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Norvasc User Reviews & Ratings

Norvasc has an average rating of 4.1 out of 10 from a total of 93 reviews on 27% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 49% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Norvasc

  • Garde...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • September 11, 2020

For High Blood Pressure "My BP was 150/85, so Dr. started me on 2.5mg Norvasc. Three months later, no improvement, so my Norvasc dose was doubled to 5 mg. Three months later and my BP is still 150/85. I have side effects; I am extremely tired, have stomach issues, and just not feeling like myself, so I have made the decision to stop taking it as it wasn't helping at all. Three weeks later, BP is 135/72. Another four weeks passed, BP is 115/58."

1 / 10
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675 Report
  • JGH
  • August 7, 2019

For High Blood Pressure "I have been on this medication since Jan 17 over the past 2 years for high blood pressure. My blood pressure was extremely high for years. This was one of the first to bring it back to normal. HOWEVER, I started developing SEVERAL different symptoms, almost losing myself from what I believe to be this medication. Constant leg cramps, heavy legs, migraines, elevated liver enzymes (fatty liver disease), and worst of all, a dull isolated personality like I wasn’t myself anymore. I felt like I didn’t have any ambition or desire for anything. Not myself anymore. I kept telling my doctor something was wrong until I forgot to take my medicine. My mind felt better but my heart was beating out of my chest from not taking it; I could hear and feel it pound so hard. THIS MEDICATION CAN RUIN SOMEONE'S LIFE. I am going to try natural ways to lower my blood pressure or something else. If you are taking this and feel like you are not yourself anymore and can care less to do anything in life, talk to your Doc."

2 / 10
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525 Report
  • Migrane
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • September 11, 2020

For High Blood Pressure "I started taking amlodipine in 2006 for moderate blood pressure. Most of my BP readings are 145/85. I told my primary physician that my ankles swell now, I have a chronic headache after I take it, and an earache. I went to an ENT and took a battery of tests, the ENT then referred me for a brain scan. I am debating on that referral. I stopped taking amlodipine on 9/6 and went to my rheumatologist on 9/11, without taking BP, my reading was 143/84. I have come to the conclusion that I want something other than amlodipine. The reward is not worth the risk."

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310 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Sue
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 19, 2019

For High Blood Pressure "Horrible med. I started to have swollen tongue, lips, and face. Also, hands and feet were swollen. I stopped taking it and slept the night sitting up. I felt depressed, anxious, irritable, and had no energy. I almost died on lisinopril, having to rush to the hospital with a terribly swollen tongue, even uvula. They gave me every shot they had, which I thought I might die from. An adrenaline shot is the worst. After a few months on Norvasc, at night laying down each night, it got harder to breathe, especially through my nose. This is my second day off, and I bought four natural remedies, and I finally feel like myself. I had no desire to do anything. I think these medicines are like poison. I can’t take them, and I won’t, no matter what. I will do whatever I need to. I almost choked to death trying to swallow scrambled eggs. I am totally done with BP meds unless they are natural. My throat is still bothering me but getting better."

1 / 10
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315 Report
  • Anony...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • October 28, 2016

For High Blood Pressure "Awful drug run! Where do I begin? I was prescribed Amlodipine besylate 10mg to either take a 10mg pill a day I could break in half. Muscle weakness and muscle depletion, it's like acid that eats your muscles and makes the skin crawl literally... You can feel the pulses pound in your ankles. Fire in stomach, then chills all over the body. Labored breathing, wheezing, coughing, congestion caused me to get bronchitis, which I've never had in my life... Drowning feeling in chest and lungs. Weakness, tingling in head thought I was having a stroke. Tingling in toes and fingers, extreme coldness... Cramping, anxiety, fatigue makes you feel you're in another world or are just there... Thought I was dying, felt like organs were shutting down. Run folks."

1 / 10
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360 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Fritz
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 8, 2019

For High Blood Pressure "Run, don't walk from this one! I was on it for 3 weeks. I had vertigo, muscle weakness, shakiness, unusual sweating, extreme flushing, one ear would turn purple, uncontrollable shaking at night, frequent urination, and extra eye floaters. Doctors and nurses couldn't figure out what was wrong until I looked it up and figured out I was having severe reactions to it! I feel better, but now I am left with a shower of floaters from the experience. Do your homework on any new meds!"

1 / 10
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235 Report
  • Bob...
  • May 28, 2017

For High Blood Pressure "I'm 37 and didn't always have issues with BP. I have been Norvasc 2.5 mg for about a month. It has made me worse. I have been to the ER twice because I feel lightheadedness. I feel like I am going to faint. I do not understand. I never had any issues until I started taking this medication. Has anybody else gone through this? Both hospitals couldn't find anything."

1 / 10
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253 Report

More FAQ

  • 11Gs
  • February 28, 2013

For High Blood Pressure "With the DASH diet and exercise, my BP was still high, and the doctor increased my daily 5mg of Norvasc to 10mg. It helps decrease my usual 170/104 to approx 150/70, but only for a few hours. I am fatigued, have headaches, and super cold feet and hands constantly. I also have muscle cramps. I feel as if I had a heart attack a few days ago, but my doctor says it's gastritis. The side effects are worse than hypertension itself! Maybe I need a new medicine and/or a new physician. Good health to you!"

4 / 10
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344 Report
  • Dobes
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 15, 2017

For High Blood Pressure "Dentist took my blood pressure at 218/105, a total shock to me since it has always been low except for white coat usually around 150/90. She sent me to the ER. EKG was normal, and I felt shaky but otherwise okay. 10 mg Norvasc was prescribed and within 2 days BP was down in the 130/70 range in the morning. 6 weeks later it is often 115-125/70 and is rarely above 135/75. I had a strongly pounding heartbeat for a few days the first week, which went away. I was also tired the first couple of days and my legs felt heavy on my daily 2-mile walk -- that also resolved by the second week. It's working for me though my goal is to lose enough weight and exercise enough to eventually get off it. I'm a 62-year-old female."

8 / 10
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241 Report
  • ruine...
  • June 10, 2019

For High Blood Pressure "Stay away from this horrible drug Norvasc!! I've been taking this garbage for 35 years and have had a multitude of effects from it, not realizing this whole time it was this prescription causing it. I've seen so many doctors about my side effects. They all knew I was taking Norvasc, but not one ever mentioned that it could be a side effect of this drug. I've had peripheral neuropathy (feels like someone has poured hot lava down my thighs and is dripping to my feet). I've had tinnitus, itchy rashes breaking out on my body, headaches galore, and at 62 years old, I now have TMJ. Yes, I'm blaming my TMJ (temporomandibular joint dysfunction) on this drug. It has caused my leg muscles to tighten up and I imagine it's doing the same thing to my jaw. It did control my blood pressure well, but I'd rather not take any meds if this is how I have to live the rest of my life. I took myself off of it 2 years ago, but I could not get through the withdrawals. It caused my heart to feel like it was beating out of my chest and nonstop migraines."

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177 Report
  • aml
  • November 16, 2009

For High Blood Pressure "This medicine and I did not mix. I was really sick the whole time I took the medicine. I swelled up on my hands, feet, and ankles. I was nauseous, extremely weak, my extremities were either numb, burning, or painful. I heard my heartbeat constantly in my ears and had this awful crawling pain up the back of my neck. Itched, sweated, and froze constantly. Stuffy nose and so much more that I actually could not sleep. No, this is not a medication for all people. Dose changes did not help since the low dose promoted the majority of my ill effects. This medicine does well for some but, do speak up if you do not feel well on the medication."

3 / 10
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373 Report
  • rajle...
  • October 7, 2015

For High Blood Pressure "I was hypertensive 140/90 and was put on Norvasc 5mg three years ago. My normal BP at GP is 130/80. At home, it is usually 120/70. Throughout these years, my mental health became very poor - short-term memory loss, easily forget day-to-day tasks, my wife has to remind me. I felt like a very anxious person - depressed, anxious, panic by thinking about my health. Urination during the night, waking up periodically during the night, tremors while sleeping (sometimes), tingling feeling in my arms, and many more. I didn't really have a quality life in the past three years. I went back to the doctor and requested to change to a different group. Today is the second day I stopped Norvasc. I hope that I become a normal person after this."

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253 Report
  • TMich...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • December 28, 2013

For High Blood Pressure "I'm 32 years old, and at first Amlodipine made me feel depressed, dizzy, and anxious. Now I am used to this medication. I have so much energy. Before this medication, I was on the verge of a heart attack and stroke. My blood pressure is 110/70."

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275 Report
  • Super...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • September 24, 2015

For High Blood Pressure "This medication is cheap, which is why they recommend it so much since it saves the insurance companies a bundle. My BP didn't move at all. Side effects include left shoulder pain, loss of hair, eyesight going bad due to inflammation of the cornea, weakness, tiredness to the point of delusion. The doctor had me go from 5 to 10 mg, and that made everything worse. Three days after stopping it, my shoulder pain went away, and so much energy returned. My mother was put on it by her doctor and had similar results. After she stopped taking it, she no longer needs her walker. I'm 63, and she is 88 going on 29."

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226 Report
  • Emc
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 28, 2020

For High Blood Pressure "Took Norvasc for about 6 weeks. For about four weeks, it very effectively lowered my BP to normal rates, and I was feeling well. For the past 2 weeks, I’ve started feeling lightheaded, experiencing heart palpitations, and arrhythmia. Will be contacting my doctor to change medications."

4 / 10
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119 Report
  • JHBAR...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 27, 2012

For High Blood Pressure "Within a few days of starting this medicine, I became very aware of my heartbeat and my heart seemed to be racing. I attended a pre-operative assessment where I was given a routine ECG, and this confirmed that I had become tachycardic while taking amlodipine. My pulse was racing at over 100 BPM, and my blood pressure actually went up while I was taking this medicine. I had to discontinue use to stop the adverse effects."

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263 Report
  • Atlanta
  • September 7, 2019

For High Blood Pressure "I was taken off of Procardia XL and moved to Norvasc. After being on this drug for a few months, I started going through some changes. My sex drive was declining rapidly, my blood pressure and weight were going up, as was my anxiety level. I spoke to my physician about placing me back on the Procardia, and he refused. Within two years, my weight was up over 40 lbs, my sex drive was that of an old man, and I was 42. I left my fiancee out of pure loss of interest in women. My blood pressure was way up, as was my anxiety level. I was now being treated for anxieties. I spent twenty years on that drug, I gained over 100 lbs, and my blood pressure was high. I was treated with Testosterone replacement therapy, an out-of-pocket expense of over $600 a month. All in all, that product ruined my life, and now I am back on Procardia, my pressure is down, my testosterone if still low, and I am struggling to lose weight."

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133 Report
  • jotee
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 9, 2016

For High Blood Pressure "I was prescribed Amlodipine 5mg, within six to seven hours I had ringing in my ears. My GP persuaded me to persevere, as it was thought the side effect would go away. It didn't! I carried on with the dreadful medication for six weeks, and then ditched it! Five weeks later I still have the tinnitus! How can drug companies be allowed to ruin people's lives - admittedly, tinnitus was stated as one of the side effects, but I was given to believe the side effects would be temporary, not permanent, as seems to be the case! I hate this medication! If I am lucky enough to have the tinnitus disappear, I will repost later! For the time being I would say 'BEWARE'!"

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192 Report
  • Kay...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • September 12, 2018

For High Blood Pressure "I have been on Norvasc for over 17 years now. Before Norvasc, my doctor tried me on other BP meds, and it didn't keep my pressure down. But when my doctor put me on Norvasc 5mg, my pressure is always beautiful as long as I take my Norvasc. So, I want to thank the company who made this pressure pill because it works wonders for me. 17 plus years on Norvasc and will not have it any other way. The number 10 is not high enough to rate this pill."

10 / 10
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133 Report
  • Dann...
  • November 8, 2011

For High Blood Pressure "I have been taking Amlodipine (Norvasc) for about 2 months. Norvasc (Amlodipine Besylate 5 mg) did lower my blood pressure from 150's over 80's to 120's over 60's. That's great. Problem is with side effects every day. Intestinal cramps, diarrhea, gas. Begins about 5 hours after I take the pill. Stomach (intestines?) roll constantly for about 3 hours. I am going to try splitting the pills in half and see if lower dosage stops the side effects. If not, I guess I'll go back to the doctor and try something else for blood pressure. It seems like all of these blood pressure pills have side effects of one kind or another."

5 / 10
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218 Report
  • patsy...
  • November 29, 2011

For High Blood Pressure "I have been on Norvasc 5mg for about 4 months. It doesn't control my blood pressure for the 24 hours, and my pulse constantly stays elevated. I have swelling in my feet and ankles, and I'm tired all the time. I get flushing sensations and ringing in my ears sometimes. I also feel dizzy at times and have dry mouth. All these medications are horrible. We have no choice but to suffer if we take them or not take them."

4 / 10
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200 Report
  • coldn...
  • July 25, 2015

For High Blood Pressure "I hate Norvasc! It made my blood pressure worse. I was always borderline with my blood pressure. It didn't help that I work nights and my diet isn't the greatest. My doctor wanted me to try this medication for a month to see if my blood pressure would lower. Within a week, my blood pressure, which usually hovers at 140/80 with a pulse of 80, shot to a ridiculous 200/98 with a pulse of 98. My blood pressure always spikes around the evening. My anxiety worsened, and I got headaches. This medication does not work for me, and I am not going to be tricked into staying on it longer."

1 / 10
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137 Report
  • plebl...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • September 19, 2016

For High Blood Pressure "I have been taking Norvasc for probably 30 years. The first 20, the drug worked to lower my blood pressure well. In the last ten years, I've been plagued with scorching legs. It has literally ruined my life. Doctors never even had a clue, and I never thought it was Norvasc that was hurting me until I had trouble a week ago getting the prescription filled. I was out of it for 4 days. On the 4th day without taking it, my legs were feeling pretty good. I got my prescription refilled, took the pill, and the next day, I was back to debilitating pain. I haven't taken it since. I am now feeling pressure in my head as I've always been prone to migraine headaches. I never got one after I started taking Norvasc. I think I'll take the migraines."

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122 Report
  • Mcna
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 22, 2015

For High Blood Pressure "Norvasc caused extreme leg and ankle edema and did not improve hypertension much. After 6 weeks of use, I was put on lisinopril, and within 2 days had no more leg swelling and blood pressure lowered greatly. So far so good on new medication."

2 / 10
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137 Report
  • Nille
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • November 24, 2016

For High Blood Pressure "The medicine works rapidly, and the 5mg daily dosage is still effective for me after several years of treatment. There have only been a few occasions that I've experienced any side effects after the first few initial doses of medicine. The one I experienced most was sleepiness. Otherwise, I take one pill every evening at bedtime, and I'm fine until the next dose."

8 / 10
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116 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.