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Metoclopramide User Reviews & Ratings

Brand names: Reglan, Gimoti, Maxolon

Metoclopramide has an average rating of 3.9 out of 10 from a total of 506 reviews on 29% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 64% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Metoclopramide

  • Millie
  • October 30, 2020

Reglan (metoclopramide) for Migraine "DO NOT TAKE THIS MEDICATION!!! The doctors gave me this medication without explaining to me the common side effect of basically going insane for a short period of time. They just told me I would feel 'weird' for a little bit and then it would go away. They didn’t even ask me if I had a history of mental illness. I was expecting to feel drowsy or sleepy or a bit off because that’s what feeling 'weird' is supposed to feel like. But no!!! I suffered temporary insanity!!! Extreme derealization, depersonalization, depression, hopelessness; my life felt meaningless, I felt like I was dying and kept thinking about how I did not want to die!!! I felt doomed!!! I wanted to jump out of my skin and run out of the hospital!!!! I was about to rip the IV off my arm. Tremendous emotional despair and near-death experience!!! It was a nightmare while being awake!! I would much rather have the migraine!!!"

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266 Report
  • Airie...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 29, 2021

Reglan (metoclopramide) for Nausea/Vomiting "I went to the ER for extreme nausea and vomiting. They gave me Reglan. Within minutes, I started having a psychiatric break. I had never experienced anything like it. My body wanted to rip out my IV and run from the hospital. My hands were shaking, and I couldn’t focus well enough to even make a phone call. My brain knew I was out of control, but it couldn’t stop the reaction. I felt completely helpless. I tried to explain how I felt to the doctor, and he threatened to send me to the psych ward. One of the nurses finally suggested I might be having an allergic reaction. They gave me two doses of Benadryl, and 15 minutes later I was back to myself. I will not ever take this medication again!"

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139 Report
  • Jacky
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 15, 2020

Reglan (metoclopramide) for Migraine "Ok, my experience is just the same as everybody else's on this site. I went to the hospital for some stomach pain, and they gave me Reglan through the IV. I got paralyzed in my arm and body, I couldn't move, I couldn't talk. I just wanted to scream, I felt like I was dying. I never had a panic attack in my whole life until that moment. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't dial my husband's phone number to tell him that I thought it was the end for me. That's how bad I felt. It was like I was really passing out, and my heart was coming out of my chest. This happened about 4 months ago. Now the problem is that since then, I have anxiety almost every day for no reason, panic attacks for no reason. I feel agitated and always have the fear that something is wrong with me, afraid I may pass away and leave my kids behind. Did any of you experience the same thing as I am and can't get out of this anxiety? Please send me some answers. If the side effects persist for a long time, what can I do to go back to normal life again?"

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148 Report
  • Carol...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 10, 2021

Reglan (metoclopramide) for Migraine "Worst experience of my life, it was almost fatal. Literally, my nurse began crying as I was in and out. I suffer PTSD now because of this experience and am scared to go to the hospital, take medications, and especially the ER. Went in for a headache that was persistent, no other symptoms, a healthy young 23-year-old and had such a bad reaction from injecting this stuff into my veins within 10 minutes of showing up. Makes you question their practice and intentions."

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93 Report
  • MaK
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 8, 2021

Reglan (metoclopramide) for Nausea/Vomiting "I was given Reglan via IV injection in the ER because of nausea. When I tell you this is the worst drug I've ever taken, I mean it. As soon as it was injected, I felt like I was in a different world. I then threw up 15 times, and it is almost a week after taking it, and I am just now getting over the suicidal thoughts and depression. I still have nightmares and anxiety, but nothing like it was. I will never take this drug again, and neither will my children when I have them because I think this drug shouldn't be on the market."

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Jenna
  • May 20, 2020

Reglan (metoclopramide) for Migraine "I went to the ER for a migraine. They gave me a migraine concoction, and after they put it in my IV, I started having the scariest panic attack of my life. I suffer from an anxiety disorder and panic attacks, but never this extreme. I kept feeling as if I was dying and I kept telling the nurse I don’t want to die. I could not shake the feeling or calm down no matter how hard I tried and was extremely drugged. They gave me a whole bunch of Benadryl to counteract and told me it has anxiety-inducing reactions on some people! I told them before they administered that I have an anxiety disorder, and they still gave it to me! It took me almost an hour to calm down! I do not recommend it!"

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98 Report
  • Anonymous
  • January 4, 2012

Reglan (metoclopramide) for Gastroparesis "For nearly three years, starting at age 18, I would get uncontrollable nausea and stomach pain for months at a time. I was told by four doctors that it was acid reflux and to learn to live with it. I was taking 40 mg of Nexium every day, but it got to a point where I never felt well anymore, I was constantly fatigued, I had no appetite, and I was becoming increasingly depressed. I was diagnosed with gastroparesis by my fifth doctor and she put me on Reglan. Within an hour of taking the first dose, I felt better than I had in years. I can't put into words how positively Reglan has changed my life. I've now been on it for a year and a half. I've never had any negative side effects nor has the effectiveness ever waned. Reglan is a blessing."

10 / 10
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194 Report
  • Anonymous
  • October 28, 2019

Reglan (metoclopramide) for Gastroparesis "I am a female in my mid-20s. I was given Reglan for issues related to previous abdominal surgery and gastroparesis. I only took it for about 2 days before I stopped. I felt extremely restless and couldn't stop sleeping, but also was never comfortable enough to fully fall asleep. I also felt like I was in a psychotic episode that was never going to end. I was extremely irritated/agitated, very depressed, and having suicidal thoughts. I thought I needed to quit my job and couldn't have a conversation with anyone. I know my doctor had no way of knowing how I would react to Reglan, and some people do well, but I think this is way too risky to be handing out."

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76 Report
  • Anonymous
  • May 8, 2020

Reglan (metoclopramide) for Nausea/Vomiting "Within minutes of being given the Reglan, I had a sweltering hot feeling come over me. I began to panic and become restless. The more I watched the clock slowly tick by and tried not to focus on the impending doom feeling, the worse it got. I wanted to rip the IV out of my arm. Between the anxiety, wanting to run for the hills, and my pounding heart in my chest, it was a miracle I didn’t scream bloody murder. This went on for a good 30 minutes before the feeling subsided and I passed out. Although the medicine made me extremely anxious, it did knock down the nausea. I hope this validates any concerns and past experiences. I do not have a history of psych, but with this medication, I don’t believe there requires to be one to make you feel this way. Please do not let a doctor try to tell you that Benadryl will make it better and cancel out the anxiety feeling or that you can breathe through it. Trust your instincts and self-advocate! Hope this helps!"

2 / 10
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69 Report
  • Anonymous
  • February 16, 2011

Reglan (metoclopramide) for Gastroparesis "After weeks of debating (and severe stomach pain, constipation, nausea caused by a mild case of gastroparesis), I finally decided to take Reglan. I was scared like the rest of you. But guess what? I'm still here, and it's been about two weeks. It has helped me IMMENSELY. I'm pushing 29, so maybe I'm still in the 'safe zone.' I know there is a threat to older women, but if I had not taken Reglan, I'd still be the vegetable that I was, living off of noodles and potatoes. Thankfully, I have very close friends and family in the medical field, and they assured me that the chances of the terrible side effects weren't as high as they may seem on the internet. It is a medicine prescribed daily, and many people are pleased. (5mg 3x daily) Good luck!!"

9 / 10
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163 Report
  • gacsmom
  • June 6, 2013

Reglan (metoclopramide) for Gastroparesis "Reglan has been a miracle for me. I was diagnosed with gastroparesis and tried to control the symptoms through diet because I was worried about the potential side effects, but the nausea was debilitating. My doctor finally didn't give me a choice; he said I needed to be on Reglan as I was losing too much weight because I couldn't eat. I truly feel like a new person. Although I still have 'spells' where the nausea comes back, it's not nearly as severe and is controllable with Zofran. I would recommend Reglan to anyone with gastroparesis!"

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135 Report
  • Lyle
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 20, 2020

Reglan (metoclopramide) for GERD "I took Reglan on August 13th, just one 10 mg dose. Soon as I took it, I got on the road, not expecting anything of it. I had a big panic attack on the road! Smh, we are now in October! I have been through a nightmare of a time and back off of this medication, experienced feelings of derealization, depersonalization, anxiety, severe suicidal depression. After all this time, I had to be put on an anti-depressant, and it’s not a joke!!! This is real, please be aware! They need to stop giving this to people!!!! This isn't right. I’m really suffering, I mean in emotional pain and despair. My muscles are still twitching also!"

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55 Report
  • han
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 7, 2020

Reglan (metoclopramide) for Migraine "I went to the ER with a migraine so bad I couldn't even walk. I got hooked up to an IV that gave me the “migraine cocktail“ (Reglan, Benadryl). I felt the most terrible anxiety I have ever felt in my life. I felt like I was trapped. I kept twitching and fixating on the IV in my arm. I begged and begged and begged for them to take it out. I was prescribed Reglan alone to take when my migraines got bad again. I didn't know it was the Reglan that made me feel this way at first, so I started taking it when I felt a migraine coming on. I will never take this medication again. It is the most terrible feeling in the world. Your heart races and you feel like you're being held down, like you are being put in a near-death scenario. I hate you, Reglan!!"

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59 Report
  • MRSDJ...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 9, 2014

Reglan (metoclopramide) for Gastroparesis "This is a follow-up to my earlier unfavorable review. I experienced several negative effects due to an excess of serotonin caused by my concomitant use of several antidepressants. My doctor adjusted my dosage to only 1/2 of a 5mg tablet taken a few hours after my evening dinner and did not eat again until breakfast the next morning. This reduced my negative effects to almost zero while still maintaining the medicine's efficacy. I am able to continue this dose every other evening with very favorable results! There has been a considerable reduction in the severe bloating, nausea, and inability to eat even a small meal. I am thrilled to finally feel normal again! I'm so happy I stuck with it; a simple dose adjustment has changed my life!"

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111 Report
  • Jae
  • March 16, 2021

Reglan (metoclopramide) for Nausea/Vomiting "The worst experience I’ve ever had regarding medicine. I was sixteen at the time- 30 now. Went to the ER for stomach pain, and was administered Reglan and Morphine. Only thing I remember is feeling like I wanted to rip my skin off, and had no awareness of what was even happening. I remember telling the doctors and nurse “drain my blood.” Get this out of me. Sounds dramatic and crazy, because it really was. How I recall them telling me it was a bad reaction to this medicine I’m not sure... just remember looking at my dad as they held me down and sedated me with benadryl. I’ve never in my life experienced so scary. Literally have PTSD, and scared to take any meds because of this drug. The most uncomfortable I’ve ever been in my life."

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45 Report
  • Sis
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 29, 2019

Reglan (metoclopramide) for Nausea/Vomiting "I was given medication through IV for a flare-up of vertigo. I am so glad I found this thread because it just confirms I wasn't crazy. I literally described these same feelings to my family after. It's been a week, and I don't feel myself still. So immediately after the injection, I felt like I wanted to run out of the hospital. I sat up in the bed and wanted to peel my face off. I felt sad, hopeless, and like if it didn't stop, I would go crazy. I got so worried I called my mom and told her my body is so agitated and I can't stop moving. If I called the doctor in, I wouldn't even be able to talk for him to understand because this felt HORRIBLE and like I was being tortured. Avoid this drug, please. These comments are real!"

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55 Report
  • Kimbot
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • September 27, 2012

Reglan (metoclopramide) for Gastroparesis "I found this medication extremely helpful when I was first diagnosed. I had to change my eating habits dramatically, so when I messed up or when the nausea flared up, Reglan was great. I did find, like many other patients, that the side effects (anxiety for me) got worse over time. After about a year, I felt I had learned how to manage my diet and stopped taking Reglan entirely. Reglan was a great tool in the beginning to help me figure out what eating habits worked, but now I manage everything through diet. I think that is very possible for others with gastroparesis, too."

8 / 10
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103 Report
  • Airak...
  • November 12, 2015

Reglan (metoclopramide) for Nausea/Vomiting "Hey ladies, My first pregnancy was a breeze! Then I got pregnant with this one and at 5 weeks we found out because I was so sick I was vomiting at least 5 times a day. I finally asked my Dr. for help due to being concerned about my baby getting nutrients and food. He prescribed me Reglan 10mg and I take it 4 times a day - 30 minutes before I eat and IT IS AMAZING! It does take about 25-30 minutes to kick in. I don't have any side effects yet and I hope it stays that way. So far I have been taking it for almost 4 weeks."

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81 Report
  • amays
  • August 1, 2011

Reglan (metoclopramide) for Gastroparesis "I have been taking Reglan 10mg doses for years. It has changed my life in a good way. It has controlled my gastroparesis completely. I was having to go to the E.R. for pain before I started Reglan. I take 4 a day. 2 in the morning and 2 at night. I have had no side effects at all from this medicine except relief. I would recommend Reglan to anyone suffering from gastroparesis."

10 / 10
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108 Report
  • Sam
  • October 27, 2019

Reglan (metoclopramide) for Migraine "I went to the ER complaining of a migraine. I was put on Toradol, Benadryl, and Reglan. I have gotten Toradol shots for my migraines over the last couple of weeks with absolutely no problem whatsoever. I also have never had an adverse reaction to Benadryl in my life. So I know the Reglan is to blame. Within 5 minutes of this drug polluting my veins, I felt an insanely strong urge to rip my IV out of my arm. I got extremely restless, like I had to keep moving. I felt like I needed to leave the hospital immediately and was in a total panic. I couldn’t sit still, I just felt like something terrible was happening. This drug definitely induced an anxiety or some sort of panic attack. I do not recommend this at all."

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50 Report
  • annec...
  • February 11, 2010

Reglan (metoclopramide) for Gastroparesis "I now have Tardive Dyskinesia, no cure, no treatment. Parkinsonian side effects don't always go away. Reglan was good for Gastroparesis but has side effects. Don't take for more than 6 weeks or three months. It also now MUST warn the dangers of continuous use."

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114 Report
  • Charles
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 25, 2020

Reglan (metoclopramide) "Please DO NOT take this drug Reglan! I was given it in an IV for headaches, but this drug gave me the worst feeling I have ever had in my life! I thought I was going to die! Immediately it gave me a hot feeling going through my body like when you take the dye before having a MRI scan. I felt dizzy, confused, depressed, and could not even think properly. I could not carry a conversation! I could not feel my feet and I had trouble moving my legs. I prayed for relief of these side effects! This drug is awful! There is NO WAY I can describe how it made me feel! I honestly would not take it again for a billion dollars! PLEASE do not give this drug to any patients and make sure you do not let anyone give it to you! This drug is horrific! About 10 hours later I am OK now. And I thank God I made it through that horrible experience! NEVER AGAIN!!!!"

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39 Report
  • ks125
  • March 18, 2012

Reglan (metoclopramide) for Gastroparesis "I was on this medicine for about 2 weeks, and I had to quit taking it. My hands started shaking, and I also developed a head and neck twitch. I also had a difficult time thinking, reacting, and focusing. My vision was blurry, and I often felt anxious. It didn't seem to help as much as it hurt. Now I have to wait to see if my ticks go away."

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87 Report
  • Bella...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 14, 2020

Reglan (metoclopramide) for GERD "DO NOT take this drug... I don't even know hospitals or medical practice's administer this lunatic drug but it should be removed. I was recently in the ER for a very bad acid reflux/GERD flare up and they gave me a GI cocktail, which I'm use to... shortly after, a Reglan/Protonic IV fluid. All was well up until 10 minutes later and I was bugging out! I wanted to jump out of my skin and run out of that hospital. I thought they were going to sedate me, and throw me into a psychiatric unit... It was terrible!!!! I already suffer from anxiety so literally it was anxiety on STEROIDS. I never want to experience that ever again, and I'm still suffering with small side effects from the meds... I'll never be the same"

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38 Report
  • Maria...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 25, 2022

Reglan (metoclopramide) for Migraine "NEVER TAKE THIS. This was given to me in the hospital for a migraine. I had a horrible anxiety attack and thought I was going to die . I have been severely depressed since then and have horrible anxiety . Anyone else feel this way ?"

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.