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Varenicline User Reviews & Ratings

Brand names: Tyrvaya Champix

Varenicline has an average rating of 8.6 out of 10 from a total of 1,688 reviews on 83% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 9% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Varenicline

  • Baker...
  • February 8, 2020

Chantix (varenicline) for Smoking Cessation "I'm using Chantix along with lozenges and patches. I've attempted to quit smoking with patches and lozenges alone off and on for years without success. The addition of Chantix is making all the difference. I've been smoking for 10 years, and for the last 4 years, I've been smoking between a pack to a pack and a half a day. Quitting seemed impossible! I'd tell myself every day 'this pack is my last pack' as I drove to buy another pack! Once I started treatment, I didn't know what to expect. Days 1-3 I smoked 1-2 cigarettes a day. On day 4, I couldn't smoke even 2 puffs before just putting it out in disgust. I didn't smoke a cigarette today. It didn't even cross my mind. I feel healthier and more alert. I can take deeper breaths without the phlegm, my eyes don't burn in the morning, I'm saving money, my head isn't foggy, my clothes don't smell like an ashtray, and I feel an overwhelming source of energy radiating through my body. So much improvement in just 11 days!"

10 / 10
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238 Report
  • Fish
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 24, 2020

Champix (varenicline) for Smoking Cessation "I smoked for 40 years and had never really tried to stop, but as I was getting older and becoming more health conscious, I thought I really need to try and give up the cigarettes. I started with Champix, set my date, and off I went. Almost 6 years later, I am a non-smoker and even detest the smell of it. I had no side effects whatsoever. I love not being a slave to smoking anymore."

10 / 10
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210 Report
  • Fee
  • February 6, 2020

Chantix (varenicline) for Smoking Cessation "August 2019, walking up the block with my granddaughter, pausing every 1 minute to catch my breath. I went back to my doctor and he prescribed me Chantix again. 7-day starter pack, smoking half the amount. 14 days, smoking 4 a day. September 21, 2019, was my last cigarette to date. Here’s how Chantix helped me: One day you will get tired and hate smoking. Be strong, don’t let any little excuse trigger smoking. Be strong. After 3 days, nicotine urge is gone. The biggest fight is the mental habits, something we did for years - the same routine every day: light up before bed, toilet, after work, before sex, after sex, meals, rainy, sunny, etc. I still reach into my pocket till today. Every time you get the urge, loudly ask yourself, 'WHY DO I SMOKE?' By the way, I joined a gym and gave up coffee. Coffee and cigarettes did go hand in hand for me. So, go get Chantix, and you will thank yourself. Gums, nicotine patches, e-cigs really make matters worse. Good luck. Thank you, Chantix."

10 / 10
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206 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • DJano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 3, 2020

Chantix (varenicline) for Smoking Cessation "I was hospitalized the day after Christmas 2019 for other issues than smoking, stomach issues, internal bleeding, and alcoholism. I have COPD. I’ve smoked ever since I was sixteen. I am 63 years old. Up to 3 packs a day. I was a mess. Due to being hospitalized, I could not smoke or drink. After a 5-day stay, I was released on New Year's Eve. I was sent home dry. I tried nicotine patches for about a week and a half. Alcohol was the LAST thing on my mind. I was so sick! Finally, my primary doctor talked me into trying Chantix again. It’s been 4 weeks, no smoking at all or alcohol. I still crave a cigarette, but it’s manageable. Moment by moment, this too shall pass. Side effects: nausea and vomiting if not taken with food, I want to sleep a lot! Slight depression? Occasional headaches. A feeling of “loss”. The pros outweigh the cons at least for me. I truly believe I was going to die after being hospitalized. By the grace of God, it was a wide awakening."

8 / 10
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187 Report
  • Smoke...
  • January 3, 2020

Chantix (varenicline) for Smoking Cessation "If you want to stop, this really helps. Started taking at Thanksgiving and was down to three cigarettes by Christmas Eve and stopped on Christmas Day. Have had my moments but will never go back. One of my greatest accomplishments and no nicotine supplement to buy or spend money on. Went from 2.5 packs a day to done in a month after 40 years of being controlled by a little white stick. Fantastic!"

9 / 10
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178 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Mojof...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 31, 2019

Champix (varenicline) for Smoking Cessation "I began taking Champix a couple of months ago. The side effects are pretty grim. I felt nauseous most days, struggled to concentrate at work, exhausted by 7 pm, then experienced some very vivid & bizarre nightmares. I persevered with it though because I was determined to stop this time and knew people who'd successfully stopped using it. I stopped smoking on day 10 (after vomiting with my last cigarette) and haven't smoked since. I honestly can't believe how effective it's been. I spoke to my doctor about stopping it early because I was sure I no longer needed them, he said it was entirely up to myself and everyone was different. I took my last tablet on day 35. I have now been smoke-free for around 8 weeks and feel great for it. I just wish I'd done this years ago instead of wasting time and money on patches/vaping/hypnotherapy(!)/inhalators etc. I have been a heavy smoker of tobacco and weed for 20 years and if I can stop, honestly, anyone can!!"

10 / 10
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184 Report
  • Linnie
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 8, 2020

Champix (varenicline) for Smoking Cessation "After 40 years of smoking, and numerous attempts to quit using all different patches, gum, etc. I even paid a fortune for hypnosis but no good. I read about Champix and was keen to try it. Within 3 months, I was a non-smoker. I had read that there were some side effects, but I had none whatsoever. With Champix, I had virtually no cravings. Sometimes I still felt that something was missing (that would have been the stinky fag in my hand) but that was just habit, and that was the easiest bit to change. 8 years later and I still cannot believe how easily I found it. Thank you, Champix, and whoever invented you! X"

10 / 10
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140 Report
  • Tarikt
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 28, 2019

Chantix (varenicline) for Smoking Cessation "This is my second review, as today I crossed 5 months smoke-free. Just wanted to remind everyone that this medicine is an aid to quit smoking, focused on treatment of the chemical addiction. When this attempt at escaping the smoking trap started, it was clear to me that it mainly relies on successfully maintaining the willingness to forever stop smoking. Also, I found in "The Easy Way To Quit Smoking" book by Allen Carr perfect guidelines and highlights that enhance the "well" factor. A simplified illustration: Chantix is a vehicle that can help you get there, and your free will is the driver. Quitting smoking has countless physical and psychological benefits and might rise up to the most important decision and achievement ever since you fell into the trap. Though it might seem and feel difficult, it is indeed achievable."

10 / 10
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140 Report
  • Jns1s...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 23, 2021

Chantix (varenicline) for Smoking Cessation "This is my 3rd time taking Chantix. The first time I quit smoking almost immediately. But I started again. The 2nd time (years later) I had too many side effects so I stopped taking it. Fast forward a couple more years after my significant other was sick with COVID for 2 months. He kept telling me I should quit. I set my quit date for the end of March 2021. Tomorrow will be two weeks since my last cigarette. Officially a non-smoker as of 3/9/21."

10 / 10
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101 Report
  • L M
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 14, 2023

Tyrvaya (varenicline) for Dry Eye Disease "I was using a prescription eye drop and really hated it so I only used it once a day instead of twice a day. I switched eye doctors and read a Tyrvaya pamphlet in his waiting room. I asked if I could try it. The eye doctor gave me a sample bottle to take home. I tried it that night and it worked after one dose. No more burning, itchy, watery eyes. The next morning I woke up to eyes that weren't crusty. I have been using it as directed since April 12, 2023. I did have sneezing at the beginning and sometimes it does burn my throat. The only thing negative about Tyrvaya is the bottles. I pump repeatedly and nothing gets dispensed. But I pump it in the air and it comes out. Need to improve or change the bottles."

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45 Report
  • Qano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 16, 2020

Chantix (varenicline) for Smoking Cessation "Took Chantix for less than 2 weeks before quitting cigarettes. Just finished my first week of no cigarettes and NO medication. I was very ready to quit when I started Chantix. Still craving but keep reminding myself of how far I've come and how I really don't enjoy smoking. I'm just bored. Find something to do - it helps. First day of no cigs or meds, I made it all the way to the store for a pack and by the time I got there, didn't want a cig. Side effects were irritability, sleepiness, and definitely weird dreams. Just kept telling myself the sooner I stop smoking, the sooner I can stop taking the meds."

10 / 10
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116 Report
  • Fletch
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 18, 2020

Champix (varenicline) for Smoking Cessation "Now then, I was taking Champix for 5 months and totally smoke-free, and I'm glad to say I've not smoked for a further two months without the drug and feel great. The thought of smoking again is not an option, plus I've got a jar of money totaling nearly lb3.5k... makes you think."

10 / 10
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111 Report
  • Alida
  • February 29, 2020

Champix (varenicline) for Smoking Cessation "I only completed the starter pack, so 4 weeks of Champix. Been smoke-free for a month. Champix works but my side effects included vivid dreams, irritation to annoying people, and some cloudy thinking. Still worth it. I feel great now, deep breathing gets me through any urges and just feels good to be able to take deep breaths without coughing. Good luck everyone, you've got this."

8 / 10
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110 Report
  • JuJu
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 17, 2019

Chantix (varenicline) for Smoking Cessation "I smoked for 32 years. I was smoking at least 2 packs a day. I love smoking. It was my stress relief. Started taking Chantix on January 1, 2019, because my doctor said I need to quit and also because my husband also started taking Chantix. I really didn't have a desire to quit but 'went along with it'. I did not set a quit date. My last cigarette was on January 10, 2019. I have had ZERO side effects with Chantix. It's been 127 days since my last cigarette. I am still on Chantix and plan on taking it one more month. I do not want to fail and start back. I still have cravings but they are not bad and they go away pretty fast. I want to remain smoke-free and Chantix has been amazing... If you want to quit, or are like me and LOVE to smoke but need to quit, try Chantix. It really works."

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122 Report
  • RA17
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 12, 2019

Champix (varenicline) for Smoking Cessation "I smoked about 20 per day for over 5 years, tried quitting numerous times. Gum - didn't work, nicotine spray - hiccups, e-cig - did nothing for me, patches - carried on smoking anyway. My quit nurse recommended Champix. I took it for a week and continued smoking as recommended. Then the day came - I finished a packet and simply didn't want to buy another, no cravings or anything. No side effects for me while taking it. Around 3 weeks later, the smell of cigarettes repulsed me. I stopped taking the Champix and haven't had a single cigarette since, now about 2 years."

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112 Report
  • Jules
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 5, 2020

Chantix (varenicline) for Smoking Cessation "Amazed how great this medication works. I've been on the medication for a month and I have had very few times that I wanted a smoke. My worst time now is after an evening meal, but now only lasts for a couple of minutes. I would definitely recommend this medicine to anyone that's tired of letting cigarettes control their life. I WAS a smoker for 35 years. Chantix works."

9 / 10
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106 Report
  • JAY
  • January 26, 2020

Chantix (varenicline) for Smoking Cessation "First off, this pill works for what it is intended for. 10 days after starting, I stopped smoking and had no desire to have a cigarette. I continued using for 3 more weeks, stopped and still am not smoking. As for side effects, I did have nausea, but if I took it with food, it helped a lot. I did have very vivid enhanced dreams, but nothing scary or nothing that bothered me. I do want to add, though, if you are on any psychiatric medications, I'd use caution and talk to your doctor. I have been on medication for bipolar for over 20 years and haven't had any kind of relapse for over 10 years. However, while on this drug, I did have a setback with some depression and mood swings, where I had to take a 3-week leave of absence from work. Now, this could be just a coincidence, but maybe not. I am better now, stable on my meds, and smoke-free. I would still recommend this drug, as it was very easy and effective to quit smoking; I'd just use caution."

9 / 10
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97 Report
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 27, 2020

Champix (varenicline) for Smoking Cessation "I have been smoking for 50 years. 15-20 a day. Now I'm 70, I decided to quit. On Champix for 3 weeks and I'm down to 2 a day for the last week. WOW! As I live in Australia, the most expensive country in the world for cigarettes, it's eating into my pension. It is $25 per pack of 20! Now I keep a big jar and put in the amount of money I would have spent on cigarettes and see it grow. I'll be able to go on holiday after 1 year. Side effects include colorful dreams and slight nausea. No interest in the taste, just the habit of having a beer and a cigarette. No more standing outside a pub in the rain, feeling like a leper."

8 / 10
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97 Report
  • Sprou...
  • August 15, 2019

Champix (varenicline) for Smoking Cessation "I was advised that Champix is a 3-month course to stop smoking, but I could only stand 3 weeks. I felt weak, tired, and nauseous the whole time. I can honestly say that I have never felt close to as bad as Champix made me feel. Before Champix, I was also drinking a bottle of 5% wine most evenings. My tolerance is low, and I was tired of feeling groggy in the morning and the compulsion to drink. Champix turned me off alcohol before cigarettes. Within 10 days, I wasn’t smoking or drinking, and it’s been 3 1/2 years now since I had a cigarette. I can count on one hand the number of times I have drunk alcohol, and it has been a very small amount in celebration of something like New Year. I have pre-existing high blood pressure, but since stopping smoking, my meds have halved. Post-Champix, I lost 3 stone in weight. I no longer worry about not seeing my kids moving through adulthood with all the milestones that brings. Champix saved my health, my bank balance, and most importantly, my future with my kids. I cannot recommend this medication highly enough."

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99 Report
  • Smoke...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 4, 2020

Chantix (varenicline) for Smoking Cessation "I have been on Chantix for 3 weeks now. I couldn't smoke past day 4; however, I continued till day 8. I haven't smoked in the last almost 10 days. The good thing about Chantix is that it is so easy to manage withdrawal symptoms. I do get some weird dreams, but it is easy to manage."

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86 Report
  • hawk
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 24, 2019

Chantix (varenicline) for Smoking Cessation "I smoked 2 packs a day for about 30 years. Had the start of Emphysema. I started taking Chantix about 2 weeks before my quit date. My own stubbornness had me wait another week before quitting. I started writing down every time I had a cigarette. The time of day. What I was feeling. How much of the cigarette I smoked. Even what the weather was! I noticed a pattern begin to form and changed the pattern. When my new quit date came around, I didn't even want a smoke. Just went outside and started doing yard work. My last smoking date was March 28th, 2008. It's now May 24th, 2019. Over 11 years smoke free. I had no side effects other than funny (as in ha ha) dreams. I do have small cravings even now. But I just redirect myself and it's gone. Oh, and the emphysema is gone!"

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96 Report
  • Suze
  • September 21, 2019

Chantix (varenicline) for Smoking Cessation "Smoked 2 packs daily for 35 years. After the 3rd day on Chantix, smoked less than 10 cigs a day. On the 5th day, smoked 4 cigarettes. On the 6th day, I threw away my cigarettes. I have just started my 31st day on Chantix. Honestly, I don't think I will need the entire second month's dosage. I feel so much better; I don't want to ruin this by picking up another cigarette. There are side effects that you have to plan for and deal with, such as nausea after each dose. Be sure to eat a meal before each pill and drink PLENTY of water. I have had an occasional headache and vivid dreams. None of the side effects have been deal breakers. The 'magic' that makes Chantix work is directly proportional to your level of commitment to quit smoking. If you are at that point, I would highly recommend Chantix - nothing else worked for me and this has been the charm."

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91 Report
  • NancyTS
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 1, 2023

Tyrvaya (varenicline) for Dry Eye Disease "I've been using Tyrvaya for a week and I think it may be working for my dry eye condition. What I want to share is how important it is to use the drug correctly. With the first dose, I didn't pay close attention to the directions for use and experienced the violent, lengthy sneezing attack and the burning throat that many reviewers are commenting about. I learned it's important NOT to direct the solution straight up and high into the nose, but rather just inside the nostril and diagonally outward ('toward the ear'). Now I still may sneeze a couple of times - or not - but there's no severe reaction."

8 / 10
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28 Report
  • Donald...
  • April 4, 2020

Chantix (varenicline) for Smoking Cessation "I've been dipping tobacco three cans per 24 hours for 18 years. After week two of Chantix alone, I had decreased the amount to one can. I still found it difficult to stop altogether though. On week five, the first week of the continuation pack, I added nicotine gum. By week six, I was able to put the dip down altogether. I continued with the gum for a week after and then transitioned to regular chewing gum. It was a success! I must say you have to have the mindset that it's time to quit. You can't go into it thinking you're just gonna stop without trying; you won't succeed."

8 / 10
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76 Report
  • Betty
  • July 19, 2019

Chantix (varenicline) for Smoking Cessation "I'm on my 10th day of Chantix. I have not smoked for two days. The first few days, I was smoking more than normal, then around the 5th day, I cut my 20-a-day habit down to 3. It felt easier than I imagined it would, then 1, now none. Chantix is a strong drug. I suffer from depression anyway, so I have been very cautious about the dosage. I only take one pill a day. I have felt depressed at times, but I have had worse days. I keep a close eye on my mood and make sure I keep telling myself it's my mind and I will control it. I felt queasy at times, but never got that sick feeling after smoking. I still crave a cigarette, but I feel Chantix makes it more bearable to get through the craving. It's still early days, but I've never managed to go this long without smoking in 22 years. Fingers crossed to a better me."

9 / 10
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83 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.