIPine


Management of hypertension (alone or in combination with other classes of antihypertensive agents); may be used in fixed combination with benazepril, olmesartan, olmesartan and hydrochlorothiazide, perindopril, telmisartan, valsartan, or valsartan and hydrochlorothiazide when such combined therapy is indicated.

Calcium-channel blockers are recommended as one of several preferred agents for the initial management of hypertension according to current evidence-based hypertension guidelines; other preferred options include ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor antagonists, and thiazide diuretics. While there may be individual differences with respect to recommendations for initial drug selection and use in specific patient populations, current evidence indicates that these antihypertensive drug classes all generally produce comparable effects on overall mortality and cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and renal outcomes.

Individualize choice of therapy; consider patient characteristics (e.g., age, ethnicity/race, comorbidities, cardiovascular risk) as well as drug-related factors (e.g., ease of administration, availability, adverse effects, cost).

A 2017 ACC/AHA multidisciplinary hypertension guideline classifies BP in adults into 4 categories: normal, elevated, stage 1 hypertension, and stage 2 hypertension. (See Table 1.)

Source: Whelton PK, Carey RM, Aronow WS et al. 2017 ACC/AHA/AAPA/ABC/ACPM/AGS/APhA/ASH/ASPC/NMA/PCNA guideline for the prevention, detection, evaluation, and management of high blood pressure in adults: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines. Hypertension. 2018;71:e13-115.

Individuals with SBP and DBP in 2 different categories (e.g., elevated SBP and normal DBP) should be designated as being in the higher BP category (i.e., elevated BP).

Table 1. ACC/AHA BP Classification in Adults1200


SBP (mm Hg)

DBP (mm Hg)









Hypertension, Stage 1




Hypertension, Stage 2




The goal of hypertension management and prevention is to achieve and maintain optimal control of BP. However, the BP thresholds used to define hypertension, the optimum BP threshold at which to initiate antihypertensive drug therapy, and the ideal target BP values remain controversial.

The 2017 ACC/AHA hypertension guideline generally recommends a target BP goal (i.e., BP to achieve with drug therapy and/or nonpharmacologic intervention) <130/80 mm Hg in all adults regardless of comorbidities or level of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) risk. In addition, an SBP goal of <130 mm Hg generally is recommended for noninstitutionalized ambulatory patients ≥65 years of age with an average SBP of ≥130 mm Hg. These BP goals are based upon clinical studies demonstrating continuing reduction of cardiovascular risk at progressively lower levels of SBP.

Previous hypertension guidelines generally have based target BP goals on age and comorbidities. Guidelines such as those issued by the JNC 8 expert panel generally have targeted a BP goal of <140/90 mm Hg regardless of cardiovascular risk, and have used higher BP thresholds and target BPs in elderly patients compared with those recommended by the 2017 ACC/AHA hypertension guideline.

Some clinicians continue to support previous target BPs recommended by JNC 8 due to concerns about the lack of generalizability of data from some clinical trials (e.g., SPRINT study) used to support the current ACC/AHA hypertension guideline and potential harms (e.g., adverse drug effects, costs of therapy) versus benefits of BP lowering in patients at lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

Consider potential benefits of hypertension management and drug cost, adverse effects, and risks associated with the use of multiple antihypertensive drugs when deciding a patient’s BP treatment goal.

For decisions regarding when to initiate drug therapy (BP threshold), the current ACC/AHA hypertension guideline incorporates underlying cardiovascular risk factors. ASCVD risk assessment recommended by ACC/AHA for all adults with hypertension.

ACC/AHA currently recommend initiation of antihypertensive drug therapy in addition to lifestyle/behavioral modifications at an SBP ≥140 mm Hg or DBP ≥90 mm Hg in adults who have no history of cardiovascular disease (i.e., primary prevention) and a low ASCVD risk (10-year risk <10%).

For secondary prevention in patients with known cardiovascular disease or for primary prevention in those at higher risk for ASCVD (10-year risk ≥10%), ACC/AHA recommend initiation of antihypertensive drug therapy at an average SBP ≥130 mm Hg or an average DBP ≥80 mm Hg.

Adults with hypertension and diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease (CKD), or age ≥65 years of age are assumed to be at high risk for cardiovascular disease; ACC/AHA state that such patients should have antihypertensive drug therapy initiated at a BP ≥130/80 mm Hg. Individualize drug therapy in patients with hypertension and underlying cardiovascular or other risk factors.

In stage 1 hypertension, experts state that it is reasonable to initiate drug therapy using the stepped-care approach in which one drug is initiated and titrated and other drugs are added sequentially to achieve the target BP. Initiation of antihypertensive therapy with 2 first-line agents from different pharmacologic classes recommended in adults with stage 2 hypertension and average BP >20/10 mm Hg above BP goal.

Calcium-channel blockers may be preferred in hypertensive patients with certain coexisting conditions (e.g., ischemic heart disease) and in geriatric patients, including those with isolated systolic hypertension.

Black hypertensive patients generally respond better to monotherapy with calcium-channel blockers or thiazide diuretics than to other antihypertensive drug classes (e.g., ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor antagonists). However, the combination of an ACE inhibitor or an angiotensin II receptor antagonist with a calcium-channel blocker or thiazide diuretic produces similar BP lowering in black patients as in other racial groups.

Amlodipine should not be used for acute management of hypertensive crises.

Addition of an ACE inhibitor or angiotensin II receptor antagonist may reduce incidence of amlodipine-associated edema.

May use amlodipine/atorvastatin fixed-combination preparation when treatment with both amlodipine (for hypertension) and atorvastatin (for dyslipidemias and prevention of cardiovascular events) is appropriate.


Amlodipine is used for management of Prinzmetal variant angina and chronic stable angina pectoris; has been used alone or in combination with other antianginal agents. Calcium-channel blockers are considered the drugs of choice in management of Prinzmetal variant angina.

Amlodipine is used in patients with recently documented CAD (by angiography) and without heart failure or an ejection fraction <40% to reduce the risk of coronary revascularization procedure and hospitalization due to angina.

May use amlodipine/atorvastatin fixed-combination preparation when treatment with both amlodipine (for CAD) and atorvastatin (for dyslipidemias and prevention of cardiovascular events) is appropriate.

amLODIPine Dosage and Administration


BP Monitoring and Treatment Goals


Oral Administration

Administer amlodipine orally without regard to meals.


Available as amlodipine besylate; dosage expressed in terms of amlodipine.

Pediatric Patients

Amlodipine Therapy

Initiate drug at the low end of the dosage range per some experts; may increase dosage every 2–4 weeks until BP controlled, maximum dosage reached, or adverse effects occur.

Children 1–5 years of age [off-label]: Some experts recommend an initial dosage of 0.1 mg/kg once daily and a maximum dosage 0.6 mg/kg once daily (up to 5 mg daily).

Children ≥6 years of age: Some experts recommend an initial dosage of 2.5 mg once daily and a maximum dosage of 10 mg once daily. However, manufacturer states safety and efficacy of dosages >5 mg daily not established in pediatric patients. Manufacturer states usual effective amlodipine dosage is 2.5–5 mg once daily.



Manufacturers state usual initial dosage is 2.5–5 mg once daily. In small or frail individuals, initiate therapy with 2.5 mg once daily.

When adding amlodipine to an existing antihypertensive regimen, use initial dosage of 2.5 mg once daily.

Increase amlodipine dosage gradually, generally at 7- to 14-day intervals, until optimum control of BP is obtained (up to a maximum dosage of 10 mg daily). May increase more rapidly if symptoms so warrant and patient’s tolerance and response are frequently assessed.

Usual maintenance dosage is 2.5–10 mg once daily.

If unacceptable adverse effects occur, discontinue the drug and initiate another antihypertensive agent from a different pharmacologic class.

Amlodipine/Benazepril Fixed-combination

Manufacturers state that amlodipine/benazepril fixed-combination preparation usually should be used only after therapy with either drug component alone has failed.

In studies using amlodipine/benazepril fixed combination in dosages of amlodipine 2.5–10 mg daily and benazepril hydrochloride 10–40 mg daily, BP response increased with increasing amlodipine dosage in all patient groups and increased with increasing benazepril dosage in nonblack patient groups.

If BP is not adequately controlled by monotherapy with amlodipine (or another dihydropyridine-derivative calcium-channel blocker) or benazepril (or another ACE inhibitor), can switch to amlodipine/benazepril fixed combination.

If BP is adequately controlled by monotherapy with amlodipine, but edema has developed, can switch to amlodipine/benazepril fixed combination. Addition of benazepril to amlodipine therapy usually does not provide additional antihypertensive effects in black patients, but benazepril appears to reduce the development of amlodipine-associated edema regardless of race.

If BP is controlled with amlodipine and benazepril (administered separately), can switch to the fixed-combination preparation containing the corresponding individual doses for convenience.

Recommended initial dosage is amlodipine 2.5 mg and benazepril hydrochloride 10 mg once daily.

Adjust dosage of amlodipine/benazepril fixed combination according to patient’s response, up to maximum of amlodipine 10 mg and benazepril hydrochloride 40 mg once daily; antihypertensive effect of a given dosage is largely attained with 2 weeks.

Amlodipine/Olmesartan Fixed-combination

Fixed-combination amlodipine/olmesartan tablets may be used for initial treatment of hypertension in patients likely to require combination therapy with multiple antihypertensive agents to control BP.

If the patient’s baseline BP is 160/100 mm Hg, the estimated probability of achieving SBP control (SBP <140 mm Hg) is 48, 46, or 68% and of achieving DBP control (DBP <90 mm Hg) is 51, 60, or 85% with olmesartan medoxomil (40 mg daily) alone, amlodipine (10 mg daily) alone, or amlodipine combined with olmesartan medoxomil (same dosages), respectively.

If BP is not adequately controlled by monotherapy with amlodipine (or another dihydropyridine-derivative calcium-channel blocker) or olmesartan (or another angiotensin II receptor antagonist), can switch to amlodipine/olmesartan fixed combination.

Can use the fixed combination as a substitute for the individually titrated drugs. Can switch to the fixed-combination preparation containing the corresponding individual doses of amlodipine and olmesartan; alternatively, can increase the dosage of one or both components for additional antihypertensive effects.

Adjust dosage of amlodipine/olmesartan fixed combination, up to a maximum of amlodipine 10 mg and olmesartan medoxomil 40 mg once daily, according to patient’s response after ≥2 weeks at the current dosage.

When used for initial therapy of hypertension in patients likely to require combination therapy with multiple antihypertensive agents, recommended initial dosage is amlodipine 5 mg and olmesartan medoxomil 20 mg once daily. May increase dosage after 1–2 weeks for additional BP control, up to maximum of amlodipine 10 mg and olmesartan medoxomil 40 mg once daily.

Amlodipine/Olmesartan/Hydrochlorothiazide Fixed-combination

Manufacturer states that amlodipine/olmesartan/hydrochlorothiazide fixed-combination preparation should not be used for initial treatment of hypertension.

Can switch to fixed-combination amlodipine/olmesartan/hydrochlorothiazide tablets if BP is not adequately controlled by combined therapy with any 2 of the following drug classes at maximally tolerated, labeled, or usual dosages: calcium-channel blockers, angiotensin II receptor antagonists, or diuretics.

In patients who experience dose-limiting adverse effects of olmesartan, amlodipine, or hydrochlorothiazide while receiving any dual combination of these drugs, may switch to the triple fixed-combination preparation containing a lower dose of that component.

Can use the fixed combination as a substitute for the individually titrated drugs.

May increase dosage of the fixed combination after 2 weeks if additional BP control is needed (up to maximum of amlodipine 10 mg, olmesartan medoxomil 40 mg, and hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg once daily).

Amlodipine/Perindopril Fixed-combination

Fixed-combination amlodipine/perindopril tablets may be used for initial treatment of hypertension in patients likely to require combination therapy with multiple antihypertensive agents to control BP. Consider potential benefits and risks of initiating therapy with the fixed combination, including whether the patient is likely to tolerate the lowest available dosage of the combined drugs.

If patient’s baseline BP is 170/105 mm Hg, the estimated probability of achieving SBP control (SBP <140 mm Hg) is 26, 40, or 50% and of achieving DBP control (DBP <90 mm Hg) is 31, 46, or 65% with perindopril erbumine (16 mg daily) alone, amlodipine (10 mg daily) alone, or amlodipine (10 mg daily) combined with perindopril arginine (14 mg daily), respectively.

If BP is not adequately controlled by monotherapy with amlodipine (or another dihydropyridine-derivative calcium-channel blocker) or perindopril (or another ACE inhibitor), can switch to amlodipine/perindopril fixed combination.

In black patients and patients with diabetes mellitus, addition of perindopril arginine (14 mg daily) to amlodipine (10 mg daily) did not provide additional antihypertensive effects beyond those achieved with amlodipine monotherapy.

If BP is adequately controlled by monotherapy with amlodipine, but edema has developed, can switch to amlodipine/perindopril fixed combination to achieve BP control without edema.

When used for initial therapy of hypertension in patients likely to require combination therapy with multiple antihypertensive agents, recommended initial dosage is amlodipine 2.5 mg and perindopril arginine 3.5 mg once daily.

May adjust dosage at intervals of 7–14 days, up to maximum of amlodipine 10 mg and perindopril arginine 14 mg once daily.

Amlodipine/Telmisartan Fixed-combination

Fixed-combination amlodipine/telmisartan tablets may be used for initial treatment of hypertension in patients likely to require combination therapy with multiple antihypertensive agents to control BP. Consider potential benefits and risks of initiating therapy with the fixed combination, including whether the patient is likely to tolerate the lowest available dosage of the combined drugs.

If the patient’s baseline BP is 160/110 mm Hg, the estimated probability of achieving SBP control (SBP <140 mm Hg) is 46, 69, or 79% and of achieving DBP control (DBP <90 mm Hg) is 26, 22, or 55% with telmisartan (80 mg daily) alone, amlodipine (10 mg daily) alone, or amlodipine combined with telmisartan (same dosages), respectively.

If BP is not adequately controlled by monotherapy with amlodipine (or another dihydropyridine-derivative calcium-channel blocker) or telmisartan (or another angiotensin II receptor antagonist), can switch to amlodipine/telmisartan fixed combination.

If dose-limiting adverse effects (e.g., edema) have developed during monotherapy with amlodipine 10 mg, can switch to the fixed-combination preparation containing amlodipine 5 mg and telmisartan 40 mg to achieve similar BP control; adjust dosage according to patient’s response after ≥2 weeks of therapy.

Can use the fixed combination as a substitute for the individually administered drugs. Can switch to the fixed-combination preparation containing the corresponding individual doses of amlodipine and telmisartan; alternatively, can increase the dosage of one or both components for additional antihypertensive effects.

When used for initial therapy of hypertension in patients likely to require combination therapy with multiple antihypertensive agents, usual initial dosage is amlodipine 5 mg and telmisartan 40 mg once daily; initial dosage of amlodipine 5 mg and telmisartan 80 mg once daily may be used in patients requiring larger BP reductions.

Increase to maximum dosage of amlodipine 10 mg and telmisartan 80 mg once daily, if needed, to control BP. May adjust dosage at intervals of at least 2 weeks, since most of the antihypertensive effect of a given dosage is achieved within 2 weeks after a change in dosage.

Amlodipine/Valsartan Fixed-combination

Fixed-combination amlodipine/valsartan tablets may be used for initial treatment of hypertension in patients likely to require combination therapy with multiple antihypertensive agents to control BP. Consider potential benefits and risks of initiating therapy with the fixed combination, including whether the patient is likely to tolerate the lowest available dosage of the combined drugs.

If the patient’s baseline BP is 160/100 mm Hg, the estimated probability of achieving SBP control (SBP <140 mm Hg) is 47, 67, or 80% and of achieving DBP control (DBP <90 mm Hg) is 62, 80, or 85% with valsartan (320 mg daily) alone, amlodipine (10 mg daily) alone, or amlodipine combined with valsartan (same dosages), respectively.

In studies using amlodipine/valsartan fixed combination in dosages of amlodipine 5–10 mg daily and valsartan 160–320 mg daily, BP response increased with increasing dosages of the drugs.

If BP is not adequately controlled by monotherapy with amlodipine (or another dihydropyridine-derivative calcium-channel blocker) or valsartan (or another angiotensin II receptor antagonist), can switch to amlodipine/valsartan fixed combination.

If dose-limiting adverse effects have developed during monotherapy with amlodipine or valsartan, can switch to a fixed-combination preparation containing a lower dose of that drug to achieve similar BP control; adjust dosage according to patient’s response after 3–4 weeks of therapy.

If BP is controlled with amlodipine and valsartan (administered separately), can switch to the fixed-combination preparation containing the corresponding individual doses for convenience.

When used for initial therapy of hypertension in patients likely to require combination therapy with multiple antihypertensive agents, recommended initial dosage is amlodipine 5 mg and valsartan 160 mg once daily in those who are not volume depleted.

Increase to maximum dosage of amlodipine 10 mg and valsartan 320 mg once daily, if needed, to control BP. May adjust dosage at intervals of 1–2 weeks, since most of the antihypertensive effect of a given dosage is achieved within 2 weeks after a change in dosage.

Amlodipine/Valsartan/Hydrochlorothiazide Fixed-combination

Manufacturers state amlodipine/valsartan/hydrochlorothiazide fixed-combination preparation should not be used for initial treatment of hypertension.

Can switch to fixed-combination amlodipine/valsartan/hydrochlorothiazide tablets if BP is not adequately controlled by combined therapy with any 2 of the following drug classes: calcium-channel blockers, angiotensin II receptor antagonists, or diuretics.

In patients who experience dose-limiting adverse effects of amlodipine, valsartan, or hydrochlorothiazide while receiving any dual combination of these drugs, may switch to the triple fixed-combination preparation containing a lower dose of that component.

Can use the fixed combination as a substitute for the individually titrated drugs.

May increase dosage of the fixed combination after 2 weeks if additional BP control is needed (up to maximum of amlodipine 10 mg, valsartan 320 mg, and hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg once daily).

Amlodipine/Atorvastatin Fixed-combination Therapy for Hypertension (Amlodipine) and for Dyslipidemias and Prevention of Cardiovascular Events (Atorvastatin)

Use the fixed combination as a substitute for the individually titrated drugs. Can switch to the fixed-combination preparation containing the corresponding individual doses of amlodipine and atorvastatin; alternatively, can increase the dosage of one or both components for additional antihypertensive and/or antilipemic effects.

Use the fixed combination to provide additional therapy for patients currently receiving one component of the preparation. Select initial dosage of the fixed combination based on the current dosage of the component being used and the recommended initial dosage for the added monotherapy.

Use the fixed combination to initiate treatment in patients requiring therapy for hypertension and dyslipidemias. Select initial dosage of the fixed combination based on recommended dosages of the individual components.

Amlodipine Therapy for Angina

Usual amlodipine dosage is 5–10 mg once daily; adequate control usually requires a maintenance dosage of 10 mg daily.

Amlodipine Therapy for Angiographically Documented CAD

Recommended amlodipine dosage is 5–10 mg once daily; adequate control usually requires a maintenance dosage of 10 mg daily.

Amlodipine/Atorvastatin Fixed-combination Therapy for CAD (Amlodipine) and for Dyslipidemias and Prevention of Cardiovascular Events (Atorvastatin)

Use the fixed combination as a substitute for the individually titrated drugs. Can switch to the fixed-combination preparation containing the corresponding individual doses of amlodipine and atorvastatin; alternatively, can increase the dosage of one or both components for additional antianginal and/or antilipemic effects.

Use the fixed combination to provide additional therapy for patients currently receiving one component of the preparation. Select initial dosage of the fixed combination based on the current dosage of the component being used and the recommended initial dosage for the added monotherapy.

Use the fixed combination to initiate treatment in patients requiring therapy for angina and dyslipidemias. Select initial dosage of the fixed combination based on recommended dosages of the individual components.

Prescribing Limits

Pediatric Patients


Children 1–5 years of age [off-label]: Some experts recommend maximum of 0.6 mg/kg (up to 5 mg) daily.

Children ≥6 years of age: Manufacturer states safety and efficacy of amlodipine dosages >5 mg daily not established. Alternatively, some experts recommend maximum of 10 mg daily.



Maximum 10 mg of amlodipine once daily.

Special Populations

The following information addresses dosage of amlodipine in special populations. Dosages of drugs administered in fixed combination with amlodipine also may require adjustment in certain patient populations; the need for such dosage adjustments must be considered in the context of cautions, precautions, and contraindications specific to that population and drug.

Hepatic Impairment


Initially, amlodipine 2.5 mg once daily (as initial or add-on therapy). Titrate slowly.

Amlodipine/perindopril fixed combination not recommended in patients with hepatic impairment; insufficient data to support dosage recommendations.

Preparations containing amlodipine in fixed combination with olmesartan (with or without hydrochlorothiazide), telmisartan, or valsartan (with or without hydrochlorothiazide) exceed recommended initial dosage of amlodipine (2.5 mg daily) for patients with hepatic insufficiency.


Initially, amlodipine 5 mg daily.

Renal Impairment

Amlodipine dosage modification generally not necessary.

Amlodipine/benazepril fixed combination not recommended in patients with Clcr ≤30 mL/minute.

Amlodipine/olmesartan/hydrochlorothiazide fixed combination not recommended in patients with Clcr ≤30 mL/minute; loop diuretic generally preferred over hydrochlorothiazide.

Amlodipine/perindopril fixed combination not recommended in patients with Clcr <60 mL/minute; insufficient data to support dosage recommendations.

Safety and efficacy of preparations containing amlodipine in fixed combination with valsartan (with or without hydrochlorothiazide) in patients with Clcr <30 mL/minute not established.

Manufacturers recommend slow titration of amlodipine/telmisartan dosage in patients with severe renal impairment.

Geriatric Patients


Consider reduced initial amlodipine dosage. Some manufacturers recommend initial dosage of 2.5 mg once daily for geriatric patients; others recommend this reduced dosage for geriatric patients ≥75 years of age.

Preparations containing amlodipine in fixed combination with olmesartan (with or without hydrochlorothiazide), telmisartan, or valsartan (with or without hydrochlorothiazide) exceed recommended initial dosage of amlodipine (2.5 mg daily) for geriatric patients.

Amlodipine/perindopril fixed combination not recommended; insufficient data available to support geriatric dosage recommendations.


Initially, amlodipine 5 mg daily.

Heart Failure

Manufacturers make no specific dosage recommendations; however, amlodipine exposure in patients with moderate to severe heart failure similar to that in geriatric patients and those with hepatic impairment.

Amlodipine/perindopril fixed combination not recommended in patients with heart failure; insufficient data to support dosage recommendations.

Cautions for amLODIPine




Possible symptomatic hypotension, particularly in patients with severe aortic stenosis. Acute hypotension unlikely because of gradual onset of action.

Increased Angina and/or Acute MI

Possible worsening of angina or acute MI, particularly in patients with severe obstructive CAD, upon initiation or dosage increase of amlodipine.

Use of Fixed Combinations

When amlodipine is used in fixed combination with other drugs (e.g., other antihypertensive agents, atorvastatin), consider cautions, precautions, contraindications, and interactions associated with the concomitant agent(s). Consider cautionary information applicable to specific populations (e.g., pregnant or nursing women, individuals with hepatic or renal impairment, geriatric patients) for each drug in the fixed combination.

Heart Failure

Although some calcium-channel blockers have been shown to worsen clinical status of patients with heart failure, no evidence of worsening heart failure and no adverse effects on overall survival or cardiac morbidity observed in controlled studies of amlodipine in patients with heart failure.

Specific Populations


Category C.


Not known whether amlodipine is distributed into milk; manufacturer recommends discontinuance of nursing if amlodipine is used.

Pediatric Use

Safety and efficacy of amlodipine in children <6 years of age not established. Efficacy of amlodipine 2.5–5 mg daily for treatment of hypertension established in pediatric patients 6–17 years of age.

Safety and efficacy of amlodipine in fixed combination with atorvastatin, benazepril, olmesartan (with or without hydrochlorothiazide), perindopril, telmisartan, or valsartan (with or without hydrochlorothiazide) not established in children.

Geriatric Use

Increased amlodipine exposure. Select amlodipine dosage with caution; initiate with dosage at lower end of recommended range. (See Geriatric Patients under Dosage and Administration and see Special Populations under Pharmacokinetics.)

Amlodipine: Clinical studies included insufficient numbers of patients ≥65 years of age to determine whether geriatric patients respond differently than younger patients; other clinical experience has not revealed age-related differences in response or tolerance.

Amlodipine in fixed combination with benazepril, olmesartan (with or without hydrochlorothiazide), telmisartan, or valsartan (with or without hydrochlorothiazide): No substantial differences in safety and efficacy relative to younger adults, but increased sensitivity cannot be ruled out.

Amlodipine in fixed combination with perindopril: Safety and efficacy not established in geriatric patients.

Amlodipine in fixed combination with atorvastatin: Safety and efficacy not established in geriatric patients.

Hepatic Impairment

Increased amlodipine exposure. Reduced initial dosage recommended; titrate slowly. (See Hepatic Impairment under Dosage and Administration and see Special Populations under Pharmacokinetics.)

Common Adverse Effects

Edema, dizziness, flushing, palpitations, fatigue, nausea, abdominal pain, somnolence. Edema, flushing, palpitations, and somnolence may be more common in women than men. Edema may be less frequent with concomitant ACE inhibitor or angiotensin II receptor antagonist therapy.

Drug Interactions

The following information addresses potential interactions with amlodipine. When amlodipine is used in fixed combination with other drugs, consider interactions associated with the concomitant agent(s).

Drugs Affecting Hepatic Microsomal Enzymes

Moderate or potent CYP3A inhibitors: Increased amlodipine exposure. Amlodipine dosage reduction may be necessary. Monitor patients for symptoms of hypotension or edema.

CYP3A inducers: Data lacking; closely monitor BP.

Specific Drugs and Food

Drug or Food




No change in alcohol exposure

Antacids (e.g., aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide)

No change in amlodipine exposure

Antifungals, azole (e.g., itraconazole)

Possible increased amlodipine exposure

Amlodipine dosage reduction may be necessary; monitor patients for hypotension and edema


No effects on amlodipine exposure


No effects on digoxin exposure

No change in plasma protein binding of digoxin


Increased amlodipine exposure

Amlodipine dosage reduction may be necessary; monitor patients for hypotension and edema

HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins)

Atorvastatin: No effects on atorvastatin exposure

Simvastatin: Increased simvastatin exposure

Simvastatin: Limit simvastatin dosage to ≤20 mg daily

Grapefruit juice

Altered amlodipine bioavailability possible but no evidence of altered pharmacodynamics; no change in amlodipine exposure in another study

Immunosuppressants (cyclosporine, tacrolimus)

Cyclosporine: Increased cyclosporine trough concentrations

Tacrolimus: Increased tacrolimus exposure, possibly irrespective of CYP3A5 genotype

Frequently monitor blood concentrations of the immunosuppressant; adjust the immunosuppressant dosage as necessary


No change in plasma protein binding of indomethacin

Macrolides (clarithromycin, erythromycin)

Clarithromycin: Possible increased amlodipine exposure

Erythromycin: No substantial change in amlodipine exposure

Clarithromycin: Amlodipine dosage reduction may be necessary; monitor patients for hypotension and edema


No change in plasma protein binding of phenytoin


Pharmacokinetic interaction unlikely; additional reduction of BP possible

Monitor patients for hypotension


No change in PT

No change in plasma protein binding of warfarin

amLODIPine Pharmacokinetics



Peak plasma amlodipine concentrations attained 6–12 hours after oral administration. Absolute bioavailability ranges from 64–90%.


Antihypertensive effects of amlodipine persist for at least 24 hours after administration.


Food does not affect bioavailability of amlodipine.



Not known whether amlodipine is distributed into milk.

Plasma Protein Binding

Approximately 93%.



Amlodipine is extensively (about 90%) metabolized to inactive metabolites in the liver.

Elimination Route

Amlodipine is excreted in urine as metabolites (60%) and unchanged drug (10%).


Terminal elimination half-life of amlodipine is 30–50 hours.

Special Populations

In geriatric patients, amlodipine clearance decreased and AUC increased about 40–60%.

In pediatric patients 6–17 years of age, weight-adjusted clearance similar to values in adults.

In patients with hepatic impairment, amlodipine clearance decreased and AUC increased about 40–60%.

In patients with moderate to severe heart failure, amlodipine clearance decreased and AUC increased about 40–60%.





Amlodipine: Tight, light-resistant containers at 15–30°C.

Amlodipine/perindopril, amlodipine/valsartan, and amlodipine/valsartan/hydrochlorothiazide fixed combinations: 25ºC (may be exposed to 15–30ºC); protect from moisture.

Amlodipine/atorvastatin, amlodipine/olmesartan, and amlodipine/olmesartan/hydrochlorothiazide fixed combinations: 25°C (may be exposed to 15–30°C).

Amlodipine/telmisartan fixed combination: Original blister packs at 25ºC (may be exposed to 15–30ºC); protect from light and moisture. Do not remove from blister pack until immediately before administration.


Amlodipine/benazepril fixed combination: Tight container at 25ºC (may be exposed to 15–30ºC).


Advice to Patients


Excipients in commercially available drug preparations may have clinically important effects in some individuals; consult specific product labeling for details.

Please refer to the ASHP Drug Shortages Resource Center for information on shortages of one or more of these preparations.

amLODIPine Besylate


Dosage Forms


Brand Names




2.5 mg (of amlodipine)*

Amlodipine Besylate Tablets



5 mg (of amlodipine)*

Amlodipine Besylate Tablets



10 mg (of amlodipine)*

Amlodipine Besylate Tablets



* available from one or more manufacturer, distributor, and/or repackager by generic (nonproprietary) name

amLODIPine Besylate Combinations


Dosage Forms


Brand Names




2.5 mg (of amlodipine) with Benazepril Hydrochloride 10 mg*

Amlodipine Besylate and Benazepril Hydrochloride Capsules



5 mg (of amlodipine) with Benazepril Hydrochloride 10 mg*

Amlodipine Besylate and Benazepril Hydrochloride Capsules



5 mg (of amlodipine) with Benazepril Hydrochloride 20 mg*

Amlodipine Besylate and Benazepril Hydrochloride Capsules



5 mg (of amlodipine) with Benazepril Hydrochloride 40 mg*

Amlodipine Besylate and Benazepril Hydrochloride Capsules



10 mg (of amlodipine) with Benazepril Hydrochloride 20 mg*

Amlodipine Besylate and Benazepril Hydrochloride Capsules



10 mg (of amlodipine) with Benazepril Hydrochloride 40 mg*

Amlodipine Besylate and Benazepril Hydrochloride Capsules




2.5 mg (of amlodipine) with Perindopril Arginine 3.5 mg



5 mg (of amlodipine) with Olmesartan Medoxomil 20 mg



5 mg (of amlodipine) with Olmesartan Medoxomil 40 mg



5 mg (of amlodipine) with Perindopril Arginine 7 mg



10 mg (of amlodipine) with Olmesartan Medoxomil 20 mg



10 mg (of amlodipine) with Olmesartan Medoxomil 40 mg



10 mg (of amlodipine) with Perindopril Arginine 14 mg



Tablets, film-coated

2.5 mg (of amlodipine) with Atorvastatin Calcium 10 mg (of atorvastatin)*

Amlodipine Besylate and Atorvastatin Calcium Tablets



2.5 mg (of amlodipine) with Atorvastatin Calcium 20 mg (of atorvastatin)*

Amlodipine Besylate and Atorvastatin Calcium Tablets



2.5 mg (of amlodipine) with Atorvastatin Calcium 40 mg (of atorvastatin)*

Amlodipine Besylate and Atorvastatin Calcium Tablets



5 mg (of amlodipine) with Atorvastatin Calcium 10 mg (of atorvastatin)*

Amlodipine Besylate and Atorvastatin Calcium Tablets



5 mg (of amlodipine) with Atorvastatin Calcium 20 mg (of atorvastatin)*

Amlodipine Besylate and Atorvastatin Calcium Tablets



5 mg (of amlodipine) with Atorvastatin Calcium 40 mg (of atorvastatin)*

Amlodipine Besylate and Atorvastatin Calcium Tablets



5 mg (of amlodipine) with Atorvastatin Calcium 80 mg (of atorvastatin)*

Amlodipine Besylate and Atorvastatin Calcium Tablets



5 mg (of amlodipine) with Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg and Olmesartan Medoxomil 20 mg


Daiichi Sankyo

5 mg (of amlodipine) with Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg and Olmesartan Medoxomil 40 mg


Daiichi Sankyo

5 mg (of amlodipine) with Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg and Valsartan 160 mg*

Amlodipine Besylate, Valsartan, and Hydrochlorothiazide Tablets

Exforge HCT


5 mg (of amlodipine) with Hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg and Olmesartan Medoxomil 40 mg


Daiichi Sankyo

5 mg (of amlodipine) with Hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg and Valsartan 160 mg*

Amlodipine Besylate, Valsartan, and Hydrochlorothiazide Tablets

Exforge HCT


5 mg (of amlodipine) with Valsartan 160 mg*

Amlodipine Besylate and Valsartan Tablets



5 mg (of amlodipine) with Valsartan 320 mg*

Amlodipine Besylate and Valsartan Tablets



10 mg (of amlodipine) with Atorvastatin Calcium 10 mg (of atorvastatin)*

Amlodipine Besylate and Atorvastatin Calcium Tablets



10 mg (of amlodipine) with Atorvastatin Calcium 20 mg (of atorvastatin)*

Amlodipine Besylate and Atorvastatin Calcium Tablets



10 mg (of amlodipine) with Atorvastatin Calcium 40 mg (of atorvastatin)*

Amlodipine Besylate and Atorvastatin Calcium Tablets



10 mg (of amlodipine) with Atorvastatin Calcium 80 mg (of atorvastatin)*

Amlodipine Besylate and Atorvastatin Calcium Tablets



10 mg (of amlodipine) with Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg and Olmesartan Medoxomil 40 mg


Daiichi Sankyo

10 mg (of amlodipine) with Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg and Valsartan 160 mg*

Amlodipine Besylate, Valsartan, and Hydrochlorothiazide Tablets

Exforge HCT


10 mg (of amlodipine) with Hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg and Olmesartan Medoxomil 40 mg


Daiichi Sankyo

10 mg (of amlodipine) with Hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg and Valsartan 160 mg*

Amlodipine Besylate, Valsartan, and Hydrochlorothiazide Tablets

Exforge HCT


10 mg (of amlodipine) with Hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg and Valsartan 320 mg*

Amlodipine Besylate, Valsartan, and Hydrochlorothiazide Tablets

Exforge HCT


10 mg (of amlodipine) with Valsartan 160 mg*

Amlodipine Besylate and Valsartan Tablets



10 mg (of amlodipine) with Valsartan 320 mg*

Amlodipine Besylate and Valsartan Tablets



Tablets, multilayer

5 mg (of amlodipine) with Telmisartan 40 mg*

Telmisartan and Amlodipine Besylate Tablets


Boehringer Ingelheim

5 mg (of amlodipine) with Telmisartan 80 mg*

Telmisartan and Amlodipine Besylate Tablets


Boehringer Ingelheim

10 mg (of amlodipine) with Telmisartan 40 mg*

Telmisartan and Amlodipine Besylate Tablets


Boehringer Ingelheim

10 mg (of amlodipine) with Telmisartan 80 mg*

Telmisartan and Amlodipine Besylate Tablets


Boehringer Ingelheim

AHFS DI Essentials™. © Copyright 2024, Selected Revisions October 21, 2019. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc., 4500 East-West Highway, Suite 900, Bethesda, Maryland 20814.

† Off-label: Use is not currently included in the labeling approved by the US Food and Drug Administration.

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