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Ethinyl estradiol / norelgestromin User Reviews & Ratings

Brand names: Xulane, Zafemy, Onsura

Ethinyl estradiol / norelgestromin has an average rating of 6.2 out of 10 from a total of 895 reviews on 49% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 28% reported a negative experience.

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Reviews for Ethinyl estradiol / norelgestromin

  • Ghen
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 29, 2020

Xulane (ethinyl estradiol / norelgestromin) for Birth Control "I was on the patch for a month and a half. I don’t even know how to explain my experience. I was on the pill for 4 years so I’ve dealt with hormone changes, etc., but my body started rejecting itself as soon as I started the patch. When I would change the patch every 7 days, that night, I would sleep in the bathroom and throw up for hours. I had migraines every day that would make me nauseous. And my body overall just did not feel right. I was so fatigued. The day I took the patch off, it was 3 am and I was sleeping on the floor next to a trash can because it was a “new patch” day. As soon as I took it off, I felt so much better. My body never reacted this way with anything before. Now I’m afraid to use any contraceptive ever again. It messed me up bad. It’s been about 2 weeks since I’ve taken it off. I thought I knew my body but there’s something VERY WRONG about this patch."

1 / 10
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105 Report
  • Rina
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • March 10, 2020

Xulane (ethinyl estradiol / norelgestromin) for Birth Control "I've currently been on the patch for 1 year now, after switching from the Nexplanon implant, and I really like it. No spotting or bleeding in between periods, no weight gain, no mood swings, no problems with the patch falling off, no pregnancy scares, my periods are lighter & more predictable, etc. But I do notice I will get headaches & slight nausea when I change patches, but it is bearable. I definitely don't plan on changing birth control methods anytime soon, Xulane works pretty well for me."

8 / 10
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88 Report
  • flute...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 29, 2014

Ortho Evra (ethinyl estradiol / norelgestromin) for Birth Control "This is absolutely the best birth control I have ever used. I switched from Nexplanon to Ortho Evra, and if you are thinking of doing the same, I highly recommend it. Let me list the reasons why: 1. Weight loss. I have lost 5lbs in one month, without even trying! I'm back to the weight I was before I started birth control...but my breasts are still birth control sized. 2. Sex drive. Mine had been non-existent since I went on Nexplanon in September. Now, stronger than ever. That might be a downside though, now that I think about it. 3. Skin- no acne! 4. Predictable cycle. (On Nexplanon, I never knew when I was going to menstruate, which was about 90% of the time). Now, a non issue. 5. Don't have to remember everyday."

10 / 10
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146 Report
  • Breea...
  • September 13, 2019

Xulane (ethinyl estradiol / norelgestromin) for Birth Control "I’ve been on Xulane specifically for over 6 years, and I must say, it’s the best birth control I’ve taken. I’ve taken many different types of birth control pills before - combination, progestin only, about 8-12 different brand names for the pill, as well as the Depo-Provera shots. I was bleeding the whole 3 months I was on the shot, and the pills were OK but I didn’t like having to take something daily, and I felt like they were taking away my sex drive. On Xulane I’ve had either an increase or no difference in libido, I remember in the beginning my sex drive spiked! Now it’s steady and feels like it’s unaffected by the patch, as well as my weight and anxiety. I’ve been reading horror stories of the patch and the implant for some time now; what affects me in a positive way could be your worst nightmare and vice versa. So keep that in mind while reading reviews - each woman’s experience can vary so much - don’t create a confirmation bias!"

10 / 10
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78 Report
  • Mayhem
  • January 31, 2020

Xulane (ethinyl estradiol / norelgestromin) for Birth Control "I’m 5’2” and weigh 100 lbs. When I first got on the patch, I had all the starting symptoms: nausea, I was tired a lot, headaches - generally feeling like rubbish. However, these symptoms gradually went away in about two cycles. I haven’t really had problems using the patch. Yes, when you take the patch off and put it back on the following your patch-free week, you’re gonna feel a little off til the hormones regulate again. Similar instances can occur when you go straight to the next patch without a break up on the patch (which is totally safe, I used to do it all the time), but go away shortly after. I have only had ONE instance of breakthrough bleeding on this patch. Honestly, I feel it was due to a lot of stress in my personal life, as I have NEVER experienced it before in the whole year I’d been on it. The patch is great if you use it correctly. The side effects are generally short-term, and it’s very effective (my partner and I never use condoms, and I haven’t gotten pregnant on this BC)."

9 / 10
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70 Report

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  • Drakes...
  • June 9, 2020

Xulane (ethinyl estradiol / norelgestromin) for Birth Control "I was on the patch for 3 weeks, and every day I was EXTREMELY nauseous. My breasts were extremely tender and swollen. I already struggle with migraines, and I had a consistent migraine while on this patch. I also was extremely tired and fatigued daily and also had mood swings terribly. Depression and anxiety were also at an all-time high while on this medication. I had no sex drive, and sex was no longer pleasurable. I usually don't write reviews, but honestly, reviews have been helping me navigate the best birth control method. I have literally been off the patch for less than 48 hours and already am feeling better from the side effects. Some might say it was all in my head, but whenever I applied the patch, that area of my body would tingle and itch, so I know the effects can quickly change. Would definitely say it helps with not getting pregnant, but if you are at all sensitive to headaches or medication, I recommend a close watch."

4 / 10
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54 Report
  • Anyone...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • January 24, 2020

Xulane (ethinyl estradiol / norelgestromin) for Birth Control "I went on Xulane patches when I was 17. I am now almost 21 and have been on them regularly since. I did not particularly notice any side effects right away, but any that may have been could just as easily be explained by the stress of leaving for college. However, my problem lies in this last month. Life got hectic, and I forgot to apply a new patch after my period for about 3 weeks (I’ve always been regular with them prior). I noticed in this time that I felt better and more “myself” than I had in years, and that despite being on no other medication, my depression symptoms seemed to nearly all go away. Now, the common symptoms listed on here report low to no chance of depression or mood changes, but in retrospect, it only popped up for me when I went on Xulane and went away just as quickly when I accidentally went off of it. Have any other long-term users experienced this or something similar?"

7 / 10
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54 Report
  • DPano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 14, 2021

Xulane (ethinyl estradiol / norelgestromin) for Birth Control "Everyone, please be wary of the good comments being written here, they may be coming from Xulane. This patch is horrible and should not be on the market, terrible life threatening, life changing effects. Will never take birth control ever!"

1 / 10
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40 Report
  • Chy
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 26, 2020

Xulane (ethinyl estradiol / norelgestromin) for Birth Control "I love this patch! I’ve been on the pill for about 8 years. After the first 7 years I got off it and had my daughter. Doctor put me on the pill after birth and had the worse side affects! (Extreme acne, mood swings, weight gain) .With the patch , I have the best skin, no weight gain or mood swings. The only bad thing is nausea. But I would rather have nausea from birth control rather than pregnancy!"

10 / 10
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43 Report
  • Anonymous
  • December 29, 2022

Zafemy (ethinyl estradiol / norelgestromin) for Birth Control "I’ve had 0 luck with these patches. I was on Xulane which I loved, then I randomly started receiving these instead. I can rarely keep one on for a day. I go through the whole month's worth of patches in one week."

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19 Report
  • Darby...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 4, 2021

Xulane (ethinyl estradiol / norelgestromin) for Birth Control "I had a awful experience with this patch. I started to use it last month. In 3 days I felt something very wrong. At first I thought it was a stomach virus. My head was spinning. Then I got really nauseated and puked for like 5 hours. Had to sleep it off. So I thought it was a stomach virus, but I took the patch off just in case. I decided to wait until yesterday when I started my period again to give it one more try. I was fine all day yesterday, then today I began to get a slight headache then I got woozy again.. Tried to just pull through the nausea. Soon as I got to work, puked all over the parking lot when I got out of my car. I just can't do it. I took the patch off and threw it down cause that will be the last time I give it a try. My body is just rejecting it for some reason. I was getting like a bile build up. I have been burping all day both times I tried it. My head is still spinning. It is just not for me."

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32 Report
  • Patch...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 5, 2014

Ortho Evra (ethinyl estradiol / norelgestromin) for Birth Control "I was on the NuvaRing before the patch and it was working for me just fine, but my sex drive was non-existent. I switched to the patch because I wanted something easy, and let me tell you, it's amazing! The first two months, I did have random cramping and sore breasts, but it was manageable and did not really bother me. The patch is easy to remember because I change it on Sunday, and that is my 'me day': I do my nails, facial, change my patch, and plan the week ahead. The only problem I had was sometimes it did come off, but I easily fixed that by using rubbing alcohol on my bum before I applied the patch; now it never falls off. I would recommend the patch to those of us who are control freaks and love to plan everything, including your period."

10 / 10
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72 Report
  • 5...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • September 27, 2014

Ortho Evra (ethinyl estradiol / norelgestromin) for Birth Control "I switched to the patch after getting Depo-Provera shots for about two years. I have to say I love the patch and that it is extremely effective and very convenient. The only issue I seem to have is that when I take it off, the day I start my period I nearly always get a major migraine, but that could also be linked to my period. My skin is normally clear, way clearer than it was before I was on the patch, and my period does not last as long as it did before I used birth control. My breasts I'm sure are also bigger because of it, which to me is too big. Overall it has prevented pregnancy thus far for me, and I plan on using it for a while."

9 / 10
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70 Report
  • Ehano
  • January 30, 2020

Xulane (ethinyl estradiol / norelgestromin) for Birth Control "So I’ve been using Xulane patch for about 3 or 4 months now. It’s been pretty effective. I do have type 1 diabetes it never messed with my numbers. Since recently I have had more mood swings than normal. Also big vaginal change as in like I smell different in this past month. I went to the doctor and they told me that everything was fine. I discharge more too. I’m hoping that this is just a phase in the medicine and hopefully will go away. Only pro.... I get super wet during sex. Very amazing."

7 / 10
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39 Report
  • Notafan
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 29, 2020

Xulane (ethinyl estradiol / norelgestromin) for Birth Control "I hated this thing. I had used different pills before I had my son, and after I tried the shot. The shot made me start gaining weight so I wanted to try something different. I wore the patch TWO weeks and then I had to stop using it. The first few days were fine and then I started getting nauseous, by the second week I kept throwing up. I was very moody and cry for no reason. I legit thought I was pregnant between the mood swings and nausea. Two days after taking it off I ended up in the ER because I started having blurry vision and my heart was racing. When I got to the ER my heart rate was 148 but my vision started coming back. The only thing the doctors could figure was I had an ocular migraine cause by the hormones in the patch. The next day I started my period and I keep getting headaches. I’ve never had migraines or headaches before so I’m hoping this will get out of my system fast and I’ll be back to normal."

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37 Report
  • Emily
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 27, 2018

Xulane (ethinyl estradiol / norelgestromin) for Birth Control "This is one of the most dangerous forms of birth control on the market for people with depression, anxiety or bipolar disorder. The anxiety it causes is unlike anything I’ve ever felt. I took it out of desperation after trying pill after pill. It was a horrible mistake. I was only on it for about 10 days. I ended up spending the next 48 hours alternating between crying and pacing my house, convinced I had become another person, terrified I had lost my mind. This medication should be taken off the market. Please do not risk using this if you have any sort of mental condition or have ever had any sort of anxiety-related issues."

1 / 10
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42 Report
  • 12344...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 3, 2019

Ortho Evra (ethinyl estradiol / norelgestromin) for Birth Control "I started the patch about a month ago. I have a little uncomfortableness and major mood swing for the first day but that was about it. When I moved the patch to my back, I noticed that my breast started to become more tender but again nothing severe. I was liking the patch until about 2 days ago. I had to check myself into the ER and found out I have a blood clot in each of my lungs caused by the Ortho Evra. I'm only 22. So I am officially off it, but I wanted to share this because I have no family or personal history with blood clots, so anyone can form blood clots. I'm not saying everybody, because it was working fine until about a week ago. But I feel the need to bring awareness to this."

4 / 10
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38 Report
  • Milli...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 11, 2023

Zafemy (ethinyl estradiol / norelgestromin) for Birth Control "When my pharmacy unexpectedly filled my 3-month Xulane prescriptions with Zafemy, I was concerned. I have been on Xulane patches for 6 years. I was told by the pharmacist that Zafemy was the same as Xulane but it is not. The day after putting this patch on, I started bleeding and had period symptoms. Both medications deliver the same amount of medication daily (150/35mcg). However, the Zafemy patch is smaller in size and contains significantly less of each active ingredient. Each 14cm sq Xulane patch contains 4.86mg norelgestromin, USP, and 0.53mg ethinyl estradiol, USP. In contrast, each 12.5cm sq Zafemy patch contains 3.15mg norelgestromin, USP, and 0.289mg ethinyl estradiol, USP. I also found the Zafemy patch to be flimsy and fall off. Please talk to your doctor before changing medications."

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15 Report
  • Carly...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 22, 2014

Ortho Evra (ethinyl estradiol / norelgestromin) for Birth Control "When I first went to the doctor, I was not interested in the patch. She talked me into it and said if I didn't like it after a few months, to come back and we would change it. With the birth control pills I used to take, I had to pay $50 a month. Although, with the patch, I am paying nothing. FREE! Now to the symptoms. The first 3 months sucked between headaches, nausea, being moody, and tired. The worst symptom was cramps when I was not on my period at random times. It hurt so bad and was very annoying. After 3 months of using the patch, the symptoms are gone and I absolutely LOVE THE PATCH. I have been on it for about 6 months and the only downfall is that clothes lint collects around it, but it's not a huge deal if you put it where no one can see."

9 / 10
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60 Report
  • Kris
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 17, 2019

Ortho Evra (ethinyl estradiol / norelgestromin) for Birth Control "I've just come out of the hospital after 6 days being diagnosed with pulmonary embolism which is a blood clot in the lungs, which is a known side effect of Ortho Evra. I would steer well clear of this if you think your blood clots easily. I now have to wear special stockings for blood flow and circulation as well as blood thinner tablets for the next year. Thank you Evra ever so much"

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32 Report
  • Lalal...
  • October 21, 2016

Xulane (ethinyl estradiol / norelgestromin) for Birth Control "I have been on Xulane for about 7 months now and I absolutely love it! At first, yes, it is horrible while the body is adjusting to it. There are constant headaches and what look like signs of early pregnancy, but after a while it works perfect! It's worth the beginning experience. I have noticed that my breasts grew rounder and fuller, no acne, no vaginal dryness, predictable periods, light periods, low cramping and best of all, no unplanned children!"

9 / 10
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46 Report
  • Lubeh
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 29, 2021

Ortho Evra (ethinyl estradiol / norelgestromin) for Birth Control "This has been the worst 5 days of my life. After the 1st day, I took a pregnancy test because I thought I was pregnant from all the nausea. 2nd day I almost quit my job because I was extremely exhausted, felt helpless and wouldn't stop crying. Every morning I wake up with an upset tummy and cannot brush my teeth without vomiting. I've stopped taking it now and will not recommend it to anyone. You completely lose yourself. It is a nightmare"

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25 Report
  • Aonym...
  • April 19, 2011

Ortho Evra (ethinyl estradiol / norelgestromin) for Birth Control "I absolutely adore Ortho Evra. Less pimples. I practically glow! My breasts got bigger by a full cup. I'm always happy my sex drive went up. This is the second time I've been on it, and I'm never going back! I used NuvaRing and Yaz and a couple of others that gave me yeast infections, acne, low sex drive, and angry mood swings. This is perfect for a forgetful artist like me. Once a week and it works well with my body chemically. I don't know why I stopped it the first time."

10 / 10
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66 Report
  • MS94
  • September 17, 2014

Ortho Evra (ethinyl estradiol / norelgestromin) for Birth Control "I am rating this a 10 because I believe it's extremely effective. I have been on the patch for almost 4 years, and I never once had a pregnancy scare. For me, I get regular periods, but I also get most of the side effects. After the first few months, periods are regular, mine last between 3-5 days. I get more emotional, I get mood swings, cramps, headaches, I bloat, I basically get all the side effects, but they are not severe. Every once in a while, they are pretty bad, but that will only happen once every 6 months to a year. On the patch, I never gained weight from it. The only thing I truly dislike about it is I will get really nauseous and throw up if I don't eat anything the night before I put a new one on, and recently I'll have bloody discharge."

10 / 10
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51 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 28, 2021

Xulane (ethinyl estradiol / norelgestromin) for Birth Control "Hello, used this for two days during the first day of my period, I had pulsing headaches, nausea and throwing up for about two hours. I have to get off of the patch because, my headaches became unbearable after the second day. All my symptoms have disappeared. Thank you to all the woman who left reviews, this patch has really nasty side effects wouldn't recommend."

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20 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.